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Imagine a school that expected its students to become literate(有读写能力的) without a

Imagine a school that expected its students to become literate(有读写能力的) without any formal instruction. Most parents would be alarmed by such an approach, which would leave their children confused and with gaps in their understanding. This however has been the philosophy on character development in many of our schools. Why is the development of character seen as somehow different from the other skills that we teach?

Of course there will always be learning by osmosis(耳濡目染)in any school, but as a teacher and primary school head I have found that a child's moral literacy is strengthened when they acquire the building blocks of good character such as consideration, courage and honor: qualities which are commonly known as virtue(美德).

I personally find that exploring a virtue over a two-week period provides a simple and effective program that allows for the creative input of both teacher and student and a chance for the virtue to embed(使融入)itself. Once a lesson on a virtue such as honesty has been completed we need to allow time for children to practice this concept just as would be the case with fractions or verbs. Allowing children to role play a situation such as making up excuses to cover a mistake can be enormously interesting, and the drama can be frozen allowing the characters to be questioned about their feelings and motives. It's also a safe way for children to experience for themselves how a lie usually goes out of control.

Our role as educators is also to look for opportunities to help our students as they attempt to strengthen their characters. When something goes wrong we guide the young person to the virtue that will prevent it from happening again. For instance, when am student thoughtlessly disturbs the calm atmosphere of the library, instead of a response such as, ""that was really disrespectful and selfish of you!"" we draw out from them the required virtue: ""When you're walking through the library, what virtues do you need to use?""

1. Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?{A; B; C}

A. Teaching morals and values has been a frequently discussed topic in the past few years.

B. The author and his staff embed virtues into lessons and school life to encourage character development in children.

C. Kids throughout the population face the same needs, the same challenges, and the same realities in their lives.

2. We can infer from the first paragraph that {A; B; C}.

A. there tends to be disagreement about what character education is

B. most parents are not satisfied with the teaching methods adopted in schools

C. the approach to character education is generally considered different from the approaches to other skills

3. The word ""philosophy"" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to {A; B; C}.

A. study

B. subject

C. viewpoint

4. The author is a {A; B; C}.

A. teacher

B. librarian

C. reporter

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a way to build character in children?{A; B; C}

A. Story readings and discussions.

B. Osmosis.

C. Taking every opportunity to teach character.

更多“Imagine a school that expected its students to become literate(有读写能力的) without a”相关的问题


Questions are based on the following passage.For years, high school students have received

Questions are based on the following passage.

For years, high school students have received identical textbooks as their classmates.Even asstudents have different learning styles and abilities, they are force-fed the same materials."Imagine adigital textbook where because I"m adifferent person and learn differently, my book is different thanyour book," said Richard Baraniuk, founder of OpenStax.

OpenStax will spend two years developing the personalized books and then test them on Houston-area students.The books will also go through a review and evaluation process similar to traditionaltextbooks.Baranluk expects 60 people to review each book before publication to ensure its quality.The idea is to make learning easier, so students can go on to more successful careers and lives.

Baraniuk isn"t just reproducing physical textbooks on digital devices, a mistake e-book publishers havemade.He"s seriously rethinking that the educational experience should be in a world of digital tools.Todo this means involving individuals with skills traditionally left out of the textbook business.Baraniuk iscurrently hiring cognitive scientists and machine learning experts.Baraniuk wants to use the tactics of Google, Netfllx and Amazon to deliver a personalized experience.These Web services all rely oncomplex algorithms (算法) to automatically adjust their offerings for customers.Just as Netlix recommends different movies based on your preferences and viewing history, a textbook might present materials at a different pace.The textbook——which will be stored on a range of digital devices——will automatically adjust itself thanks to machine learning.As a student learns about a topic, he or she could be interrupted by brief quizzes that evaluate, whether he or she masters the area.Depending on how the student does, the subject could be reinforce~l with more material.Or a teacher could be automatically e-mailed that the student is struggling with a certain concept and could use some one-on-one attention.This personalized learning experience is possible thanks to the wealth of data a digital textbook cantrack.This data can be used to better track students" progress during a course.Parents and teacherscan monitor a student"s development and provide in time more proper assistm ce.With personalizedlearning methods, our students" talents will be better developed.

