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Since World War II, there has been a clearly discernible trend, especially among the growi

ng group of college students, toward early marriage. Many youths begin dating in the first stages of adolescence, "go steady" through high school, and marry before their formal education has been completed. In some quarters, there is much shaking of graying locks and clucking of middle-aged tongues over the ways of "wayward youth". However, emotional maturity is no respecter of birthdays; it does not arrive automatically at twenty-one or twenty five. Some achieve it surprisingly early, while others never do, even in three-score years and ten.

Many students are marrying as an escape, not only from an unsatisfying home life, but also from their own personal problems of isolation and loneliness. And it can almost be put down as a dictum that any marriage entered into as an escape cannot prove entirely successful. The sad fact is that marriage seldom solves one' s problems; more often, it merely accentuates them. Furthermore, it is doubtful whether the home as an institution is capable of carrying all that the young are seeking to put into it; one might say in theological terms, that they are forsaking one idol only to worship another. Young people correctly understand that their parents are wrong in believing that "success" is the ultimate good, but they erroneously believe that they themselves have found the true center of life' s meaning. Their expectations of marriage are essentially utopian and therefore incapable of fulfillment. They want too much, and tragic disillusionment is often bound to follow.

Shall we, then join, the chorus of "Miseries" over early marriages? One cannot generalize: all early marriages are not bad any more that all later ones are good. Satisfactory marriages are determined not by chronology, but by the emotional maturity of the partners. Therefore, each case must be judged on its own merits. If the early marriage is not an escape, if it is entered into with relatively few illusions or false expectations, and if it is economically feasible, why not? Good marriages can be made from sixteen to sixty, and so can bad ones.

According to this passage, the trend toward early marriages______.

A.can be clearly seen

B.is the result of the Great Depression of the 30' s

C.can' t be easily determined

D.is an outgrowth of the moral looseness brought about by World War II

更多“Since World War II, there has been a clearly discernible trend, especially among the growi”相关的问题


What are the three periods as far as the evolution the British economy since the Second World War is concerned?



You may meet Americans who know very little about your country. If this __1__ the case
, be patient with them. Unfortunately, little is taught about the cultures or customs of other countries in America schools. The United States has always been separated from older countries by the vast oceans to the East and West of the country. As a __2__ Americans have not become so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things as is often the case in older countries. If Americans try to help you __3__ something that is very familiar to you, if they mistake your country for another of thousands of kilometers away, be patient with them. The United States has developed into a modern nation in a very short time __4__ with many other countries------only about 300 years. Americans have been very busy with growth of the country, with building roads and cities, establishing free education for millions of children, and making inventions, discoveries, and developments to benefit the whole world. The Nation' s attention has been on the United States, not on the world, during most of this __5__ period. It is only since World War Two (1939-1945) that Americans have been more interested in other parts of the World.








For decades, arms-control talks centered on nuclear weapons. This is hardly surprising
For decades, arms-control talks centered on nuclear weapons. This is hardly surprising, since a single nuclear bomb can destroy an entire city. Yet, unlike smaller arms, these immensely powerful weapons have not been used in war in over 50 years.

Historian John Keegan writes: “Nuclear weapons have, since August 9, 1945, killed no one. The 50,000,000 who have died in war since that date have for the most part, been killed by cheap, mass-produced weapons and small ammunition, costing little more than the transistor radios which have flooded the world in the same period. Because small weapons have disrupted life very little in the advanced world, outside the restricted localities where drug-dealing and political terrorism flourish, the populations of the rich states have been slow to recognize the horror that this pollution has brought in its train.

Why have small arms become the weapons of choice in recent wars? Part of the reason lies in the relationship between conflict and poverty. Most of the wars fought during the 1990s took place in countries that are poor----too poor to buy sophisticated weapon systems. Small arms and light weapons are a bargain. For example, 50 million dollars, which is approximately the cost of a single modern jet fighter, can equip an army with 200,000 assault rifles.

Another reason why small weapons are so popular is that they are lethal. A single rapid-fire assault rifle can fire hundreds of rounds a minute. They are also easy to use and maintain. A child of ten can be taught to strip and reassemble a typical assault rifle. A child can also quickly learn to aim and fire that rifle into a crowd of people.

The global traffic in guns is complex. The illegal trade of small arms is big. In some African wars, paramilitary groups have bought billions of dollars’ worth of small arms and light weapons, not with money, but with diamonds seized from diamond-mining areas.

Weapons are also linked to the illegal trade in drugs. It is not unusual for criminal organizations to use the same routes to smuggle drugs in one direction and to smuggle guns in the other.

