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I’d rather read than watch television;选择

I’d rather read than watch television; the programs seem _________ all the time.

A) to get worse B) to be getting worse

C) to have got worse D) getting worse

更多“I’d rather read than watch television;选择”相关的问题


I’d rather read than watch television; the program

s seem _________ all the time.

A) to get worse B) to be getting worse

C) to have got worse D) getting worse



Are you really in love? How do you know the difference between love and infatuation? This
is often difficult to determine, for there are no set rides surrounding the definitions of love or infatuation. Roman tie love is very much a part of the American way of life and many expect that some day "it" is going to hit them and they will know they are in love.

What are some of the differences between love and infatuation?

1. Genuine love is more likely to involve a process of "growing" in love rather than "falling" in love. This may sound terribly unromantic to some who are used to hearing talk about "falling in love" or being "head over heels in love." This "falling" is often infatuation, and the sheer emotion of "falling" in love often blinds a person to the imperfections of the loved one. We tend to think of the loved one as "perfect", "ideal", or some other divine image. Real love sees the total person—both the "perfection" and the imperfection. Infatuation, then, is a sudden, emotional sense that one has discovered the "perfect" lover. On the other hand, love realizes imperfections and grows with he acceptance of those imperfections.

2. Love leads a person to a feeling of security and trust in the loved lone. It usually involves a feeling of mutual benefit arising from the new relationship. "We are able to solve our problems together" is the feeling of love, rather than "Please love me because I need you."

3. Infatuation often entails feelings of insecurity whenever the "lovers" are separated; feelings of doubt, fickleness, uncertainty, and fear of loss often accompany infatuation. "What will I do if I lose him?" and "I wonder of she really means it when she says she loves me?" express the feelings of infatuation. In such a setting a lasting love does not have a chance to develop.

4.Infatuation tends to be more manipulative than love because a lasting feeling of relationship probably has not developed, so that the individuals are still concerned mainly about their own needs and satisfactions. Conversely, in love, the feeling of relationship is genuine and sincere so that concern for the other person evolves naturally.

5. Physical attraction is an important part of both infatuation and love, but the superficial attraction is less important in love, for the couple experiencing love usually will build their relationship on a broader base than mere physical attraction.



Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of.It serves directly
to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices,thereby establishing a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living.By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor,and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment.It lowers the costs of many services:without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much,the price of your television license would need to be doubled,and travel by bus or tube would cost percent more.And perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy.Apart from the fact that twenty-seven Acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising.He will not do so for long,for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior article more than once.If you see an article consistently advertised,it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it,and that it represents good value.Advertising does more for the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on.Recently I heard a well-known television personality declare that he

was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.He was drawing excessively fine distinctions.Of course advertising seeks to persuade.If its message were confined merely to information-and that in itself would be difficult if not impossible to achieve,for even a detail such as the choice of the color of a shirt is subtly persuasive-advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.But perhaps that is what the well-know television personality wants.

6.By the first sentence of the passage the author means that().

A.he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertising

B.everybody knows well that advertising is money consuming

C.advertising costs money like everything else

D.it is worthwhile to spend money on advertising

7.The phrase“live up to" in Line 3,Paragraph 2 can be replaced by().



C.agree with

D.carry on

8.In the passage,which of the following is NOT included in the advantages of advertising?()

A.Securing greater fame

B.Providing more jobs

C.Enhancing living standards

D.Reducing newspaper cost.

9.The author deems that the well-known TV personality is ().

A.very precise in passing his judgment on advertising

B.interested in nothing but the buyer‘s attention

C.correct in telling the difference between persuasion and information

D.obviously partial in his views on advertising

10.In the author‘s opinion.()

A.advertising can seldom bring material benefit to man by providing information

B.advertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over

C.there is nothing wrong with advertising in persuading the buyer

D.the buyer is not interested in getting information from an advertisement



Young adults ________ older people are more likely

to prefer pop songs.

A) other than B) more than C) less than D) rather than



Good sense is the most equitably distributed thing in the world, for each man considers hi
mself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to satisfy in everything else do not usually wish to have more of it than they have already. It is not likely that everyone is, mistaken in this; it shows, rather, that the ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false, which is essentially what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men, and thus that our opinions differ not because some men are better endowed with reason than others, but only because we direct our thoughts along different paths, and do not consider the same things, for it is not enough to have a good mind: what is most important is to apply it rightly. The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices; and those who walk very slowly can advance much further, if they always keep to the direct road, than those who run and go astray.

For my part, I have never presumed my mind to be more perfect than average in any way; I have, in fact, often wished that my thoughts were as quick, or my imagination as precise and distinct, or my memory as capacious or prompt, as those of some other men.

And I know of no other qualities than these which make for the perfection of the mind; for as to reason, or good sense, inasmuch as it alone makes us men and distinguishes us from the beasts, I am quite willing to believe that it is whole and entire in each of us, and to follow in the common opinion of the philosophers who say that there are differences of more or less only among the accidents, and not among the forms, or natures, of the individuals of a single species.

According to the author, the three elements that comprise the perfect mind are ______.

A.tenacity of thought, capacious memory, quickness of mind

B.precise imagination, tenacity of memory, quickness of thought

C.quickness of wit, ease of conscience, quickness of thought

D.promptness of memory, distinctness of imagination, quickness of thought



阅读短文,在空白处填入适当的介词。With One day, Mr. Green told his students to make senten


With One day, Mr. Green told his students to make sentences (1) the words“love, hate” and so on. The kids were all busy (2) the work on their notes.

(3) several minutes many of them handed in their work (4) the teacher.Mr. Green read the notes one (5) one. And most(6)the sentences made by the children were good. There was a big smile(7)his face. Just (8) that time he found a piece of red paper. On it there was such a sentence,“I love my mother better than my father.”“Eim... OK!”said Mr.Green,“but..”He turned over the paper.

He found there were no names (9) that paper. He read the sentence again and again. And slowly the big smile (10) his face was gone. Then he said to the class, “ Whose paper is this?”Tom stood up and said,“It's mine, sir.”



下列词汇与“apart from” 词义相近的是__()

A.more than

B.other than

C.rather than

D.less than



Do you have any special interests ___________ your job?

A.other than

B.rather than

C.more than

D.better than



In no country____ Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the c

A.better that

B.more than

C.other than

D.rather than


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