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When people become unemployed, it is _____ ?

When people become unemployed, it is _____ which is often worse than lack of wages.

A) laziness B) poverty C) idleness D) inability

更多“When people become unemployed, it is _____ ?”相关的问题


The study from the Teacher Training College in Bilbao Spain shows that______.A.some people

The study from the Teacher Training College in Bilbao Spain shows that______.

A.some people were much wiser when they were young

B.climate change is a subject that affects every member of human society

C.climate change is the greatest hoax to people from all over the world

D.people pay less attention to the environment when they become older



PAT the Dog Did you know there are some very special dogs doing good work in our hospital wards? These are PAT (Pets As Therapy) dogs. Doctors and nurses are recognising the benefits of pets more and

26. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage? ()

A. All the dogs are allowed into the hospitals to visit the patients.

B. Only some special dogs can help the patients feel better.

C. Doctors and nurses doubt if pets can bring comfort to the patients.

27. Pets are particularly beneficial to the following EXCEPT ()

A. children

B. people with mental il1ness

C. the elderly people who live alone

28. The first sentence of Para. 2 suggests ().

A. pets can make people become quiet and attentive

B. people feel uncomfortable when they touch and play with a pet

C. people feel relaxed and hopeful when they touch and play with a pet

29. The dog helps Alan do the following EXCEPT ().

A. She helps her get dressed

B. She picks up the phone for her

C. She gets the newspaper for her

30. The sentence "when I was going to a comma . .. " means that ()

A. when I got hungry . . .

B. when I fell down on the floor . . .

C. when I became unconscious . . .



听力原文: It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, (32) the daytime

听力原文: It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, (32) the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become "in" among the students. Between the hours of 11:00 a. m. and 4:30 p. m., college television lounges are filled with (33) soap opera fans who can't wait to see the next episode in the lives of their favorite characters.

Actually, soap operas are more than a college favorite; they're a youth favorite. When school is out, high school students are in front of their TV sets, waiting for the programs. One young working woman admitted that she turned down a higher paying job rather than give up watching her favorite serials. The soap operas have become part of people's lives. During the 1960s,it was uncommon for young*people to watch soap operas. (35)The mood of the sixties was very different from now. (34) It was a time of seriousness, and talk was about social issues of great importance.

(35) Now, scri0usness has been replaced by fun. Young people want to be happy. It may seem strange that they should turn to soap operas, which are known for showing trouble in people's lives. But soap operas are enjoyment. Young people can identify with the soap opera character, who, like the college-age viewer, is looking for happy love, and probably not finding it. And soap operas give young people a chance to feel close to people without having to bear any responsibility for their problems.


A.Plays based on science fiction stories.

B.Plays based on non-fiction stories.

C.The daytime serial dramas on TV.

D.Popular documentary films on TV.



听力原文:Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being abl

听力原文: Ask the average American,"What is freedom?"You will probably hear,"It's being able to do what I want to do." When Americans think of freedom, they often think of individualism.They see themselves more as individuals than as members of a family or social group.

In American culture.freedom means equality.The Declaration of Independence states that"all men are created equal."That does not mean equal in abilities or status.For Americans,equality refers to equal worth and equal opportunity. Every individual should have an equal chance to improve his life.True,America has not always lived up to that ideal.For many years,Native Americans,African Americans and immigrants have protested their unequal treatment. But American culture still teaches that people can work hard and fulfill their dreams.Whether this idea is true or not,people hear rags-to-riches stories often enough to confirm it in the minds of many people.

Freedom arouses strong feelings for Americans.The idea of liberty binds people together in this"land of the free." However,problems still exist.One individual's freedom can conflict with the rights of others. Someone once said,"You have the freedom to swing your fist around if you want.But your freedom ends where my nose begins."People can also become too concerned about their own rights.They might demand special treatment.However,the path to freedom is not completely smooth.Even so,for Americans,no other road is really worth traveling.

What do Americans often think of when thinking of freedom?



C.Social group.




听力原文:Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering a

听力原文: Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very muddy, this is not done. A guest in a Chinese house never finishes a drink. He leaves a little, to show that he has had enough. In England, a guest always finishes a drink to show that he has enjoyed it.

