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Younger people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas a

bout life, work and play. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in peace. Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. The aim is not just to keep busy but rather to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make furniture and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photography or painting. Others sit around talking and singing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time. When people live together, rules are always necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. The group discusses the problem. They ask, "Why did it happen?" "What should we do about it?" One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience: "You stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group. What is the passage mainly about?A.A special way into the woods.

B.Life of adults in a special work group.

C.Life of teenagers in a special work group.

D.How adults and teenagers live together in a special work group.

When and where was the special program offered?A.Every summer in New York city

B.Every winter in New York state

C.Every summer in New York state

D.Every winter in New York city

What will people do when someone breaks the rule?A.Criticize him or her.

B.Have a group discussion about it.

C.Make more rules.

D.Ask him or her to work more in the woods.

Which of the following is not stated directly in the passage as a purpose of the program?A.To keep members of the group busy doing something

B.To make the people there understand the meaning of work

C.To find a way to solve the generation gap

D.To help people find enjoyment in work

What do the teenagers not do when they are free?A.They learn photography

B.They learn painting

C.They build houses

D.They sit around singing


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一道想不透的英语四六级填空题 请有经验的人来解答

While elderly people 47.to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a 48.effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research.



A new study from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and En
gagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds that increasing numbers of young voters and activists support traditionally liberal causes. But there's no easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coalition with his message of hope and change; as the reality of life under a new administration settles in, some of those supporters might become disillusioned. As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away?

The writers of Generation O (short for Obama), a new Newsweek blog that seeks to chronicle the lives of a group of young Obama supporters, want to answer that question. For the next three months, Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ages 19 to 34, will blog about life across mainstream America, with one twist: by tying all of their ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration, the bloggers will try to start a conversation about what it means to be young and politically active in America today. Malena Amusa, a 24-year-old writer and dancer from St. Louis sees the project as a way to preserve history as it happens. Amusa, who is traveling to India this spring to finish a book, then to Senegal to teach English, has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts. She's excited because, as she puts it, "I don't have to wait [until] 15 years from now" to make sense of the world.

Henry Flores, a political-science professor at St. Mary's University, credits this younger generation's political strength to their embrace of technology. "[The Internet] exposes them to more thinking," he says, "and groups that are like-minded in different parts of the country start to come together." That's exactly what the Generation O bloggers are hoping to do. The result could be a group of young people that, like their boomer (二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人) parents, grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy (冷漠) they've inherited from Generation X (60 年代后期和70 年代出生的美国人). It's no small challenge for a blog run by a group of ordinary—if ambitious—young people, but the members of Generation O are up to the task.


What is the finding of a new study by CIRCLE?

A.More young voters are going to the polls than before.

B.The young generation supports traditionally liberal causes.

C.Young voters played a decisive role in Obama's election.

D.Young people in America are now more diverse ideologically.



仔细阅读:Attitudes toward new technologies often along generational lines. That is, generally, younger

Section C(2016年6月英语四级卷三试题及答案)

Passage One

Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

Attitudes toward new technologies often along generational lines. That is, generally, younger people tend to outnumber older people on the front end of a technological shift.

It is not always the case, though. When you look at attitudes toward driverless cars, there doesn't seem to be a clear generational divide. The public overall is split on whether they'd like to use a driverless car. In a study last year, of all people surveyed, 48 percent said they wanted to ride in one, while 50 percent did not.

The face that attitudes toward self-driving cars appear to be so steady across generations suggests how transformative the shift to driverless cars could be. Not everyone wants a driverless car now and no one can get one yet but among those who are open to them, every age group is similarly engaged.

Actually, this isn't surprising. Whereas older generations are sometime reluctant to adopt new technologies, driverless cars promise real value to these age groups in particular. Older adults, especially those with limited mobility or difficulty driving on their own, are one of the classic use-cases for driverless cars.

This is especially interesting when you consider that younger people are generally more interested in travel-related technologies than older ones.

When it comes to driverless cars, differences in attitude are more pronounced based on factors not related to age. College graduates, for example, are particularly interested in driverless cars compared with those who have less education, 59 percent of college graduates said they would like to use a driverless car compared with 38 percent of those with a high-school diploma or less.

Where a person lives matters, too. More people who lives in cities and suburbs said they wanted to try driverless cars than those who lived in rural areas.

While there's reason to believe that interest in self-driving cars is going up across the board, a person's age will have little to do with how self-driving cars can be becoming mainstream. Once driverless cares are actually available for safe, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.

47.What happens when a new technology emerges?

A.It further widens the gap between the old and the young.

B.It often leads to innovations in other related fields.

C.It contribute greatly to the advance of society as a whole.

