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The study from the Teacher Training College in Bilbao Spain shows that______.A.some people

The study from the Teacher Training College in Bilbao Spain shows that______.

A.some people were much wiser when they were young

B.climate change is a subject that affects every member of human society

C.climate change is the greatest hoax to people from all over the world

D.people pay less attention to the environment when they become older

更多“The study from the Teacher Training College in Bilbao Spain shows that______.A.some people”相关的问题


(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. A...

(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. As a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it, to find a good job “you have to be like a wolf in the forest – able to smell out the best meat.” And if you can’t find work, don’t expect the taxpayer to bail you out. Unlike in some European countries, it is extremely hard for an able-bodied immigrant to live off the state. A law passed in 1996 explicitly bars most immigrants, even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits. (2) That is one reason why America absorbs immigrants better than any other rich countries, according to a new study by the University of California. The researchers sought to measure the effect of immigration on the native-born in 20 rich countries, taking into account differences in skills between immigrants and natives, imperfect labor markets and the size of the welfare state in each country. (3) Their results offer ammunition for fans of more open borders. In 19 out of 20 countries, the authors calculated that shutting the doors entirely to foreign workers would make the native-born worse off. Never mind what it would do to the immigrants themselves, who benefit far more than anyone else from being allowed to cross borders to find work. (4) The study also suggests that most countries could handle more immigration than they currently allow. In America, a one-percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants in the population made the native-born 0.05% better off. The opposite was true in some countries with generous or ill-designed welfare states, however. A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent. (5) None of these effects was large, but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from native or drag down their wages. Many immigrants take jobs that Americans do not want, the study finds. This “smooths” the labor market and ultimately creates more jobs for locals. Native-owned grocery stores do better business because there are immigrants to pick the fruit they sell. Indian computer scientists help American software firms expand. A previous study found that because immigrants typically earn less than locals with similar skills, they boost corporate profits, prompting companies to grow and hire more locals. 1. Increase in immigration in Austria fails to improve locals’ life mainly because of ________.

A、low wages for locals

B、imperfect labor markets

C、the design of the welfare system

D、inadequate skills of immigrants



Moderate drinking reduces stroke risk, study confirms. Similar to the way a drink or two a
day protects against heart attacks, moderate alcohol consumption wards off strokes, a new study found.

The study also found that the type of alcohol consumed -- beer, wine or liqour -- was unimportant. Any of them, or a combination, was protective, researchers reported in today's Journal of the American Medical Association. "No study has shown benefit in recommending alcohol consumption to those who do not drink", cautioned the authors, led by Dr. Ralph L. Sacco of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York. But the new data support the guidelines of the National Stroke Association, which say moderate drinkers may protect themselves from strokes by continuing to consume alcohol, the authors said.

The protective effect of moderate drinking against heart attacks is well established, but the data has been conflicting about alcohol and strokes, the authors said. The new study helps settle the question and is the first to find blacks and Hispanics benefit as well as whites, according to the authors. Further research is needed among other groups, such as Asian, whom past studies suggest may get no stroke protection from alcohol or may even be put at greater risk.

Among groups where the protective effect exists, its mechanism appears to differ from the protective effect against heart attacks, which occurs through boosts in levels of so-called "good" cholesterol, the authors said. They speculated alcohol may protect against stroke by acting on some other blood trait, such as the tendency of blood platelets to clump, which is key in forming the blood trait, such as the tendency of blood platelets to clump, which is key in forming the blood clots that can cause strikes.

The researchers studied 677 New York residents who lived in the northern part of Manhattan and had strokes between July 1,1993, and June, 1997. After taking into account differences in other factors that could affect stroke risk, such as high blood pressure, the researchers estimated that subjects who consumed up to two alcoholic drinks daily were only half as likely to have suffered clot-type strokes as nondrinkers. Clot-type strokes account for 80 percent of all strokes, a leading cause of US deaths and disability. Stroke risk increased with heavier drinking. At seven drinks per day, risk was almost triple that of moderate drinkers.

An expert spokesman for the American Heart Association, who was not involved in the study, said it was well-done and important information. But it shouldn't be interpreted to mean, "I can have two drinks and therefore not worry about my high blood pressure or worry about my cholesterol," said Dr. Edgar J. Kenton, an associate professor of clinical neurology at Thomas Jefferson University Medical College in Philadelphia. Instead, he said, the study provides good reason to do further research and to add alcohol to the list of modifiable risk factors for stroke.

The new study conducted by Dr. Sacco and his colleagues is unique in that ______.

