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Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: How men first learned

Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their combinations — the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and feelings. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary (文字的) style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and rude.

第6题:The origin of language ________.

A. is reflected in sounds and letters B. is handed down from generation to generation C. dates back to the prehistoric period D. is a problem not yet solved

更多“Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: How men first learned”相关的问题


Americans usually consider themselves a friendly people.Their friendships, however, ten
d to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures.It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their lifetime, and consider other “friends” to be just social acquaintances.This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people.They tend to “compartmentalize” (划分) friendships, having “friends at work”, “friends on the softball team”, “family friends”, etc.

Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go.In this highly charged atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem brusque (无礼的) or impatient.They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else.Sometimes, early on, they will ask you questions that you may feel are very personal.No insult is intended; the questions usually grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter.And the same goes for you.If you do not understand certain American behavior. or you want to know more about them, do not hesitate to ask them questions about themselves.Americans are usually eager to explain all about their country or anything “American” in which you may be interested.So much so in fact that you may become tired of listening.It doesn't matter, because Americans tend to be uncomfortable with silence during a conversation.They would rather talk about the weather or the latest sports scores, for example, than deal with silence.

On the other hand, don't expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States.Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world.

1.The general topic of the passage is ().

A.American culture B.American society

C.Americans' activitiesD.Americans' personality

2.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Americans do not like to depend on other people.

B.Friendships among Americans tend to be casual.

C.Americans know a lot about international affairs.

D.Americans always seem to be on the go.

3.The phrase “highly charged” (Passage 2) most probably means ().

A.extremely freeB.highly responsible

C.very cheerful D.full of mobility and change

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ().

A.Americans want to participate in all kinds of activities

B.Americans' character is affected by their social and geographical environment

C.Americans do not know how to deal with silence

D.Curiosity is characteristic of Americans

5.According to the passage, Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world because ().

A.they are not interested in other countries

B.they are too proud of themselves

C.their country does not have many neighboring nations

D.they are too busy to learn about other countries



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

Most insurance companies in the world are stock insurance companies or mutual insurance companies. A stock insurance company is owned by stockholders, who share in profits earned by the company. A mutual insurance company is owned by the policyholders(投保人). Profits earned by a mutual insurance company are returned to the policyholders as dividends(股息) or used to cut future insurance cost.

In addition to the private insurance organizations, certain types of insurance are provided in the U.S. by governmental organizations. A notable instance is the system of social security operated by the federal government through the Social Security Administration.

An insurance company may require a policyholder to provide proof of the ownership and the value of lost or damaged property before it pays compensation. For this reason, policyholders should have such evidence of their possessions as lists, sales receipts, appraisals(估价单), or photographs. The evidence should be kept in a safe-deposit box or other secure place outside the home.

Many companies that sell health insurance policies(保险) provide cash benefits to the insured person. A cash benefit is a fixed dollar amount for each medical expense or day of hospitalization. If the cash benefits do not cover the entire cost of medical care, the policyholder must pay the rest.

The profits earned by a mutual insurance company______.

A.are shared by the stockholders

B.are all given to the policyholders as stocks

C.are used to reduce future insurance cost

D.are used in some investment



Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som

Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Many now have been breathing hot flames at our industry and so I thought it would be time to say my piece this week, after all, we in the business cannot deny that it has been a rough spring for newspaper editors and reporters. Ethical scandals great and small have soiled news- rooms from coast to coast. Everyone knows about the profound deceits of Jayson Blair at The New York Times, and the "Writergate" controversy involving Rick Bragg, which led to the departure of the two top editors at the paper. Other misdeeds have ranged from two reporters at The Salt Lake Tribune selling information to The National Enquirer, to a food writer for The Hartford Courant fired for plagiarizing recipes. Are newspaper standards going to pot?

Some say ethics are worse than ever—or are they? The past is filled with people running photos of wrestlers in the sports section in exchange for money. In fact, ethical breaches may be less of a problem than 20 years ago. A lot of newspapers are cutting corners, but the standards in the business have improved. There were things going on in the past such as reporters writing speeches for politicians they covered and taking bribes from lobbyists but people back then were quietly moved out or they left on their own. There was no public display.