D.It usually draws different reactions from different age groups.

48.What does the author say about the driverless car?

A.It does not seem to create a generational divide.

B.It will not necessarily reduce road accidents.

C.It may start a revolution in the car industry.

D.It has given rise to unrealistic expectations.

49.Why does the driverless car appeal to some old people?

A.It saves their energy.

B.It helps with their mobility.

C.It adds to the safety of their travel.

D.It stirs up their interest in life.

50.What is likely to affect one's attitude toward the driverless car?

A.The location of their residence.

B.The amount of their special interest

C.The amount of training they received.

D.The length of their driving experience.

51.Who are likely to be the first to buy the driverless car?

A.The senior.

B.The educated.

C.The weaIthy.

D.The tech fans.



Based on Unit 1 Text A: People from different countries often communicate with each o


听力原文:Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younger

听力原文: Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younger but all must be at least 21 years old. This is one example of how the Open University is different from all other universities. Its students must either work full-time or be at home all day, for instance, mothers of families. They do not have to pass any examinations before they are accepted as students. This is why the university is called "open". The university was started in order to help a known group-people who missed having a university education when they were young.

The first name for the Open University was "The University of the Air". The idea was to teach "on the air", in other words, on radio and television. Most of the teaching is done like this. Radio and television have brought the classroom into people's homes. But this, on its own, is not enough for a university education. The Open University student also receives advice at one of 283 study centers in the country. 36 weeks of the year he has to send written work to a "tutor", the person who guides his studies. He must also spend 3 weeks every summer as a full-time student. Tutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities. At the end of the Open University's first year, the results were good. Three out of every 4 students passed their examinations. If they do this every year, they will finish their studies in four or five years.


A.Because the students have to pass all examinations before entering it.

B.Because there is no examination before they are accepted as students.

C.Because there is no gate.

D.Because it never closes.



Sometimes, people simply do not realize they are being ill mannered. Take Ted, for example
. He prides himself on speaking his mind, and has something to say on everything. But his frankness is often extremely embarrassing.

He is incapable of saying, " I thought that last advertising campaign had a lot of good ideas in it, but perhaps next time we could give the copy more vitality(活力). " Instead, he would say, " That campaign was a disaster. A child of three could have done better !"

The fact that he is often right does not help. Other employees dislike his manner even more, but he is too insensitive to notice.

Another character among the list of ill-mannered employees is Sally, who seems to regard just being at work as a severe punishment. Everything is done unwillingly. Asking her to do a task beyond her basic job description is often not worth the trouble. It will be done, but only half-heartedly.

Fergus is just the opposite. He shows an over-familiarity to his boss. When an important visitor is shown into the manager's office, Fergus cannot take the hint and leave. Instead he will attempt to take part in the conversation, declaring, "You can talk in front of me. Henry and I don't have many secrets, do we?" Over the years Fergus has fallen behind his former equal. But he seeks to maintain the same close relationship that he imagines existed in their younger days.

Which of the following words describes Ted best?







How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they w
ere young again.Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.

Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult.If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved.It is impossible that he will again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return.In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child— things that have lost their interest for older people.But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.If he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up his position in society.

1.People can experience happiness if they ________.

A.always think of the past and regret it

B.value the present

C.are no longer young

D.become old and have much experience

2.When people were young, they used to _______.

A.be in charge of many business

B.have few things to think about and take on

C.look after their younger sisters and brothers

D.face a lot of difficulties

3.The pains of children lie in the fact that _______.

A.no one helps them make right decisions

B.they are not allowed to do what they like to do

C.they cannot be accepted and praised by others

D.they are often beaten by their parents

4.Children are usually happy because _______.

A.old people lose interest in them

B.they are free to do wrong

C.they are familiar with everything going on around them

D.things are new to them

5.The author presents the passage in a(n) _____ tone.







Questions are based on the following passage.Today, the poor aren "t just more likely to g

Questions are based on the following passage.

Today, the poor aren "t just more likely to get divorced. They"re more likely to avoidmarriage entirely.

Earlier today, my colleague Derek Thompson argued that; it"s misleading to thinkof marriage as a "luxury good". Why? Because luxury goods are something the rich buyand the poor can"t afford. But in the case of marriage the trend is more complex. The vastmajority of Americans tie the knot at some point in their lives, he argues. It"s just thatthose without a college education are far, far more likely to get divorced. Marriage is foreveryone; failed marriages are for the poor.

Bleak stuff. But it"s getting bleaker.

Derek"s post is based on a long-term study of young Baby Boomers, who were atleast 46 years old by 2010. But among younger Americans, marriage really is lookingmore and more like something you"d have to buy at Tiffany"s. According to 2012 CensusBureau report, which shows the percentage of men who have never married by age andincome, the less a guy earns nowadays, the less likely they are to have ever gotten married.