A.it refutes early studies on the protective effect of moderate drinking against heart attack

B.it confirms early studies of moderate drinking against heart attacks

C.it helps to resolve the disputes over the effect of moderate drinking against stroke

D.it finds that moderate drinking can benefit people of different races equally well



Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially enjoyable
when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions (11) a comfortable mode of transportation,knowledge of the country's language,familiarity (12) the customs and habits of the people in the country,and pleasant traveling companions. All of US have had nice trips (13) this.

Most of us have also had trips that we would (14) to forget. Many conditions Can produce a bad traveling experience. For example,if the four conditions listed above do not exist,we will probably have a bad experience, (15) at best a difficult (16) . Students who travel to a foreign country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel alone. They don't know the language of the new country (17) . They often arrive in the new country (18) a huge international airport. From the airport,they need to find their way to their school. Maybe they need to change airplanes,to take a bus,a train,or a taxi. They need to do all this in a country (19) everything is unfamiliar. Later,after the experiences are over,they Can laugh. But at the (20) ,they feel terrible.

A. include

B. conclude

C. hold

D. contain



This is my timetable. I study at No.3 Middle School of Dongfang. From Monday to Friday
I get up ___1___ 6:30 a.m. I have ___2___ at 7:00 and then I go to school. I don't like to be late. Our classes ___3___ at 8:30 a.m. We have four classes in the morning. I often have lunch at school with my classmates.

In the afternoon, we have two classes. Classes are over at 3:30, and I get home at 4:00. But sometimes I don't ___4___ school so early because I play basketball on the playground. I have supper at about 6:00. After supper I do my homework. I often watch TV, but sometimes I ___5___ to do some reading and the story books are very interesting. I usually go to bed at about 10:00 p.m.




























The study of thousands of samples from the sea occupied scientists for years and led







A new study from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and En
gagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds that increasing numbers of young voters and activists support traditionally liberal causes. But there's no easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coalition with his message of hope and change; as the reality of life under a new administration settles in, some of those supporters might become disillusioned. As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away?

The writers of Generation O (short for Obama), a new Newsweek blog that seeks to chronicle the lives of a group of young Obama supporters, want to answer that question. For the next three months, Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ages 19 to 34, will blog about life across mainstream America, with one twist: by tying all of their ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration, the bloggers will try to start a conversation about what it means to be young and politically active in America today. Malena Amusa, a 24-year-old writer and dancer from St. Louis sees the project as a way to preserve history as it happens. Amusa, who is traveling to India this spring to finish a book, then to Senegal to teach English, has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts. She's excited because, as she puts it, "I don't have to wait [until] 15 years from now" to make sense of the world.

Henry Flores, a political-science professor at St. Mary's University, credits this younger generation's political strength to their embrace of technology. "[The Internet] exposes them to more thinking," he says, "and groups that are like-minded in different parts of the country start to come together." That's exactly what the Generation O bloggers are hoping to do. The result could be a group of young people that, like their boomer (二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人) parents, grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy (冷漠) they've inherited from Generation X (60 年代后期和70 年代出生的美国人). It's no small challenge for a blog run by a group of ordinary—if ambitious—young people, but the members of Generation O are up to the task.


What is the finding of a new study by CIRCLE?

A.More young voters are going to the polls than before.

B.The young generation supports traditionally liberal causes.

C.Young voters played a decisive role in Obama's election.

D.Young people in America are now more diverse ideologically.



The Harvard study has concluded that ______.A.children never benefit from ear surgery.B.ty

The Harvard study has concluded that ______.

A.children never benefit from ear surgery.

B.tympanostomy tubes result in deafness.

C.some surgeons are too eager to operate.

D.ear tube operations are too expensive.



Add Littleton,Colorado,to the list of cities dazed with grief after a school slaughter.Two students

shot and killed 12 other students and a teacher before taking their own lives.The massacre was the largest in the history of this nation.This type of crime didn't exist 10 years ago.

Americans should stop acting surprised that these shooting happen in "nicer" neighborhoods.That's the only place they happen.None of the recent school massacres took place at an inner-city campus; they all occurred in smaller towns or suburbs.These killers haven't been from impoverished or extremely violent families.They don't appear to have been picked on(挨骂受罚) any worse than kids have been for generations.They chose alienation and destruction,and they found the tools to carry out their hate-filled plan.

Do not blame schools for these massacres.Schools simply take what they are sent.Question the killers' parents.The parents are supposed to teach their children respect and empathy for others' lives.Parents should help their offspring learn to handle taunt or conflict without resorting to violence.

