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It is useful to be able to predict the extent ____

__ which a price change will affect supply and demand.

A) from B) with C) to D) for

更多“It is useful to be able to predict the extent ____”相关的问题


Dyslexia is a problem that restricts the ability to recognize words and connect sounds
with letters when people read. People with this learning disorder may also have problems when they write. Dyslexia is not related to eyesight or intelligence. The problem involves areas of the brain that process language. Brain scientists are studying whether they can predict which young children may struggle with reading to provide them with early help. John Gabrieli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is leading the study of five-year-olds in about twenty schools in the Boston area.

They studied in the schools with kindergartens. And for all the children joining in the study, they give them a brief set of paper-and-pencil tests to look at which children appear to be at some risk for struggling to read. So far, fifty of them have been examined in a scanner, a specialmachine, to show brain activity. Written tests are not always able to identify dyslexia or otherproblems, while brain scans may offer a more scientific way to identify problems. And with reading problems, early identification is important. When it comes to helping children overcome reading difficulties, the younger the child, the more effective they are.

Reading problems are not usually identified until a child is in the third or fourth grade. The later children are recognized as poor readers, the less treatment can help. And, as Professor Gabrieli points out, poor reading can make education a struggle. Reading is everything. Even math and science have textbooks.

While the children are given tasks related to reading, the brain scans measure the extent to which certain parts of the brain become active while the children do the work. The scientists say they are pleased with early results from the study, but have a long way to go.

1.Dyslexia affects the part of brain concerning ________.

A. eyesight B. intelligence C. language D. emotion

2.Dyslexia problems are more likely to be identified through ________.

A. speech contests B. reading efficiency

C. listening comprehension D. brain scans

3.According to the passage, which of the followings has the best time to overcome reading difficulties?

A. Tom, a boy in the kindergarten.

B. Kate, a high school leaver.

C. Jane, a primary school student.

D. Steve, a man in his thirties.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An effective way to identity Dyslexia at an early stage.

B. A learning disorder involving one’s intelligence.

C. Dyslexia — a problem affecting one’s reading and writing.

D. A possible solution to the problems related to Dyslexia.



Chien and Thang are young motor mechanics who set up an unlimited partnership to service and repair motor vehicles.Chien is single and has few personal responsibilities. He is able to live comfortably from his share in the profits of the partnership. By contrast, Thang has family commitments and has experienced financial difficulties.Chien has discovered that Thang has been returning to their rented workshop after normal business hours to work on vehicles in his own time. Thang has been offering his services at a substantial discount to the partnership's usual hourly rates for labour. When confronted byChien, Thang said that what he did in his own time was his own affair. He refused to reveal the true extent of the work that he had done in a private capacity.As a result of this disagreement,Chien has decided that he no longer wishes to work with Thang and will engage Hien as a partner to replace Thang.Required: (a)Explain the actions thatChien can take against Thang. (6 marks)


If you are staying in the UK for more than 6 months, it may be useful to open a UK ban
k account. There are a lot of advantages of having a UK current (checking) account:

Paying bills

Many landlords prefer to collect rent directly from a bank account.

You may be able to obtain cheaper services if you pay bills directly from a bank account,e. g. telephone, gas/water/electricity.

If you are given a chequebook, you can also write cheques as a safe way of paying for things.


You can easily obtain money from cash machines,or pay directly from your account using a debit card(借记卡).

Saving money

It is generally cheaper to use a UK account than it is to pay by credit card(信用卡)or withdraw (提取) cash from a foreign bank.


If you work in the UK,some employers require you to have a bank account so that you can get your pay.

Advantages of UK Current Account

Paying bills: 1) to pay rent directly from ①

2) to obtain ② services

3) to pay for things with cheques safely

Cash:1)to obtain money from ③ easily

21 to pay directly from your account

Saving money:cheaper to use a ④ account

Employment:to get your ⑤ through a bank account



Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were【S1】______. The study of how genes and environment interact to influence【S2】______activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important【S3】______to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and behavior.Any research that suggests that【S4】______to perform. certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what you can【S5】______based on something that is beyond your control, such as your genes? It is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, race and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how【S6】______they are, or what career they are likely to choose? A concern of psychological scientists is the【S7】______to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture(养育) , by genetic makeup and the environment. Increasingly, science【S8】______that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born【S9】______like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured, but the way it【S10】______appears can vary based on the development process. However, the basic picture is there from the beginning.

