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The real difference between plants and animals in what they do, and not in what they s

eem to be.

A. is laid

B. is lain

C. lays

D. lies

更多“The real difference between plants and animals in what they do, and not in what they s”相关的问题


"How was your weekend?" This question comes up at workplaces all over the United States ev

"How was your weekend?"

This question comes up at workplaces all over the United States every Monday morning as people greet each other. It is another way of saying, "How did you spend your leisure time?"

In the Unites States the way people spend their leisure time is an important part of their identity. Perhaps everybody does nearly the same thing all day in the office or the factory, but leisure time is what makes people distinct and reveals who they are.

For many people, leisure time means going somewhere -- to a museum, a concert, a restaurant, or a baseball game. Or it means doing something such as playing volleyball, backpacking, swimming, singing in a chorus (合唱), or playing in a park with their children. For other people, free time means staying home with wonderful sources of entertainment, such as VCR, stereo or cable TV with dozens of channels. Others pursue creative activities such as cooking, gardening, and home improvement. The latest stay-at, home activity is "surfing (冲浪) the net" -- that is, looking for information and entertainment on the Internet.

In the United States, leisure time is big business. Enormous amounts of money are spent by competing enterprises that make and sell the goods and services that people use in their free time. In fact, shopping itself is an important leisure time activity. Spending a day at a giant mall has become, for some people, as interesting as spending the day at museum or amusement park.

People in the United States are ultimately not much different from others in what they do in their leisure time. The real difference may lie in the energy, time, money, and sheer enthusiasm that they devote to it.

Why do Americans often greet each other by asking "How did you spend your leisure time?"

A.Because they are interested in the different pastime activities.

B.Because leisure time is what makes people different from each other.

C.Because they are bored with the job they have done for the whole week.

D.Because everybody does the same thing all day long.



As he wiped sweat from his face on a crowded bus, Wang Jun spoke angrily, " it is simply t
oo hot today. They say it is 35 degrees, but who believes them?"

Mr. Wang, a retired worker, was echoing the feelings of thousands of Beijing people as summer entered its hottest stage.

Thursday was the hottest day of the year so far, with the temperature officially reported as 36 degrees. But many people believe the government understates the real figure because regulations (条例 ) passed in the 1950s allow workers to stay at home for all or half day if the temperature is higher than 38 degrees.

" It was at least 40 degrees on Thursday, " said Liang Guojun, a middle school teacher. " It was unbearable. But the newspaper said only 36 and forecast rain. Of which there was none.

In Beijing, visitors to Daguanyuan Park in the southwest of the city said the ground temperature reached 55 degrees on Thursday.

The Beijing Evening News reported yesterday that more than 3 , 000 people had been admitted to hospitals suffering from heat stroke (中暑) , while local power companies were struggling to meet the demand for electricity.

A heat wave is sweeping much of the mainland, with temperatures in parts of Beijing, Shandong and Hebei provinces reaching as high as 39 degrees. Xinhua said the average temperature in Beijing on Thursday was 36 degrees but in the northern part of Tanghe Kou it was 39 degrees.

Hundreds of people suffering fevers were treated at hospitals. The Chaoyang hospital in northeast Beijing reported 55 such cases on Wednesday. They said most were caused by the difference in temperature between air-conditioned areas and outdoors.

Mr. Liang said the regulation on stopping work when the temperature reached 38 degrees was passed in the 1950s when Beijing had no air-conditioning and depended on fans—either handheld or electric.

"But in those days the temperature rarely reached 38 degrees, so the rule was not actually used. Now we have had years of global warming and industrial pollution and the summers get hotter each year, which means that the temperature is often higher than 38.

But an official from the Beijing Meteorological Observatory (北京气象台) said they had no knowledge of any such regulation.

Whom does the underlined word "they" (Paragraph 1) refer to?

A.Bus drivers.

B.Weather reports.

C.Newspaper editors.

D.Passengers on the bus.



There is no difference between a cover letter and an application letter. ()


It's sometimes difficult to see the difference between a fad and a trend。()


It is a general law in politics, that the power most to be distrusted, is that which, poss
essing the greatest force, is the least responsible. Under the constitutional monarchies of Europe, (as they exist in theory at least, ) the king besides uniting in his single person all the authority of the executive, which includes a power to make war, create peers, and unconditionally to name all employments, has an equal influence in enacting laws, his veto being absolute; but in America, the executive, besides being elective, is stripped of most of these high sources of influence, and is obliged to keep constantly in view the justice and. legality of his acts, both on account of his direct responsibilities, and on account of the force of public opinion.

In this country, there is far more to apprehend from Congress, than from the executive, as is seen in the following reasons: —Congress is composed of many, while the executive is one, bodies of men notoriously acting with less personal responsibilities than individuals; congress has power to enact laws, which it becomes the duty of the executive to see enforced, and the rally legislative authority of a country is always its greatest authority; from the decisions and constructions of the executive, the citizen can always appeal to the courts for protection, but no appeal can lie from the acts of congress, except on the grounds of unconstitutionality, the executive has direct personal responsibilities under the laws of the land, for any abuses of his authority, but the member of congress unless guilty of open corruption, is almost beyond personal liabilities.

It follows that the legislature of this country, by the intention of the constitution, wields the highest authority under the least responsibility, and that it is the power most to be distrusted. Still, all who possess trusts, are to be diligently watched, for there is no protection against abuses without responsibility, nor any real responsibility, without vigilance.

Political partisans, who are too apt to mistake the impulses of their own hostilities and friendships for truths, have laid down many false principles on the subject of the duties of the executive. When a law is passed, it goes to the executive for execution, through the executive agents, and, at need to the courts for interpretation. It would seem that there is no discretion vested in the executive concerning the constitutionality of a law. If he distrusts the constitutionality of any law, he can set forth his objections by resorting to the veto; but it is clearly the intention of the system that the whole legislative power, in the last resort, shall abide in congress, while it is necessary to the regular action of the government, that none of its agents, but those who are especially appointed for that purpose, shall pretend to interpret the constitution, in practice. The citizen is differently situated. If he conceives himself oppressed by an unconstitutional law, it is his inalienable privilege to raise the question before the courts, where a final interpretation can be had. By this interpretation the executive and all his agents are equally bound to abide. This obligation arises from the necessity of things, as well as from the nature of the institutions. There must be somewhere a power to decide on the constitutionality of laws, and this power is vested in the supreme court of the United States, on final appeal.

The author's purpose in writing this passage is to indicate ______.

A.the difference between kings and presidents

B.the power of the Supreme Court

C.the limitations of the presidency

D.the irresponsibility of Congress



We should treat the elderly ______

A.with difference

B.with indifference

C.with deference

D.with intelligence










What’s the () difference between the two parties?







There is a(n) _____________ difference between his earlier and later writings.







The difference is that I () can't do what I whenI was younger.

A.wasusedtodobrad dhou

B. use to do

C. used to do



Ajustment for the timing difference should be made at the end of each month for each

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