All concerned adults should take a youth's threat to shoot someone as seriously as airport security guards take jokes about bombs.Students must be encouraged to tell teachers if a classmate threatens or jokes about violence.Administrators at schools around the country need to emphasize they will take such reports seriously,and that they will not identify any student who comes forward with such a report.

More gun regulations probably won't stop these shootings,but gun owners and sellers must take more responsibility for keeping weapons away from young people.Gun owners should keep their guns unloaded,locked up and hidden away.Most car owners don't leave their keys in the car even when they park in their own garage; gun owners should be at least as careful with weapons.

The federal government can't solve this problem.Schools alone can't solve it.More guns won't solve it.Americans must consciously create a culture that makes violence unacceptable.Parents need to stop allowing their children's minds to be polluted with violence.News media need to show more restraint and thought about how and what they report.

The Colorado massacre is a national tragedy.More's the pity if Americans do not stop,reflect and vow to make it the last school massacre.

1.One common feature of all the recent school massacres is that ______.

A) they have all been carefully planned by hateful youngsters

B) the killers have all failed to passed their exams

C) they all occur in places that appear to be all right

D) the killers are all from disadvantaged families

2.Children are less likely to become killers if ______.

A) their parents succeed in teaching them respect and empathy for others' lives

B) they study hard in school and get high scores

C) teachers stop telling meaningless jokes in class

D) they follow the rules set by administrators at schools around the country

3.Who does the author think should take the main responsibility for campus shootings

A) School authorities.

B) The federal government.

C) News media.

D) The killers' parents.

4.What is the most effective way to prevent school massacre from happening again

A) Reinforcing stricter laws and regulations.

B) Introducing security guards onto campus.

C) Creating a culture that makes violence unacceptable.

D) Keeping weapons away from young people.

5.From the passage we can infer that ______.

A) there were a lot of school massacres in inner-cities 10 years ago

B) many people turn a blind eye to school massacre

C) a youth's joke about violence is often ignored by other people

D) most gun owners like to leave their guns in their cars



听力原文:M:Lisa, do you think we make too much use of tinned and frozen food in Britain?Th
e supermarkets here are full of them,aren't they? (19)Perhaps that is why our food is not very tasty.as you may have found out already.

W:But frozen foods are convenient and handy.aren't they? Just think of all tile tedious work we would have to do in the kitchen if it weren't for frozen foods and the like.

M:Yes.that's true! (20)But you spend much more time cooking and preparing meals in your country than we do in Britain.don't you?

W:Yes.I suppose we do.You make less fuss about food than we do.In my own country,we have two big meals a day,that is,lunch and dinner,and we spend a lot of time preparing them.(21)Here in Britain,you have only one big meal a day, apart from breakfast and lunch snack, and you spend much less time preparing it.

M:Yes,but we're just as fond of good and delicious food as you are.

W:Well, you certainly don't show it!

M:We do fuss about our meals sometimes,and remenber,we like to eat out on special occasions,such as weekend evenings.birthday parties and other celebrations.London is full of foreign restaurants where you can get all the exotic dishes of the world.You must come out with us one evening,Lisa.

W:Thank you very much,I'd love to.That's what I like about London.(22)There's always so much to see and do!I think I made a wise decision when I chose to live and study in London.


A.They are everywhere and tasty.

B.Food is not tasty because of them.

C.They spoil the food in Britain.

D.They make food taste bad.



长篇阅读:Finding the Right Home—and Contentment, Too When your elderly relative needs to enter

Section B(2016年6月大学英语四级卷1真题及答案)

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Finding the Right Home—and Contentment, Too

[A] When your elderly relative needs to enter some sort of long-term care facility—a moment few parents or children approach without fear—what you would like is to have everything made clear.

[B] Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home, or has the industry simply hired better interior designers? Are nursing homes as bad as people fear, or is that an out-moded stereotype(固定看法)? Can doing one's homework really steer families to the best places? It is genuinely hard to know.

[C] I am about to make things more complicated by suggesting that what kind of facility an older person lives in may matter less than we have assumed. And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going to move in. I am not talking about the quality of care, let me hastily add. Nobody flourishes in a gloomy environment with irresponsible staff and a poor safety record. But an accumulating body of research indicates that some distinctions between one type of elder care and another have little real bearing on how well residents do.

[D] The most recent of these studies, published in The journal of Applied Gerontology, surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of assisted living, nursing homes and smaller residential care homes (known in some states as board and care homes or adult care homes). Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center asked the residents a large number of questions about their quality of life, emotional well-being and social interaction, as well as about the quality of the facilities.

