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He bought an expensive coat () he had no job.





更多“He bought an expensive coat () he had no job.”相关的问题


He realized that he had bought his shoes________ large.

A.too much

B.much too

C.very too

D.too very



From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings an
d weekends they are free and __1__ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, others take part in sports. This is decided by their own interests.

There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of __2__. It may be something from colleting stamps to making model planes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don't cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money, others are valuable only to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several __3__ dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece which cost him $50! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 kinds of them, but I wonder __4__ they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are quite valuable. __5__ makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

That's what a hobby means, I think. It is something we like to do in our free time just for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.




























听力原文:M: Say, Lisa, what are you watching?W: An old Japanese film. I'm going to spend n

听力原文:M: Say, Lisa, what are you watching?

W: An old Japanese film. I'm going to spend next year there, so I'd better start familiarizing myself with the culture (23) .

M: You mean you are accepted into the program?

W: Sure was.

M: That's wonderful. You must be very-excited.

W: Excited and nervous. You know I owe a lot to Professor Whitehead. He wrote a letter of recommendation for me and he bought me some tapes and books so I can work on my basic conversation skills (24) .

M: How much Japanese can you understand?

W: Not a lot right now. But I signed up for Intensive Japanese this semester.

M: I wish I were as talented as you are in foreign languages. I'd love to study abroad.

W: Then why don't you? The university has lots of overseas programs that don't require mastery of a foreign language. The tuition is about the same. You just have to be the kind of person who is willing to accept new culture and who can also adapt to a different kind of life style. (25) .

M: Really? I might check into this.

W: You won't regret it.


A.Taping some music.

B.Watching a film.

C.Making a video recording.

D.Writing a letter.



On a Friday night,a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the
subway station.The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.

The next day,the violinist came to the entrance again.He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some words on it.It said,“A George Sang has put an important thing into my hat by mistake.Welcome to claim(认领)it.”Soon the people were all attracted by the words and wondered what it could be.After a while a man rushed through the crowd,took the violinist’s shoulders and said,“I knew you would certainly come here.”The violinist asked,“Did you lose something?”“Lottery(彩票).”The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Sang’s name on it.Sang took it and danced happily.

Sang was an office worker.He bought the lottery and won a prize of$500,000.But when he gave$50 to the violinist for his wonderful music,the lottery ticket was thrown in, too.The violinist was a college student.That morning,he was going to fly to Vienna for high education.However,when he found the ticket,he cancelled the flight and returned to the entrance.

Later someone asked the violinist why he didn’t take the lottery ticket to pay the tuition fee(学费).He said “Although I don’t have much money,I live happily.If I lose honesty(诚实),I won’t be happy forever.”

31.The young man played the violin for () at the entrance.





32.George Sang put () into the violinist’s hat on a Friday night by mistake.

A. money


C.money and lottery


33.George Sang was very () to see the young violinist the next day.

A. worried




34.The underlined word “cancelled” means ().





35.What’s the best title(标题)for this passage?()

A.T he meaning of honesty

B.An office worker and a lottery ticket

C.The importance of being honest

D.A violinist and an office worker



A market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold. Thus fru
it and vegetables are sold wholesale at Covent Garden Market and meat is sold wholesale at Smithfield Market. But there are markets for things 【21】______ commodities, in the usual sense. There are 【22】______ estate markets, foreign exchange markets, labor markets, short-term capital markets, and so on; there may be a market for anything which has a price. And there may be no particular place 【23】______ dealings are confined. Buyers and sellers may be 【24】______ over the whole world and instead of actually meeting together in a market-place they may deal with one another 【25】______ telephone, telegram, cable or letter. 【26】______ dealings are 【27】______ to a particular place, the dealers may consist wholly or in part of agents 【28】______ instructions from clients far away. Thus agents buy meat at Smithfield 【29】______ retail butchers all over England; and 【30】______ on the London Stock Exchange buy and sell 【31】______ on instructions from clients all over the world. We must therefore define a market 【32】______ any area over which buyers and sellers are 【33】______ such close touch with one another, either directly or 【34】______ dealers, that the prices 【35】______ in one part of the market affect the prices paid in other parts.

Modem means of communication are so rapid that a buyer can discover 【36】______ asking, and can accept it if he wishes, 【37】______ he may be thousands of miles away. Thus the market for anything is 【38】______ . the whole world. But in fact things have, normally, only a local or national market.

This may be because nearly the whole demand is concentrated 【39】______ one locality. These special local demands, 【40】______ , are of quite minor importance. The main reason why many things do not have a world market is that they are costly or difficult to transport.