What do we learn about personalized books? 查看材料

A.Their quality will be ensured since they are developed by OpenStax.

B.They will be examined and judged before being published.

C.They will overlook different learning styles and abilities.

D.They will be much similar to traditional textbooks.



Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly().A、appreciatingB、appreciatedC、tha







Doreen Sykora is now a junior at McGill University. She had a difficult time when she fi

rst began college. She said, “I was always well-prepared for my examination. But I would go in to class to take the exam, and I would fall apart. I could not answer the questions correctly—even though I knew the answers! I would just blank out because of nervousness and fear.” Hitoshi Sakamoto, an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.

These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries and is stressed about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness.

Now there are special university courses to help students. In these courses, advisors and psychologists try to help students by teaching them to, manage test anxiety. Such a course helps students learn to live with stress and not fail because of it. First students take a practice test to measure their worry level. If the tests show that their stress level is high, the students can take a short course to manage the fear. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. They get training to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work more easily. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.

Doreen Sykora saw immediate results after taking such a course. She now has enthusiasm about the relaxation methods. “Mostly, what I do is imagine myself in a very calm place. Then I imagine myself picking up a pencil. I move slowly and carefully. I breathe easily and let all the tension out. With each breath, more worry leaves me. It really works too. My grades have improved great! I’m really doing well at McGill now. This relaxation method works not only on examinations, but it has improved the rest of my life as well.”

For Hitoshi in Tokyo, the results were the same. He is enjoying school a lot more and learning more.

11. What is the similarity between Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto?

A. Students from the same university. B. Failing in all the examinations.

C. Experiences of test anxiety. D. Having the same poor studying habits.

12. These are signs of test anxiety EXCEPT________.

A. worries about a test. B. stressed about a test.

C. low grades and poor study habits. D. nervousness during the test

13. What’s the purpose of some special university student-help courses?

A. To help students to reduce test anxiety.

B. To show a stress level experienced by students.

C. To learn more knowledge about test anxiety.

D. To have a better understanding of test anxiety.

14. What’s the meaning of “blank out” in paragraph 1?

A. To be like a blanket. B. To be sure of an answer.

C. To be relaxed. D. To be unable to think clearly.

15. What’s the organization of passage?

A. Examples — theories — ideas.

B. Problem — strategy — result.

C. General statement — examples — result.

D. Strategy — experiment — examples.



It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.A. other tha

It would be better to make a decision now, ______ leave it until next week.

A. other than

B. rather than

C. less than

D. more than



The senator tried every means to protect his () in the political world.








Building Information Model

B.Building Information Modeling

C.Building Information Management

D.Building Imagine Management



完型补文Are There Truths in Dreams?Imagine waking up after dreaming(dream) about a terri


Are There Truths in Dreams?

Imagine waking up after dreaming(dream) about a terrible plane crash. The next day you will make a plane journey that you have (1) (plan) lone before. Will you get on the plane?

A survey shows that you may not cancel your trip. But your dream will probably influence your (2)(thought) during the journey. You may feel (3) (worry) and find the trip much (4) (long) than before. So dreams may influence what we are (5) (real) doing while we are awake.

The explanation of dreams is still a(n) (6) (clear) are. A team of researchers are entering a new field of studies: Do dreams actually influence our(7) (behave)? Over the past few years, they have (8) (do) studies in different cultures and found out that dreams contain some (9) (hide) truths: dreams affect the way people live and work. But researchers also tell people not to be (10)(easy) influenced by their dreams.




A.Welcome to our school

B.We have a school

C.This is our school



My school bag is not as colourful as theirs.Their school bags are _______ ________ than
My school bag is not as colourful as theirs.Their school bags are _______ ________ than

My school bag is not as colourful as theirs.

Their school bags are _______ ________ than mine.



cram school()







A.How far it is from your home to school

B.How far it is from you home to school

C.How far is it from your home to school


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