The industry as a whole is in trouble because, due to media concentration, people at the top are taking out too much money and driving the profits up. The perception is that the real customers are not those who read the paper but those who buy the stock, which damages the profession. Some of this is about resource pressure. Copydesks are overloaded and there is not enough time and more reporters are having to report by phone. The larger the size of news- papers, the less communication between divisions there tends to be. Reporters don't climb the Stairs anymore, they are highly trained people who sit in their offices and write term papers and won't sully themselves going to a greasy housing project or stand out in the rain for a few hours. The economics of journalism along with technological changes has created an atmosphere of trying to get enormous amounts of information as rapidly as possible. The important thing is to make sure the ownership understands the value of a news organization with integrity and every paper needs to slow down and remind ourselves that we have nothing to sell if the readers don't believe us.

The main idea of the first paragraph is that ______.

A.newsrooms are suffering from a decline in standards

B.there a. re too many ethical scandals going on in newspapers

C.there is a perception that newspapers should do more to correct mistakes

D.this has been a rough time for newspapers and many are wondering what is wrong



In 1665,an apple fell from a tree and landed near young Isaac Newton.Untold numbers of
people had seen apples fall and hadn’t given the matter a second thought.But Newton thought about it carefully and developed a cornerstone of modern science—the theory of gravity.

The ability to ask deep questions and look for answers lies at the heart of science.So it stands to reason that educators would want to bottle Newton’s brand of thinking and serve it to their students.

Common sense might argue that the best means to that end is to cram future scientists with chemistry,physics,biology,and mathematics.After all,Newton had an enormous appetite for science.

But Newton owned more books in the humanities than he did in the sciences,and his interest included subjects such an history,philosophy,and Greek mythology.

Could it be that thinking deeply about subjects such as history,philosophy,and religion makes one a better scientist?many top American schools think so.

The liberal arts is diversified toolbox.If you have only one way of looking at things,you will get stuck in the same place everybody else got stuck.If you’ve got different experiences,you may find other ways of solving the problem.”

It’s well known that the more we think,the better our neural connections.But liberal arts colleges go one step further.They argue that learning to think in one field may sharpen the ability to solve complex problems in a seemingly unrelated area.It may be a while before scientists establish the truth or falsity of this idea.In the meantime,some of the best minds in science are betting that it’s true.

“Learning about the great books and the humanities can stimulate the sort of brain waves that serve a scientist pretty well,” says Nobel prize winner Tom Cech—“The more types of thinking you have to do,the more skills you can bring to a scientific problem."

26.We learn from the first paragraph that ________.

A.the ability to think is of first importance to scientific discovery

B.nobody noticed apples falling from trees to the ground before Newton

C.Newton developed the theory of gravity by watching a falling apple

27.According to the passage, to help students become scientists, educators________.

A.should cram them with lots of science courses

B.should make them think in the way Newton did

C.should ask them deep questions and look for answers

D.should give them an enormous appetite for science

28.We learn from the passage that students who study science in a liberal arts college ________.

A.are required to take a number of courses in the humanities

B.are free to take whatever courses they like best

C.have a wide range of interests in history, philosophy and religion

D.spend more time studying arts and the humanities than the sciences

29.The idea that learning to think in one field may sharpen the ability to solve complex problems in a seemingly unrelated area is ________.

A.already proved to be true by scientists

B.accepted by the best people in science

C.a common belief among liberal arts colleges

D.gaining worldwide acceptance

30.In liberal arts colleges students are _______.

A.asked to bring a diversified toolbox to school

B.trained to think differently from everybody else

C.required to learn different kinds of skills

D.taught to look at things in different ways



The following information is relevant for questions 9 and 10A company’s draft financial st

The following information is relevant for questions 9 and 10

A company’s draft financial statements for 2005 showed a profit of $630,000. However, the trial balance did not agree,

and a suspense account appeared in the company’s draft balance sheet.

Subsequent checking revealed the following errors:

(1) The cost of an item of plant $48,000 had been entered in the cash book and in the plant account as $4,800.