We must find out the customs of other races, so that they will not think us ill-mannered. But people all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially those older or weaker than ourselves. If you remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do. He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind, never cruel, either to people or animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front of the queue. In the bus, he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing. If he accidentally humps into someone, or gets in their way, he says "Excuse toe" or "I'm sorry".

He says "Please" when making a request, and "Thank you" when he receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not talk toe much himself. He does not talk with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs.


A.In some European countries.

B.In some African countries.

C.In some Asian countries.

D.In some American counties.



听力原文:When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available communi

听力原文: When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services such as adult daycare centers. If the caregivers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discover that the wife normally tries to take care of her husband herself for as long as she can in order not to use up their life savings. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is hard work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters are often willing to help, but they may not know what to do.


29. Why are adult children more likely to use community services to help care for elderly parents?

30. Why are most wives unwilling to put their dependent husbands into nursing homes?

31. According to the passage,what must caregivers learn to do?


A.They think they should follow the current trend.

B.Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.

C.Adult day-care centers are easily accessible.

D.They have jobs and other commitments.



Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Children who watch violent television shows are at an increased risk of aggression and violent behavior. as they become young adults. That's based on a fifteen-year study published in the current issue of the research journal Developmental Psychology.

Back in the late 1970's when this study began, among the top rated shows were 'Chafiie's Angels' and 'The Six Million Dollar Man'. These were the TV shows that many of the 557 children in Raul Huseman's study were watching when they were six to ten years old. By today's standards these shows may not seem that violent, but there was a significant amount of on-screen physical violence in them. Huseman, from the University of Michigan, analyzed the types and amounts of violence in these shows and also collected other information on the kids about their home life, their friends, their school life, and importantly their levels of aggressive behavior, tike who was getting into fights, who was pushing and shoving (猛推) others, who was stealing things.

Now fast-forward 15 years: Raul Huseman was able to track down over 80% of the boys and girls from the original study. He re-interviewed them, now in their mid-twenties, and talked to their spouses (配偶) and close friends and checked their criminal records. "We found that those children back then, when they were 6, 7, 8 or 8, 9, 10, who had been watching more media violence had grown up to be more aggressive young adults as compared to the young adults who had been just as aggressive in childhood but had not watched as much violent television."

"Most at-risk children are children who watch a steady diet of violent television shows, identify with the aggressors, who sometimes the heroes and the lead-characters in those shows, and who perceive the violence as being realistic and a model for how to act in real life."

The conclusion of the fifteen-year study is that ______.

A.children born in the 1970s would display more violent behavior. than other children

B.children who like to push and shove others when fighting would develop violent behavior. quickly

C.young adults are the group of people who are most influenced by violent TV

D.young people who watched violent TV shows in childhood tend to become aggressive



听力原文:When cars first started appearing on the streets of the world, few people took th

听力原文: When cars first started appearing on the streets of the world, few people took them seriously. They were toys--playthings for grown men who didn't have much to do. No one thought that the automobile would become the world's most popular means of transportation.

When Henry Ford started selling his Model T in 1908, he changed all that. Ford believed that a car should be low-cost transportation that everyone could afford. So he decided to make such a car. First, he wanted a dependable automobile that wouldn't break down easily. Then he wanted a simple engine that almost anyone could fix.

Ford wanted to sell the car at a low price, so he had to make it at a low cost. Thus he made only one model and designed one color--black.

In 1932, the Duesenberg brothers produced a car that many people think it was the most luxurious automobile ever made--the Duesenberg SJ. Every Duesenberg car was custom-made, so each one was different. But it usually weighed about 7,000 pounds and had a very wide wheelbase--150 inches. It also had a 400 horsepower engine that could drive the huge car from zero to 100 miles per hour in 17 seconds.

The inside was very luxurious, too. It had the best silk, leather, silver and wood. A Dusenberg car was definitely expensive but rich people often felt that they had to own one. Unfortunately, the car cost so much to produce that the company lost money. In 1937, after making only 500 of them, the Duesenbergs stopped producing this kind of cars forever.


A.The two models of cars.

B.The history of car industry.

C.The development of cars in America.

D.The structure of Duesenberg cars.