[E] “We thought we would see differences based on the housing types,” said the lead author of the study, Julie Robison, an associate professor of medicine at the university. A reasonable assumption—don't families struggle to avoid nursing homes and suffer real guilt if they can't?

[F] In the initial results, assisted living residents did paint the most positive picture. They were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those in the other facilities, for instance, and less likely to be bored or lonely. They scored higher on social interaction.

[G] But when the researchers plugged in a number of other variables, such differences disappeared. It is not the housing type, they found, that creates differences in residents' responses. “It is the characteristics of the specific environment they are in, combined with their own personal characteristics—how healthy they feel they are, their age and marital status,” Dr. Robison explained. Whether residents felt involved in the decision to move and how long they had lived there also proved significant.

[H] An elderly person who describes herself as in poor health, therefore, might be no less depressed in assisted living (even if her children preferred it) than in a nursing home. A person who bad input into where he would move and has had time to adapt to it might do as well in a nursing home as in a small residential care home, other factors being equal. It is an interaction between the person and the place, not the sort of place in itself, that leads to better or worse experiences. “You can't just say, ‘Let's put this person in a residential care home instead of a nursing home—she will be much better off,” Dr. Robison said. What matters, she added, “is a combination of what people bring in with them, and what they find there.”

[I] Such findings, which run counter to common sense, have surfaced before. In a multi-state study of assisted living, for instance, University of North Carolina researchers found that a host of variables—the facility's type, size or age; whether a chain owned it; how attractive the neighborhood was—had no significant relationship to how the residents fared in terms of illness, mental decline, hospitalizations or mortality. What mattered most was the residents' physical health and mental status. What people were like when they came in had greater consequence than what happened one they were there.

[J] As I was considering all this, a press release from a respected research firm crossed my desk, announcing that the five-star rating system that Medicare developed in 2008 to help families compare nursing home quality also has little relationship to how satisfied its residents or their family members are. As a matter of fact, consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities, the lowest rated, than with the five-star ones. (More on this study and the star ratings will appear in a subsequent post.)

[K] Before we collectively tear our hair out—how are we supposed to find our way in a landscape this confusing?—here is a thought from Dr. Philip Sloane, a geriatrician(老年病学专家)at the University of North Carolina:“In a way, that could be liberating for families.”

36. Many people feel guilty when they cannot find a place other than a nursing home for their parents.

37.Though it helps for children to investigate care facilities, involving their parents in the decision-making process may prove very important.

38.It is really difficult to tell if assisted living is better than a nursing home.

39.How a resident feels depends on an interaction between themselves and the care facility they live in.

40.The author thinks her friend made a rational decision in choosing a more hospitable place over an apparently elegant assisted living home.

41.The system Medicare developed to rate nursing home quality is of little help to finding a satisfactory place.

42.At first the researchers of the most recent study found residents in assisted living facilities gave higher scores on social interaction.

43.What kind of care facility old people live in may be less important than we think.

44.The findings of the latest research were similar to an earlier multi-state study of assisted living.

45.A resident's satisfaction with a care facility has much to do with whether they had participated in the decision to move in and how long they had stayed there.



Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a p
arent saying, "Your child is bullying my child, and I want it stopped!" The bully's parent replied. "You must have the wrong number. My child is a little angel." A trillion phone calls later. The conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the US show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to playground recriminations(指责) and don't really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve conflicts.

"When you call parents, you want them to 'extract the cruelty' from their bullying children, "says Laura Kavesh, a child psychologist in Evanston, Illinois. "But many parents are blown away by the idea of their child being cruel. They won't believe it." In a recent police-department survey in Oak Harbor,Washington, 89 percent of local high school students said they had engaged in bullying behavior. Yet only 18 percent of parents thought their children would act as bullies.

In a new US PTA survey, 5 percent of parents support contacting other parents to deal with bullying. But many educators warn that those conversations can be misinterpreted(误解), causing tempers to flare. Instead, they say, parents should get objective outsiders, like principals, to mediate.

Meanwhile, if you get a call from a parent who is angry about your child's bullying, listen without getting defensive. That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food. Her son had confessed, but the victim's mom "wanted to make sure my son hadn't given her son a nasty disease," says McHugh, who apologized and promised to get her son tested for AIDS and other diseases. She knew the chance of contracting any disease this way was remote, but her promise calmed the mother and showed McHugh's son that his bad behavior. was being taken seriously. McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results. All were negative.

Remember: once you make a call, you might not like what you hear. If you have an itchy dialing finger, resist temptation. Put it m your pocket.

The word "bullying" (Line 2, Para. 1) probably means ______.

A.frightening and hurting


C.behaving like a tyrant

D.laughing at


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