Depreciation at the rate of 10% per year ($480) had been charged.

(2) Bank charges of $440 appeared in the bank statement in December 2005 but had not been entered in the

company’s records.

(3) One of the directors of the company paid $800 due to a supplier in the company’s payables ledger by a personal

cheque. The bookkeeper recorded a debit in the supplier’s ledger account but did not complete the double entry

for the transaction. (The company does not maintain a payables ledger control account).

(4) The payments side of the cash book had been understated by $10,000.

9 Which of the above items would require an entry to the suspense account in correcting them?

A All four items

B 3 and 4 only

C 2 and 3 only

D 1, 2 and 4 only



MemoTo:Human Resource ManagementFrom:P.Neal Date:Feb.28Re:Tokyo interviewsI am really ex

To:Human Resource Management

From:P.Neal Date:Feb.28

Re:Tokyo interviews

I am really excited about the opportunity that the International Job Fair in April presents lo our firm.By recruiting at an overseas location9 we increase our chances of attracting employees with global awareness.I o ensure that we hire employees who will fit into our corporate culture^ I have listed some suggestions for the interview team.

(1)Determine early in the interview if the employee is a team player.Aside from the obvious work-experience questions, find out what type of learning environment the interviewee preferred in school and what sports and hobbies he or she enjoys.Use this line of questioning to get to know younger applicants who do not have a lot of formal work experience.

(2) In the interviewt find out the interviewee 1 s attitude toward other languages and cultures.How many languages has he or she studied? Would the prospective employee be willing to go through language training if

assigned to our new branch office?

(3) If possible* look at portfolios on site to get a sense of the interviewees9 artistic accomplishments and check up on local references in the interviewee's country.

(4) Clearly communicate our company,s goals and bring back some great recruits!

21.Who is this memo directed to?


B.The interview team

C.Prospective employees

22.Recruiting at an international job fair will help the company find employees who

A.fit the corporate culture

B.are team players

C.have global awareness

23.Why does the author suggest the interview team ask interviewees questions about their hobbies?

A.To know whether the interviewees enjoy playing sports.

B.To know whether the interviewees are team players.

C.To know whether the interviewees have work experience.

24.The new employees must be ________.

A.willing to participate in language training

B.able to speak several languages

C.capable of learning any language quickly

25.What should the intervieweesportfolios demonstrate?

A.Excellent references

B.Sensible components

C.Artistic merit



Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it.My cat enjoys a
meal of good,thick paper,old letters, for example.She doesn't like newspapers very much.

Of course,the best paper comes from wood.Wood comes from trees,and trees are plants.Vegetables and fruit and plants too,and we eat a lot of them.So can we also eat wood and paper?

Scientists say,"All food comes in some way from plants." Well,is that true? Animals eat grass and grow fat.Then we eat their meat.Little fish eat little sea-plants; then bigger fish swim along and eat the...Chickens eat bits of grass and give us...Think for a minute.What food does not come from plants in some way?

Scientists can do wonderful things with plants.They can make food just like meat and cheese.And they can make it without the help of animals.It is very good food too.Now they have begun to say,"We make our paper from wood.We can also make food from wood.The next thing is not very difficult." What is the next thing? Perhaps it is-food from paper.Scientists say,"We can turn paper into food.It will be good,cheap food too; cheaper than meat or fish or eggs."

So please keep your old books and letters.Don't feed them to your cat.) One day,soon,they will be on your plate.There is nothing like a good story for breakfast.

1、The best paper come from Wood.()

2、From the passage,we can infer 推断) thatfew kinds of food do not come from plants in some way.()

3、The main idea of the passage is all food comes from plants in some way.()

4、The writer asks us to keep our old books and letters because we can make food from them soon.()

5、The best title for the passage is " Food from Plants ".()



Closed questions never go down at the end.()


The interviewee is expected to answer the questions without giving any extra information.()


If you want to have some () with your audience, you may prepare some questions for th

A. reaction

B. interaction

C. Fraction



________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered




D.word puzzle


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