PassageTwo Questions 5i to 55 are based on the following passage. Our world now moves so
fast that we seldom stop to see just how fast we seldom stop to see just how far wu have come in just a few year.The latest iPone 6s,for example,has a dual-core proccssor and fite nicely into your pocket. by comparison, you would expect to find a technological specification like this on your tandard laptop in an office anywhere in the world. its no wonder shat new applications for the internet of things are moving ahcad fast when almost every new decice we buy has a plup on the eng of it or a wireless connection to the internet. Soon, our current smartphone lifestyle wilate our own smart home lifestyle too. All researches agree that close to 25 billion devices,things and sensors will be connected by 2020 which incidentally is also the moment that millennials(千禧一代) are expected to make up of our overall workforce, and the fully connected home . become a reality for large umbers of people worldwide. However this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as smart buildings and even cities increasingly become the norm as leaders and business owners begin to wake up to the massive savings that technology can deliver through connected sensors and new forms of automation coupled with ligent energy and facilities managemen. Online security cameras, intelligent lighting and a wealth of sensors that control both temperature and air quality are offering an unprecedented level of control, efficiency, and improvements to hat were once classed necessary costs when running a business or managing a large building. We can expect that the ever-growing list of devices, systems and environments remain connected,always online and talking to each other. the big benefit will not only be in the housing of this enormous and rapidly growing amount of data, but will also be in the ability to run real time data analytics to extract actionable and ongoing knowledge. The biggest and most exciting challenge of this technology is how to creatively leverage this ever-growing amount of data to deliver cost savings, improvements and tangible benefits to both businesses and citizens of these smart cities The good news is that most of this technology is already invented. let's face it, it wasn't too long ago that the idea of working from anywhere and at anytime was some form of a distant utopim(乌托邦式的) dream, and yet now we can perform almost any office-based task from any location in the world as long as we have access to the internet. it's time to wake up to the fact that making smart buildings, cities and homes will dramatically improve our quality of life in the years ahead. What does the example of iphone 6s serve to show?A.the huge capacity of the smartphones people now use

B.the widespread use of smartphones all over the world

C.the huge impact of new technology on people's everyday life.

D.the rapid technological progress in a very short period of time

what can we expect to see by the year 2020?A.apps for the internet of things

B.the emergence of millennials

C.the popularization of smart homes.

D.total globalization of the world

what is the most exciting challenge when we possess more and more data?A.how to turn it to profitable use

B.how to link the actionable systems

C.how to do real time data analysis

D.how to devise new ways to store it.

what does the author think about working from anywhere and at anytime?A.it is feasible with a connection to the internet

B.it will thrive in smart buildings, cities and homes

C.it is still a distant utopian dream for ordinary workers

D.it will deliver tangible benefits to both boss and worker

what will business owners do when they become aware of the benefits of the internet of things?A.employ fewer workers in their operations

B.gain automatic control of their businesse

C.invest in more smart buildings and cities

D.embrace whatever new technology there is




Why Do People Shrink?Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It&39;s about a

Why Do People Shrink?

Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It&39;s about a wacky(古怪的)dad (who&39;s also a scientist) who accidentally(偶然的) shrink&39;s his kids with his homemade miniaturizing (使小型化) invention. Oops! The kids spend the rest of the movie as tiny people who are barely visible while trying to get back to their normal size.

(46) It takes place over years and may add up to only one inch or so off of their adult height (maybe a little more, maybe less), and this kind of shrinking can*t be magically reversed, although there are things that can be done to stop it or slow it down. But why does shrinking happen at all?

(47) As people get older, they generally lose some muscle and fat from their bodies as part of the natural aging process. Gravity (the force that keeps your feet on the ground) take hold, and the bones in the spine, called vertebrae(椎骨), may break down or degenerate, and start to collapse into one another. (48) . But perhaps the most common reason why some older people shrink is because of osteoporosis (骨质疏松症).

Osteoporosis occurs when too much spongy(海绵) bone tissue (which is found inside of most bones) is broken down and not enough new bone material is made. (49) . Bones become smaller and weaker and can easily break if someone with osteoporosis is injured. Older people—especially women, who generally have smaller and lighter bones to begin with—are more likely to develop osteoporosis. As years go by, a person with osteoporosis shrinks a little bit.

Did you know that every day you do a shrinking act? You aren&39;t as tall at the end of the day as you are at the beginning. (50) . Don&39;t worry, though. Once you get a good night&39;s rest, your body recovers, and the next morning, you&39;re standing tall again.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.



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