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Public speaking fills most people with dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; serf-expos

ure and failing to appeal to the audience come a close second. Women hate it most, since girls are pressurized from an early age to be concerned with appearances of all kinds.

Most people have plenty of insecurities, and this seems like a situation that will bring them out. If parents, teachers or peers mocked your foibles as a child, you fear a repeat. If you were under pressure to be perfect, you are terrified of failing in the most public of ways.

While extroverts will feel less fear before the ordeal, it does not mean they will necessarily do it better. Some very shy people manage to shine. In fact, personality is not the best predictor of who does it well. Regardless of what you are like in real life, the key seems to be to act yourself.

Actual acting, as in performing the scripted lines of a character other than yourself, does not do the job. While politicians may limit damage by having carefully rehearsed, written screeds to speak from, there is always a hidden awareness among the audience that the words might not be true.

Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Diana's funeral, it is possible both to prepare every word and to act naturally, as script. rarely works and it is used as a crutch by most people. But, being yourself doesn't work either. If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen, it would be too authentic, too unaware of the need to communicate with an audience.

I remember going to see British psychiatrist RD Laing speak in public. He behaved like a seriously odd person, talking off the top of his head. Although he was talking about madness and he wrote on mental illness, he seemed to be exhibiting rather than explaining it.

The best psychological place from which to speak is an unselfconscious self-consciousness, providing the illusion of being natural. Studies suggest that this state of "flow", as psychologists call it, is very satisfying. Whether in normal life or making speeches, the key is to remind yourself that, contrary to what your teachers or parents may have implied, your best is good enough. In the zone, a strange place of authentic falsehood and shallow depth, play is possible.

For most people the biggest fear for public speaking is______.

A.looking foolish

B.failing in words

C.not attracting attention

D.appearing pressurized

更多“Public speaking fills most people with dread. Humiliation is the greatest fear; serf-expos”相关的问题


What are the primary types of public speaking().
A、Ceremonial speaking

B、Persuasive speaking

C、Demonstrative speaking

D、Informative speaking



Washington felt uncomfortable in Congress debates because he ______.A.lacked practice in p

Washington felt uncomfortable in Congress debates because he ______.

A.lacked practice in public speaking

B.felt his education was inadequate

C.didn't like arguing and debating with people

D.felt that the others were being impractical




1.One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard.()




2.Travelling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable.()




3.Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown to relieve mental stress as well.()




4.Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well-balanced lifestyle.()




5.Generally speaking,the language used in public speaking is formal in style,clear and vivid in tone and persuasive in purpose.()






One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre wo
uld be air-conditioned and I couldn't face my【56】apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the【57】between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the【58】every time she leaned over to talk to him,【59】he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such【60】in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but【61】it turned out, it was an Italian movie.【62】about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and【63】on my popcorn. I've never understood why they give you so much popcorn ! It tasted pretty good,【64】. After a while I heard【65】more of the romantic sounding Italians. I just heard【66】of the popcorn crunching between my teeth. My thought started to【67】. I remembered when I was in South Korea, I【68】to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed,【69】like a good friend to me. I saw him again in New York speaking【70】English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I【71】like I had been betrayed. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.【72】we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very【73】and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring not to【74】in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it【75】out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it I We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.








回答下列各题 ·Read this Letter to the editor of The Economist. ·Choose the best sentence
from the opposite page to fill each of the blanks. ·For each blank(8-12),mark one letter(A-G)on your Answer Sheet. ·Do not mark any leder twice. ·There is an example at the beginning(0). Sir, You stated on February l3th that New Mexico has“few natural resources” D. In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas,seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals(8)______ Non-fuel minerals contributed about$l billion and coal $509 million. Taxes from production of fuels and minerals,and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about$5.65 billion.(9)______In addition,during fiscal year 1991,payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were$108 million,all earmarked for public education。 (10)______About$566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production.(11)______Tourism is an important industry in New Mexic0,yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production. New Mexico canle through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states.It does not have a deficit.(12)______States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns.Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6.1/00 in the year to October l992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United STATES Charles Chapin A.This is in large due to its broadly based tax structure. B. New Mexic0’S extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state’S $1.9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year l 991. C.However.the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state’S strongest economic forces. D.During fiscal year l 992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about$6.1billion. E.The combined value of oil and gas production was$2.8 billion. F.Some 16,000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry. G.The$39 million earned by these funds in l 991 was used to finance education and other public services. (8)__________



听力原文:The earliest libraries existed thousands of years ago in China and Egypt where co

听力原文: The earliest libraries existed thousands of years ago in China and Egypt where collections of records on tablets of baked clay were kept in temples and royal palaces. In the western world, libraries were first established in Ancient Greece. For example, Aristotle once had a research library in the 3rd century B. C.

The first library in the United States was a private library, which could only be used by authorized readers. In 1633, John Harvard gave money and more than 300 books to a newly- established college in Massachusetts. In return for his generosity, the legislature voted the school be named Harvard College. The librarian there set rules for the new library. Only college students and faculty members could use the books. No book could be lent for more than one month.

The earliest public library was established in Philadelphia in 1731. Although this library was open to every one, all readers had to pay a membership or subscription fee in order to borrow books. Very few subscription libraries exist today. Some book and stationary stores maintain small rental libraries, where anyone may borrow books for a daily charge. The first truly free public library that circulated books to every one at no cost was started at a small New England town in 1833. Today, there are more than 7,000 free public libraries throughout the US. They contain about 160 million books which were circulated to over 52 million readers.