A.nothing other than

B.other than

C.more than

D.less than



John Preston lives in a flat in north London.He moved there after his wife died four y
ears ago to be closer to his daughter’s family, and because his big detached house and garden were too much work for him as he got older.It' s easier in the flat because the letting agent does everything that needs doing.The agent has had the roof repaired and got the gutter replaced.but at the moment John is not satisfied because the window frames need painting and the garden looks neglected.The agent

had the windows painted two years ago, but the painters didn’t do it very well, so they need doing again.John pays over E 1,500 a year for service and maintenance, and he thinks that it's not good enough because the flats look shabby and a lot of things need repairing

His daughter, June, and her husband.Peter, on the other hand, have to do everything themselves or find builders to do it.They live in a large seai-detached house further out from the center of London than John but they are still near enough to see hin often.They live in the suburbs with a nice garden where their children play.They noved there four years ago to have aore space.The only drawback is that June s husband has to commute into the centre of London every day, but, overall they are happy with their decision.When they bought the house a lot needed doing to it and it still does.June says, We have a list of things to do as long as your arm- the roof needs repairing and the chimney needs mending.The bedrooms need decorating and we haven t had the broken windowpanes replaced yet in the conservatory.we need to fix the gate and repair the path- it looks dreadful when you arrive.”(判断正误)

26.John lives in the center of London.()

27.The agent hasn't done anything to John's flat()

28.June and Pete live near to John.()

29.There are broken windowpanes in the conservatory()

30.The front of the house is in a good state.()



The True Story of a Young ManWhen Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse C
The True Story of a Young Man

When Reginald Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, what he wanted most was a good job with a good salary. But soon he became interested in the civil rights movement. At present he has a plan which he hopes will take him to Congress as a southern representative.Now in his first year at Harvard Law School, Reg is making careful plans. After earning his degree, he expects to return to the South to practice law among the poor. "I want to help them understand what their rights are and to help them achieve them," he says. Then he hopes to run for political office at the local and state level until he is ready to try for Congress.Reg grew up in a low-income Negro section of Birmingham, Alabama. Brought up by his grandparents after his parents were divorced while he was very young, Reg has been living through a period of far-reaching progress in race relations. In the summer of 1968 Reg himself became a good example of this progress when he became the first Negro student appointed to a special new program. The program introduces bright young students to the workings of the Georgia State government and encourages them to seek employment there after finishing their education. "I've been lucky," he says. "I seem to have been in the right place at the right time."

But luck is only part of Reg's story, for he has made the most of opportunities that came his way. He learned to read in kindergarten and began visiting the public library regularly to borrow books. His grandparents encouraged him, though neither of them had much education, and they bought him a set of encyclopedias. "I loved those books," he re- members. "I used to come downstairs before breakfast and read short articles. I enjoyed reading about famous men, and then I would pretend to be one of them. I guess it was partly a childish game and partly an escape. It wasn't too much fun to be a Negro when I was a kid."

While studying for his bachelor's degree at Morehouse College, Reg worked on several political campaigns helping candidates get elected to government offices. At the same time he maintained a "B" average while majoring in political science. He worked as a student advisor to earn extra money for his college expenses, and he was granted a scholarship for a year of study at the University of Valencia in Spain.With just two more years to complete at Harvard Law School, which also gave him a scholarship, Reg has made a good start on his professional career. He says, "The good life for me is the kind of life where I can find satisfaction in public service."

1.When Mr. Lindsay received a scholarship to Morehouse College, he wanted to ____

A、become a southern representative in Congress

B、participate in the civil rights movement

C、get a good job with good pay

D、help candidates get elected to government office

2.We learn from the passage that Lindsay ____

A、spent his childhood with his grandparents

B、loved to read history books

C、had well-educated grandparents

D、learned to read after his parents divorced

3.Lindsay felt that ____

A、reading about famous men would help him to succeed

B、pretending to be a famous person was a way to escape from the realities of life

C、reading in the public library was a good way to educate himself

D、reading widely would provide him with many opportunities in the future

4.In Lindsay's time, ____ .

A、there was a great improvement in race relations

B、black people were still looked down upon

C、the Georgia State government encouraged black students to work for it

D、it was impossible for blacks to enter famous universities

5.According to the passage, Lindsay's purpose in life was to ____

A、become a famous lawyer

B、be elected to political office at the local level

C、get another scholarship to study abroad

D、serve the public




A.I bought her a house

B.I bought her house

C.I bought a house for her

D.I bought a house to her



They bought back the cottage at the original price.







翻译:In addition to the books, I also bought a dictionary



I wish you ______ to me before you went and bought that car.A.spokeB.will speakC.was going

I wish you ______ to me before you went and bought that car.


B.will speak

C.was going to speak

D.had spoken


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