11. It is implied in the passage that _____.

A、the nuclear arms-control talks can never reach an agreement

B、small arms-control is more important than nuclear arms-control

C、the power of nuclear weapons to kill people has been diminished

D、unclear weapons were the topic of arms-control talks 50 years ago

12. The advanced world neglect the problems of small arms because ____.

A、They have to deal with drug-dealing and political terrorism.

B、They have no such problems as are caused by small weapons.

C、They face other more important problems such as pollution.

D、They have not recognized the seriousness of the problems in time.

13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the reason for the prevalence of small arms?

A、Small arms are cheap.

B、Small arms are powerful.

C、Small arms are easier to use.

D、Small arms are easier to get.

14. We can conclude from the passage that _____.

A、small arms are not expensive in the black-market

B、it is unfair to exchange small arms for diamond

C、criminals use the same passage to smuggle drugs and small arms

D、where there are drugs, there are small arms

15. The best title for this passage is _____.

A、Small Arms Talks, Not Nuclear Arms Talks.

B、Neglect of Small Arms Control.

C、Global Traffic in Small Arms.

D、Small Arms, Big Problems.



Mega-citiesIn 1950, New York was the only city with more than 10 million inhabitants. Ther


In 1950, New York was the only city with more than 10 million inhabitants. There are now 11cities housing over 11 million people each. Tokyo alone has 17 million. In 1995, their combined population totaled 166 million; in 2015 it is forecast to be over 204 million.

The world’s urban population, increasing at four times the rate of rural populations, will double in the period 1990-2025, to over five billion. Consequently, two-thirds of the people of the world will live in cities, some of which will be huge. Moreover, about 90% of the growth will be in developing countries. This growth, adding around 60 million people per year to city population, will be mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa. The consequences are dramatiC.This is change on a scale never before experienced, bringing with it considerable challenges and opportunities.

Why does this growth happen? Most of it results from internal migration rather than the international movement of people, and is caused by a variety of push and pull factors.

One push factor is due to pressure on land availability. Improved health brings population growth, causing people to move out of rural areas. Others move because of climate change or poor farming methods which often result in deforestation and flooding. Such changes can alter the social structure, leading people to move. Furthermore, civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas.

On the other hand, there are the pull factors. Cities attract people because of the demand for labor in the manufacturing and service industries. As a result, they offer a higher standard of living to the lucky ones. Cities also tend to offer greater personal freedom.

The world economy has expanded five-fold since 1950, with the cities driving the expansion. Much of this economic expansion has been in the developing countries of Southeast Asia. Therefore, most of the mega-cities of the future will be found there.

1.The combined total population of these 11 cities ________.

A.was 166 million in 1950

B.was 17 million in 1995

C.is 204 million now

D.will be over 204 million in 2015


The world ’ s rural population ________.

A.increased at one fourth the rate of urban population

B.increased at four times the rate of urban population

C.will be four times bigger by 2025

D.will double in the period 1990-2025


Which of the following is true according to this passage? _________.

A.There are now 11 cities with a total population of 11 million people.

B.The world ’ s urban population will be four times bigger by 2025

C.Various push and pull factors cause people to move 正确

D.Two-thirds of the world ’ s population will live in cities in Southeast Asia and Africa.


People choose to leave rural areas partly because _________.

A.climate change or poor farming methods result in deforestation and flooding 正确

B.the living standards of cities are much lower

C.the population of rural areas increased faster than that of urban areas

D.there are not enough space for people to live there


We can conclude from the last paragraph that_________.

A.the world economy has declined since 1950

B.economic expansion leads to mega-cities 正确

C.the expansion is mainly taking place in Europe

D.there isn ’ t any economic expansion in the developing countries



Cars account for half the oil consumed in the US, about half the urban pollution and one-f
ourth the greenhouse gases. They take a similar oil of resources in other industrial nations and in the cities of the developing world. As vehicle use continues to increase in the coming decade, the US and other countries will have to deal with these issues or else face unacceptable economic, health-related and political costs. It is unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or that other nations will accept a large and growing US contribution to global climatic change.

Policymakers and industry have four options: reduce vehicle use, increase the efficiency and reduce the emissions of conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, switch to less harmful fuels, or find less polluting driving systems. The last of these -- in particular the introduction of vehicles powered by electricity -- is ultimately the only sustainable option. The other alternatives are attractive in theory but in practice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements. For example, reduced vehicle use could solve traffic problems and a host of social and environmental problems, but evidence from around the world suggests that it is very difficult to make people give up their cars to any significant extent. In the US, mass transit ridership and carpooling have declined since World War Ⅱ. Even in western Europe, with fuel prices averaging more than $1 a liter (about $ 4 a gallon) and with easily accessible mass transit and dense populations, cars still account for 80 percent of all passenger travel.