Historically, the major purpose of free public libraries was educational. They were expected to provide adults with the opportunity to continue their education after they left school. SO the function of public library was once described as "less reservoir than a fountain". In other words, emphasis was to be placed on wide circulation rather than on collecting and storing books. Over the years public library services have greatly expanded. In addition to their continuing and important educational role, public libraries provide culture and recreation, and they are trying to fill many changing community needs. Most libraries offer browsing rooms where readers can relax on comfortable chairs and read current newspapers and magazines. Many also circulate music records. Library programs of films, lectures, reading clubs, and concerts also attract library users. In addition to books, records, periodicals, and reference material, libraries provide technical information such as books and pamphlets on gardening, carpentry and other specialized fields of interests. The largest public library in the US is the Library of Congress. It was originally planned as the reference library for the federal legislature. Today in addition to that important function, it serves as the reference library for the public, and sends out many books to other libraries on inter- library-loan system.

Unlike free pubic libraries, which open to everyone, private libraries can be used only by authorized readers. Many industrial and scientific organizations and business firms have collections of books, journals and research data for their staffs. Several private historical associations have research collections of special interest to their members. In addition, many elementary and secondary schools operate libraries for use by students and teachers. Prisons and hospitals maintain libraries too. The largest and the most important private libraries are operated by colleges and universities, and are used by students, faculty members, and occasionally by visiting scholars. Many universities have special libraries for research in particular fields, such as law, medicine and education. Recent surveys report that more than 300 million books are available in these academic libraries and they are regularly used by over 8 million students.


16. Who drew up the rules for the first private library in the US?

17.Why was the earliest public library also called a subscription

A.The legislature.

B.The librarian.

C.John Harvard.

D.The faculty members.



The establishment of the Third Reich infl tJenced events in American history by starting a chain of events which culminated in war between Germany and the United States.The complete destrucrion of democracy,the persecution of Jews,the war on religion,the cruelty and barbarism of the Nazis.and especially the plans of Germany and her allies,Italy and Japan,for world conquest caused great indignation in this country and brought on fear of another world war.While speaking out against Hitler’s atrocities,the American people generally favored isolationist policies and neutrality.The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents or loans to them. In 1 937,the President was empowered to declare an arms embargo in wars between nations at his discretion. American opinion began to change somewhat after President Roosevelt’s“quarantine the aggressor”speech at Chicago(1937)in which he severely criticized Hitler’s policies.Germany’s seizure of Austria and the Munich Pact for the partition of Czechoslovakia(1938)also aroused the American people.The conquest of Czechoslovakia in March,1939,was another rude awakening to the menace of the Third Reich.In August,1 939,came the shock of the Nazi-Soviet Pact and in September the attack on Poland and the outbreak of European war.The United States attempted to maintain neutrality in spite of sympathy for the democracies arrayed against the Third Reich.The Neutrality Act of 1939 repealed the arms embargo and permitted“cash and carry”exports of arms to belligerent nations.A strong national defense program was begun.A draft act was passed(1940)to strengthen the military services.A Lend Act(1941)authorized the President to sell,exchange,or lend materials to any country deemed necessary by him for the defense of the United States.Help was given to Britain by exchanging certain overage destroyers for the right to establish American bases in British territory in the Western Hemisphere.In August,1940,President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met and issued the Atlantic Charter,which proclaimed the kind of a world which should be established after the war.In December,1941,Japan launched the unprovoked attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor.Immediately thereafter,Germany declared war on the United States.One item occurring before 1937 that the author does not mention in his list of actions that alienated the American public was_______.

A.the burning of the Reichstag

B.German plans for world conquest

C.Nazi barbarism

D.the persecution of religious groups



amnotused to speaking()public.







Some of the notebooks George Washington kept as a young man are still in existence. They
show that he was learning Latin, was very interested in the basics of good behavior. in society, and was reading English literature.

At school he seems only to have been interested in mathematics. In fact, his formal education was surprisingly brief for a gentleman, and incomplete. For unlike other young Virginian of that day, he did not go to the College of William and Mary in the Virginian capital of Williamsburg. In terms of formal training then, Washington contrasts sharply with some other early American Presidents such as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. In later years, Washington probably regretted his lack of intellectual training. He never felt comfortable in a debate in Congress, or on any subject that had not to do with everyday, practical matters. And because he never learned French and could not speak directly to the French leaders, he did not visit the country he admired so much. Thus, unlike Jefferson and Adams, he never reached Europe.

11. Why didn’t Washington go to college?

A. His family could not afford it.

B. A college education was rather uncommon in his time

C. He didn’t like the young Virginian gentlemen.

D. The author doesn’t give any reason.

12. Washington felt uncomfortable in Congress debates because he.

A. lacked practice in public speaking

B. felt his education was not good enough

C. didn’t like arguing and debating with people

D. felt that debating was like intellectual training

13. The reason why Washington didn’t visit France was probably that he.

A. didn’t really care about going

B. didn’t know French leaders

C. couldn’t communicate directly with the French leaders

D. was too busy to travel

14. According to the author,().

A. Washington’s lack of formal education placed him at a disadvantage in later life

B. Washington should have gone to France even though he could not speak French

C. Washington was not as good a president as Adams, Jefferson or Madison

D. Washington was a model for all Virginian gentlemen

15. The main idea of the passage is that Washington’s education.

A. was of great variety, covering many subjects

B. was probably equal to those of most young gentlemen of his time

C. may seem poor by modern standards, but was good enough for his time

D. was rather limited for a president





B.talk skill

C.speaking technique

D.communication skill



Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a ___________ system.






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