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A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking

to one another.

I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation.There we were walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and…I became invisible, absent from the conversation .

The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones They were passing people wi thout looking at them, say ing hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs.It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact.

The telephone used to connect you to the absent.Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent.Recently I was in a car with three friends.The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone.There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing designed to make communication easier.

why is it that the wore connected we get.The more disconnected I feel? Every advance in ommunications technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction(互动).With email and instant message over the internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.If my moe has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated(自动化), the emot ional di stance index(疏远指数) goes up.Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact? Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neight when you can put your card into the ATM?

More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation.Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn ’t really have time to talk.The techno logy devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier

I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voicemail telephone,and an e-mail account.Giving them up isn' t a choice.They are great for what they are intended to do.It' s their unitended results that make me upset.What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there is no one in the room to hear you crying out“ Gee whiz”?

21.The author’s experience of walking in a park with a frier recently made him feel()




22.According to the author, human contact in a park means()

A.looking at each other and saying hello when passing

B.noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs

C.both A and B

23.According to the author, the more connected we get in communication technology, the () we are

A.more automatic


C.more disconnected

24.What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communication technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?()

A.With e-mail and instant message over the Internet.We can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another.

B.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations.without ever reaching anyone.

C.Both A and B

25.What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author?()

A.It makes communication easier and conversation possible everywhere.

B.It actually reates a distance between people instead of bringing them together.

C.It makes every contact between human beings automatic and makes people feel connected.

更多“A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking”相关的问题


Please __ the matter and make sure the same thing will not happen in the second and t

A.look to

B.look through

C.look into

D.see into



Sleep is a funny thing. We're taught that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but
a lot of us get by just fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the University of Buffalo reported that people who routinely sleep more than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to die of stroke--probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them from sleeping soundly.

Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents are famously short of sleep. It is not unusual for. them to work 40 hours in a row without rest. They are not in the least worried about it, confident they can still deliver the highest quality of medical care. But an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association points out that in the morning after 24 hours of sleeplessness, a person' s motor performance is comparable to that of someone who is drunk. Curiously, surgeons who believe that operating under the influence of alcohol is grounds for sacking often don' t think twice about operating without enough sleep.

"I could tell you horror stories," says Jaya Agrawal, president of the American Medical Student Association, which runs a website for residents. Some are terrifying." I was operating after being up for over 36 hours," one writes. "I literally fell asleep standing up and nearly planted my face into the wound."

"Practically every surgical resident I know has fallen asleep at the wheel driving home from work," writes another. "I know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a 'Jersey gate' on the New Jersey Expressway, going 105kin/h."

"Your own patients have become the enemy," writes a third, because they are "the one thing that stands between you and a few hours of sleep."

The U.S. controls the hours of pilots and truck drivers. But until such a system is in place for doctors, patients are on their own. If you're worded about the people treating you or a loved one, you should feel free to ask how many hours of sleep they have had and if more rested staffers are available.

Sleep is a funny thing because ______.

A.the longer one sleeps, the less sound sleep he gets

B.the more sleep one gets, the more likely a stroke occurs

C.many people stick to about eight hours of sleep to stay fine

D.many people who sleep six hours a night still feel energetic in the day



Concrete Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed


Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed very much leeway for errors in either measurements or location. Once you have a solid mass of concrete set in place, it is going to stay there. You have a difficult job ahead of you if you try to remedy a mistake. Make very sure, before you fill the form, that everything is where and how you want it.

There are numerous rules regarding the proper mixing handing, and finishing of concrete, but the essential one concerns the amount of water to use. The less water in the mix, the less the finished job will shrink. The less water used, the harder and more enduring the job after it has set.

The amateur concrete worker is plagued with two desires. One is to use enough Water to have the concrete nice and soft and easy to push around. You have been warned against that. The second is to take off the wooden forms too early, to see what the job looks like. That is really fatal. If the forms are stripped off too soon, while the concrete is still green, two things are likely to happen—you are almost sure to break off corners or edges, and you are likely to cause a major crack or defect in the body of the work. An excellent rule is to wait until you are sure the concrete is properly' hardened, and then wait another day before removing the forms.

The best title for this selection would be:________.

A.Concrete and Its Uses

B.Rules for Working with Concrete

C.Concrete, the Homeowner's Joy

D.Concrete, a Test of Character









What ()it is to stay in this ancient town for a couple of days in hot summer.

A.a great fun

B. great fun

C. great a fun

D. greatly funny



A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking

to each other.

1 was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and - poof! -1 was cut off as if I had become absent from the conversation.

The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs. It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact.

The telephone is used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people feel absent.

Recently l was in a car with three friends. The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing designed to make communication easier.

Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communication technology is a setback(退步) to the closeness of human interaction.

With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, Ijust leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact between human beings gets automatic, the emotional Distance index goes up. Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?

Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neighborhood when you Ctin put your Ctird into the ATM l More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation orbeing relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn’t really have time to talk.

The technology devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier. I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail telephone, and an e-mail account.

Giving them up isn’t a choice. They are great for what they are intended to do. It’s their unintended results that make me upset. What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there isno one in the room to hear you crying out Gee whiz ?

26.The author’s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel ().




27.According to the author, human contact in a park means ().

A.Iookmg at each other and saying hello when passing

B.noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs

C.both A and B

28.According to the author, the more connected we get in communication technology, the () we are.

A.more automatic


C.more disconnected

29.What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communication technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?()

A.With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another

B.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone

C.Both A and B

30.What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author?()

A.It makes communication easier and conversation possible everywhere

B.It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing them together

C.It makes every contact between human beings automatic and makes people Feel connected



Mark Twain shaped the world's view of America and made a combination of()and serio

A.funny jokes

B.English folklore

C.American folk humor

D.American values




A.He is very funny

B.His class is so much fun

C.He is very active



Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?A.Do it right now.B.That was a

Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?

A.Do it right now.

B.That was a very funny film.

C.I rather like my teacher.

D.We walked about 6 miles.



What ____ if I drink this?


B.is happening

C.will happen




The situation described in the report ______ terri

ble, but it may not happen

A) inclines B) maintains C) sounds D) remains


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