Well, that"s not 100 percent true. Among twenty-somethings there seems to be arich bachelor effect going on (or an overworked young professional effect, if you prefer).

Those making $75,000 or more are somewhat less likely to have been married than thosemaking between $40,000 and $75,000.

This particular set of Census data unfortunately tells us much less about women andmarriage. The problem: Stay-at-home morns.

The key to remember, though, is that many educated, high-earuing women, the sortswho are likely to meet and marry educated and high-earning men, leave the workforce orgo part time once they have children. So a publicist who once made over $70,000 a yearmight only earn $20,000 if she decided to work fewer hours while caring for her childrenat home.

Here"s why this trend——not just the move towards divorce like Derek talked about,but the move from nuptials (婚礼 ) entirely——is so gloomy. Getting married, and stayingmarried, is one of the surest ways of securing a middle class life. By choosing not to wedin the first place, the poor are abandoning that chance at stability.

Why doesn‘t Derek Thompson think that marriage is a luxury good? 查看材料

A.Because not everyone will get married eventually.

B.Because only rich people can afford to get married.

C.Because most people will get married regardless of their financial state.

D.Because lots of people can"t afford an expensive nuptial.



Third culture kid is a term in English that is used to describe children who have grow
n up in a different culture to that of their parents.There are great things about experiencing such a unique childhood.Third culture kids can also face many challenges.

I was born in England, to English parents.When I was two years old my dad got a new job in Poland.Since then I have lived in four other countries around the world.Although I have a British passport,I sometimes don't feel very English at all!

One of the best things about moving around a lot when I was younger experiencing many diverse cultures and countries.I was able to try different foods, learn different languages, experience different traditions and meet people from different backgrounds.I am also lucky to have friends all over the world that I keep in regular contact with.

However, it wasn't always easy.It often felt like I had only just settled in to the new school city and culture before my parents told me we were moving again.Leaving my friends behind was damaging as a child.I have lost touch with many people I was very close to because one of us moved country.It was also very disorientating to have an English passport, but not feel very English at all.Because I had no access to English culture, returning home, often felt like visiting a foreign country.Happily, now I feel more at home in England—although the question, “where are you from?” still confuses me!

26.A third culture kid may have a ____.

A.dull experience

B.special childhood

C.strong accent

D.traditional lifestyle

27.The author doesn't feel very English because he ____.

A.does not have a British passport

B.was not born in England

C.spent more time in other countries

D.has many foreign friends

28.The author experienced different traditions by the following EXCEPT ____.

A.trying foods of other countries

B.moving around a lot

C.doing different jobs

D.making international friends

29.The author found it not always easy to ____.

A.make new friends

B.find a new school

C.have new teachers

D.adapt to new situations

30.The word “disorientating” (Para.4) probably means ____.














MemoTo:Human Resource ManagementFrom:P.Neal Date:Feb.28Re:Tokyo interviewsI am really ex

To:Human Resource Management

From:P.Neal Date:Feb.28

Re:Tokyo interviews

I am really excited about the opportunity that the International Job Fair in April presents lo our firm.By recruiting at an overseas location9 we increase our chances of attracting employees with global awareness.I o ensure that we hire employees who will fit into our corporate culture^ I have listed some suggestions for the interview team.

(1)Determine early in the interview if the employee is a team player.Aside from the obvious work-experience questions, find out what type of learning environment the interviewee preferred in school and what sports and hobbies he or she enjoys.Use this line of questioning to get to know younger applicants who do not have a lot of formal work experience.

(2) In the interviewt find out the interviewee 1 s attitude toward other languages and cultures.How many languages has he or she studied? Would the prospective employee be willing to go through language training if

assigned to our new branch office?

(3) If possible* look at portfolios on site to get a sense of the interviewees9 artistic accomplishments and check up on local references in the interviewee's country.

(4) Clearly communicate our company,s goals and bring back some great recruits!

21.Who is this memo directed to?


B.The interview team

C.Prospective employees

22.Recruiting at an international job fair will help the company find employees who

A.fit the corporate culture

B.are team players

C.have global awareness

23.Why does the author suggest the interview team ask interviewees questions about their hobbies?

A.To know whether the interviewees enjoy playing sports.

B.To know whether the interviewees are team players.

C.To know whether the interviewees have work experience.

24.The new employees must be ________.

A.willing to participate in language training

B.able to speak several languages

C.capable of learning any language quickly

25.What should the intervieweesportfolios demonstrate?

A.Excellent references

B.Sensible components

C.Artistic merit


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