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You must pay more attention to your health,()important your work may be.





更多“You must pay more attention to your health,()important your work may be.”相关的问题


__________ (这是一个生死攸关的问题)翻译

__________ (这是一个生死攸关的问题)and therefore we must pay more attention to it



Which of the following statements is TRUE______

A.Open-mindedness will not gain you more understanding and cooperation

B.Don.t pay much attention to others.body language

C.Before speaking you need take time to consider your position





第 1 题

1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写

2. 出现这种情况的原因

3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为…

Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling



Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.

They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students’ spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.

To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one and, the teachers should give more attention to students’ spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.

To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.





It is important for us to know how to stay safe while traveling in foreign countries.
We’ve all heard the stories of travelers having their wallets(钱包) stolen or finding themselves in the wrong part of the town. So you have to be more careful than usual, when traveling abroad.

Remember to carry a small amount of cash and a copy of your ID with you at all times. There is no need to bring large amounts of cash with you. When shopping, use your credit card instead. Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no way someone's hand could get in there without your noticing it.

Travel with a friend, business partner if possible. It is always better to travel in pairs than to go alone. Know where you’re going. Look at the map before you leave the hotel so that you know where you are going and how to get there.

Lock your valuables (贵重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.

Be aware of your surroundings. Look around when walking, and avoid keeping your head low.

B-26. When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.

A、use online services

B、use a credit card

C、pay by check

D、pay in cash

B-27. To keep your wallet safe, you’d better _____.

A、hold it in your keep it in your hand

B、leave it in the hotel safe

C、put it in your front pocket

D、keep it in your shoulder bag

B-28. To know where you are going, you are advised to _____.

A、ask the police for detailed information

B、look at the map before leaving the hotel

C、always travel with your business partner

D、have a smart phone with you while traveling

B-29. Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel?

A、In the hotel safe.

B、In your pockets.

C、In your traveling bag.

D、In a bedside containe.

B-30. Which of the following can be the title for the passage?

A、How to Ask Ways While Traveling.

B、How to Shop in a Foreign Country.

C、Protect Your Personal Information.

D、Stay safe While Traveling Abroad.



What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, and red? If you do, you must
be an optimist (乐观者), a leader, and an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead.You tend to be a pessimist.At least, this is what psychologists (心理学家)tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously study ing the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings.They tell us among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as we grow up — we are born with our preference.If you happen to love brown, you did so,as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

Color does influence our moods (情绪)― there is no doubt about it.A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress bri ngs warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand, black is depressing.A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides than any other bridge in the area — until it was repainted green.The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.

Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active.It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or gray.

1.The author regards the psychologists'findings as ().





2.According to the psycholog ists, a person’s color preference ().

A.is formed as he grows up

B.is acquired through experience

C.is decided by his surroundings

D.is possessed from birth

3.It can be concluded from the passage that bright color lovers tend to be ().





4.The example of the bridge is used to illustrate that ().

A.people tend to kill themselves by jumping from bridges

B.color can affect people’s moods to a great degree

C.the bridge should have been repainted earlier

D.certain color can kill people sometimes

5.The notion that machines painted orange can reduce the risk of accidents ().

A.is a well-accepted fact

B.remains to be proved

C.is an illusion of workers

D.is a good wish of scientists



Schengen Visa Application StepsIdentify the country or countries you will be travelling
Schengen Visa Application Steps

Identify the country or countries you will be travelling to. It is particularly important to know which countries you are travelling to because it determines where and how you are going to send your application.

● If you are intending to visit just one Schengen country, you will need to apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country.

● If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countries, your application must be sent to the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination.

● If you are intending to visit several Schengen countries, but do not have a main destination, you should apply for the visa at the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary.

Fill out an application form. beforehand to obtain a Schengen visa. You can download and print off the form. online.

Prepare all the requirements for your Schengen visa application. Depending on the consulate or embassy, you are required to show the following documents:

● A valid national passport

● Evidence showing the purpose of your trip (e.g. hotel reservations)

● Proof of medical insurance

● A round-trip travel ticket

● Proof of funds

Check the processing time to ensure you get your Schengen visa on time. The processing time varies per embassy, so it is important to take the processing time into account when planning your trip.

1. This passage is mainly about ().

A. what is a Schengen visa

B. who can apply for a Schengen visa

C. how to apply for a Schengen visa

2. If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countries, you will need to send your application ().

A. to the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination

B. directly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country

C. to the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary

3. You can download and print off the form. ().

A. via your phone

B. on the Internet

C. by your friends

4. You are required to show the following documents EXCEPT ().

A. a round-trip travel ticket

B. a valid national passport

C. a birth certificate

5. The processing time is () per embassy.

A. different

B. the same

C. similar



It is not unusual for workers in that region _____


(A) to be paid more than a month late (C) to pay later than a month more



(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. A...

(1) Life can be tough for immigrants in America. As a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it, to find a good job “you have to be like a wolf in the forest – able to smell out the best meat.” And if you can’t find work, don’t expect the taxpayer to bail you out. Unlike in some European countries, it is extremely hard for an able-bodied immigrant to live off the state. A law passed in 1996 explicitly bars most immigrants, even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits. (2) That is one reason why America absorbs immigrants better than any other rich countries, according to a new study by the University of California. The researchers sought to measure the effect of immigration on the native-born in 20 rich countries, taking into account differences in skills between immigrants and natives, imperfect labor markets and the size of the welfare state in each country. (3) Their results offer ammunition for fans of more open borders. In 19 out of 20 countries, the authors calculated that shutting the doors entirely to foreign workers would make the native-born worse off. Never mind what it would do to the immigrants themselves, who benefit far more than anyone else from being allowed to cross borders to find work. (4) The study also suggests that most countries could handle more immigration than they currently allow. In America, a one-percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants in the population made the native-born 0.05% better off. The opposite was true in some countries with generous or ill-designed welfare states, however. A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent. (5) None of these effects was large, but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from native or drag down their wages. Many immigrants take jobs that Americans do not want, the study finds. This “smooths” the labor market and ultimately creates more jobs for locals. Native-owned grocery stores do better business because there are immigrants to pick the fruit they sell. Indian computer scientists help American software firms expand. A previous study found that because immigrants typically earn less than locals with similar skills, they boost corporate profits, prompting companies to grow and hire more locals. 1. Increase in immigration in Austria fails to improve locals’ life mainly because of ________.

A、low wages for locals

B、imperfect labor markets

C、the design of the welfare system

D、inadequate skills of immigrants



If you have difficulty ______ your bills, tell your utility company as soon as possible.



C.to pay




It is not unusual for workers in that region ____


(A) to be paid more than a month late (C) to pay later than a month more

(B) to be paid later than more a month (D) to pay late more than a month



The government has promised to ________ more money on education.






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