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He wrote an article criticizing the Greek ?

He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won __________ and a scholarship.

A) faith B) status C) fame D) courage

更多“He wrote an article criticizing the Greek ?”相关的问题


A.He took a tour of the city.B.He read about it.C.He wrote an article ab

A.He took a tour of the city.

B.He read about it.

C.He wrote an article about it.

D.He worked there as a guide.



My aunt Edith was a widow(寡妇) of 50, working

My aunt Edith was a widow(寡妇) of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discovered what was then thought to be a very serious heart disease.

Aunt Edith doesn’t accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon, Dr. Michael DeBakey, of Houston, Texas. He had saved the life of someone with the same disease. The article said his fees were very high; Aunt Edith couldn’t possibly pay them. But could he tell her of someone whose fees she could pay?

So Aunt Edith wrote to him. She simply listed her reasons for wanting live: her three children, who would be on their own in three or four more years, her little-girl dream of traveling and seeing the world. There wasn’t a word of self-pity----only warmth and humor and the joy of living. She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.

A few days later, my doorbell rang. Aunt Edith didn’t wait to come in; she stood in the hall and read aloud:

Your beautiful letter moved me very deeply. If you can come to Houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the operation.

Signed: Michael DeBakey.

1.Aunt Edith_____when she knew she had a very serious heart disease.

A.stopped working as a secretary

B.didn’t lose hope

C.stayed in the hospital

D.asked many doctors for help

2.From the story we can see _____.

A.Dr. Michael DeBakey was not famous at all

B.Aunt Edith could afford Dr. Michael DeBakey’s fees

C.Dr. Michael DeBakey was experienced in dealing with Aunt Edith’s disease

D.Aunt Edith accepted defeat easily

3.In Aunt Edith’s letter to the doctor, ______.

A.she showed she was warm, humorous and enjoying living

B.she avoided talking about her children

C.she showed she was very sad

D.she said she had a little girl who dreamed of traveling and seeing the world

4.When Aunt Edith mailed her letter, _____.

A.she was determined to move the doctor

B.she expected some wonder would happen

C.she knew it would never reach the doctor

D.she didn’t expect the doctor would give her a reply

5.Michael DeBakey mainly told Aunt Edith in the letter that_____.

A.he was going to operate on her for free

B.he thought he was unable to offer help

C.her letter was well-written

D.her disease was so serious that he couldn’t cure her



Mr. Wang wrote a book on teaching when he was________.


B.in sixties

C.in the sixties

D.in his sixties



It was ___ who wrote those words on the blackboard.






He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter.



Smith ______ a book about China last year, but I don't know whether he has finished it.A.h

Smith ______ a book about China last year, but I don't know whether he has finished it.

A.has wrote


C.had written

D.was writing



Yuan, CFA, was a junior research analyst at Golden Finance. He wrote a report that include
d predictions from an econometric model developed by his colleagues. He highlighted the source of this projection. The report also contained all relevant statistical data on the model and his comments on the accuracy of the model. For the Standard V (A)-Diligence and Reasonable Basis, Yuan had:

A.not violated the Standard V (A).

B.violated the Standard by including quantitative details in the report.

C.violated the Standard by not testing the model himself.



D.H. Lawrence was born in a working class family in 1885 when England was at the full deve
lopment of its industry. His father was a coal-miner, so he knew what it was like to be poor. But his mother straggled hard to help her children get better chances than his father had. Lawrence became a teacher, and so escaped the mining world of his father. But he never forgot it. He wrote many stories about the life of the miner's family, including his most famous novel Sons and Lovers, which is a portrait of Lawrence's own life. Many of his stories and novels are on men who work down the mines. He once said of the men in the coal mines: Here in this terrible hell, the men are most happy. He meant the comradeship of the miners, the fact that they lived simply, without wishes for power, without money, without health.

D.H. Lawrence was ______.

A.a coal-miner

B.a teacher of English

C.an English writer

D.anyone but a miner



Sports fans all over the world recognize the name Michael Jordan. From Taiwan to Tennessee
. kids wear clothes with his picture on them. Jerseys(球服)with his number 23 on the front, jackets with the Bulls on the back, and Air Jordan sports shoes all reflect the fame of this superstar. Michael Jordan has become the most famous attraction of the world’s favorite spectator sport.

Michael Jordan was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up Michael did not look like a future superstar. He was very shy and didn’t like to talk to other people about himself. He was also very short. He showed little promise of having a future career in basketball. When he tried out for the freshman team in high school, Michael didn’t make it. The next year, however, he grew tall enough to join the team.

Michael’s road to fame began at the University of North Carolina. He brought an acrobatic styleto the game that few had seen before. Michael used his quickness and strength to reach the basket again and again. He became famous for his powerful slam dunk(灌蓝). Basketball fans from all over the world began to take notice. One reporter wrote that when Michael went up to dunk the basketball , it looked like he could fly. He was given the nickname "Air Jordan".

Kids all over the world wear the things related to Jordan except ______.







"The language of a composer", Cardus wrote, "his harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and
texture, cannot be separated except by pedantic analysis from the mind and sensibility of the artist who happens to be expressing himself through them".

But that is precisely the trouble; for as far as I can see, Mozart's can. Mozart makes me begin to see ghosts, or at the very least ouija-boards. If you read Beethoven's letters, you feel that you are at the heart of a tempest, a whirlwind, a furnace; and so you should, because you are. If you read Wagner's, you feel that you have been run over by a tank, and that, too, is an appropriate response.

But if you read Mozart's—and he was a hugely prolific letter-writer—you have no clue at all to the power that drove him and the music it squeezed out of him in such profusion that death alone could stop it; they reveal nothing—nothing that explains it. Of course it is absurd(though the mistake is frequently made)to seek external causes for particular works of music; but with Mozart it is also absurd, or at any rate useless, to seek for internal ones either. Mozart was an instrument. But who was playing it?

That is what I mean by the Mozart Problem and the anxiety it causes me. In all art, in anything, there is nothing like the perfection of Mozart, nothing to compare with the range of feeling he explores, nothing to equal the contrast between the simplicity of the materials and the complexity and effect of his use of them. The piano concertos themselves exhibit these truths at their most intense; he was a greater master of this form. than of the symphony itself, and to hear every one of them, in the astounding abundance of genius they provide, played as I have so recently heard them played, is to be brought face to face with a mystery which, if we could solve it, would solve the mystery of life itself.

We can see Mozart, from infant prodigy to unmarked grave. We know what he did, what he wrote, what he felt, whom he loved, where he went, what he died of. We pile up such knowledge as a child does bricks; and then we hear the little tripping rondo tune of the last concerto—and the bricks collapse; all our knowledge is useless to explain a single bar of it. It is almost enough to make me believe in — but I have run out of space, and don't have to say it. Put K. 595 on the gramophone and say it for me.

According to Paragraph 1, Cardus observed that ______ .

A.a composer can separate his language and harmonies from his own mind and sensibility

B.a composer can separate his language and harmonies from the mind and sensibility of an artist

C.some people can separate the language and harmonies of a composer from his mind and sensibility

D.the language, harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and texture of a composer cannot be separated from each other


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