Improved energy efficiency is also appealing, but automotive fuel economy has barely made any progress in 10 years. Alternative fuels such as natural gas, burned in internal-combustion engines, could be introduced at relatively low cost, but they would lead to only marginal reductions in pollution and greenhouse emissions (especially because oil companies are already spending billions of dollars every year to develop less polluting types of gasoline).

From the passage we know that the increased use of cars will ______.

A.consume half of the oil produced in the world

B.have serious consequences for the well-being of all nations

C.widen the gap between the developed and developing countries

D.impose an intolerable economic burden on residents of large cities



英语六级完形填空 要答案

In theUnited States, the first daynursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas duringthe ___61__ half of the 19th century; most of ___62___ were charitable. Both inEurope and in the U.S. the day-nursery movement received great ___63___ duringthe First World War, when ___64___ of manpower caused the industrial employmentofunprecedented(前所未有)numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries wereestablishes ___65___ inmunitions(军火)plants, under direct government sponsorship. ___66___ the number ofnurseries in theU.S.also rose ___67___, this rise was accomplished without government aid of anykind. During the years following the First World War, ___68___, Federal, State,and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control ___69___the day nurseries, chiefly by ___70___ them and by inspecting and regulatingthe conditions within the nurseries.



Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3 about Bauhaus?A.It was founded by

Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3 about Bauhaus?

A.It was founded by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

B.Its designing concept was affected by World War II.

C.Most American architects used to be associated with it.

D.It had a great influence upon American architecture.



In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established
in various areas during the【C1】______ half of the 19th century; most of【C2】______ were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U. S. , the day nursery movement received great【C3】______ during the First World War, when【C4】______ of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were estab- lished【C5】______ in munitions plants, under direct government sponsorship.【C6】______ the number of nurseries in the U. S. also rose【C7】______ , this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First World War,【C8】______ , Federal, State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control【C9】______ the day nurseries, chiefly by【C10】______ them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.

The【C11】______ of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were【C12】______ called upon to replace men in the factories. On this 【C13】______ the U. S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools,【C14】______ $ 6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities【C15】______ this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared【C16】______ in day care centers receiving Federal【C17】______ . Soon afterward, the Federal government【C18】______ cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later【C19】______ them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their【C20】______ at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.








英语完形填空六级考试真题 答案 还要分析

The ___71___ of the Second World War wasquickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost allcountries, as women were ___72___ called upon to replace men in the factories.On this ___73___ theU.S.government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools. ___74___ $6,000,000 in July, 1942, for anursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many States andlocal communities ___75___ this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August,1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared ___76___ in day-care centersreceiving Federal ___77___. Soon afterward, the Federal government ___78___ cutdown its expenditures for this purpose and later ___79___ them, causing a sharpdrop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectationthat most employed mothers would leave their ___80___ at the end of the war wasonly partly fulfilled.



The mainly British nature of Australian society has been challenged since the third wave of migration because _______.

A、many new migrants are unskilled workers

B、many new migrants are not used to the Australian way of life

C、many new migrants come from the non-English-speaking world

D、many new migrants feel rejected in Australia



The Voice of America began during the World War Ⅱ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio
program to get international __31__ , American officials believed they should reply the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in __32__. “The news may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.” Within a week, other VOA __33__ were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After the World War Ⅱ ended in 1945, some Americans felt VOA’s purpose had to be changed, __34__ the Soviet Union became enemy of America. They wanted to __35__ Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

In the early years VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was called “Music USA”. Another new idea came along in 1959.VOA knew that many listeners did not know __36__ English to completely understand its normal English broadcast. So VOA __37__ a simpler kind of English, which uses about 1,500 words and is spoken __38__ of course, it is special English.

In the opinion of most VOA listeners, the most __39__ program is the news report. News from around the world flies into the VOA news rooms in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in __40__ cities and also from other broadcasts like BBC.VOA writers and editors use these materials to prepare news reports, which are being broadcast in 43 languages.

31. A. business B. culture C. support D. information

32. A. same B. short C. English D. German

33. A. stations B. news C. announcers D. officials

34. A. if B. supposing C. considering D. in order that

35. A. reach B. satisfy C. attack D. support

36. A. American B. British C. standard D. enough

37. A. invented B. discovered C. taught D. stopped

38. A. slowly B. rapidly C. normally D. loudly

39. A. difficult B. important C. various D. common

40. A. all B. major C. American D. news


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