A) abilities I) extent

B) achieve J) indicates

C) appeal K) proceeds

D) complaints L) psychological

E) contributions M) raised

F) displayed N) smart

G) essentially O) standard H) eventually














A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the m

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the man who does not. If the instructions are not very clear, or the shape of a piece is puzzling his experience helps him to conclude that it must fit there, or that its function must be that. In the same way, the reader's sense and experience helps him to predict what the writer is likely to ,say next; that he must be going to say this rather than that. A reader who can think along with the writer in this way will find the text.

This skill is so useful that you may wish to make your students aware of it so that they can use it to tackle difficult texts. It does seem to be the case that as we read we make hypotheses (假设) about what the writer intends to say; these are immediately modified by what he actually does say, and are replaced by new hypotheses about what will follow. We have all had the experience of believing we were understanding a text until suddenly brought to a halt by some word or phrase that would not fit into the pattern and forced us to reread and readjust our thoughts. Such occurrences lend support to the notion of reading as a constant making and remaking of hypotheses.

If you are interested in finding out how far this idea accords with (符合) practice, you may like to try out the text and questions. To do so, take a piece of card and use it to mask the text. Move it down the page, revealing only one

t a time. Answer the question before you go on to look at the next section. Check your prediction against what the text actually says, and use the new knowledge to improve your next prediction. You will need to look back to earlier parts of the text if you are to make accurate prediction, for you must keep in mind the general organization of the argument as well as the detail within each sentence. If you have tried this out, you have probably been interested to find how much you can predict, though naturally we should not expect to be right every time -- otherwise there would be no need for us to read.

Conscious use of this technique can be helpful when we are faced with a part of the text that we find difficult: if we can see the overall pattern of the text, and the way the argument is organized, we can make a reasoned guess at the next step. Having an idea of what something might mean can be a great help in interpreting it.

The author uses the examples of carpentry and reading to show______.

A.the importance of making prediction

B.the similarity in using one's senses

C.the necessity of making use of one's knowledge

D.the most effective method in doing anything



阅读:The oldest and simplest method, then of describing differences in personality was to classify

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

The oldest and simplest method, then of describing differences in personality was to classify people according to types, and such a system is called a Typology. A famous example of this method was set forth in Greece about the year 400 BC.A physician named Hippocrates theorized that there were four fluids, or humors, in the body. Corresponding to each humor, he believed, there existed a definite type of personality.

The four humors were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. A person in whom all four humors were in perfect balance had a harmonious personality. If a person had too much blood, he was called sanguine(血红色), or cheerful and optimistic. Someone with too much yellow bile was choleric, or irritable and easily angered. Too much black bile made a person melancholy, or depressed and pessimistic. An oversupply of phlegm caused a human being to be phlegmatic, or slow and unfeeling. Scientists have long since discarded Hippocrates’ fluid theory. But the names of the humors, corresponding to these temperaments, have survived and are still useful, to some extent, in describing personality.

Other features of people, such as their faces and physics, have also been used to classify personality. Today, however, personality theories and classifications may also include factors such as heredity(遗传特征), the environment, intelligence , and emotional needs. Psychology, biology, and sociology are involved in these theories. Because of the complexity of human personality, present day theories are often very different from one another. Psychologists vary in their ideas about what is most important in determining personality.

36.According to Hippocrates’ fluid theory, a man with too much phlegm will be ____.

A.optimistic B.easily angered C.unexcitable D.pessimistic

37.The main idea of this passage is about ____.

A.the complicated factors in determining one’s personality

B.Hippocrates’ fluid theory and its development

C.the past and today of personality classifications and theories

D.different personalities and their details

38.At present, psychologists ____.

A.have common opinion about personality theories and classifications

B.use biology, archaeology and sociology to study personality theories

C.have abandoned Hippocrates’ fluid theory entirely

D.all agree that human beings are characterized with complex personalities

39.The third paragraph mainly talks about ____.

A.Hippocrates’ fluid theory

B.scientists’ points of view on Hippocrutes’ fluid theory

C.Hippocrates’ fluid theory and its fate

D.defects in Hippocrates’ fluid theory

40.According to this passage the factors which are still NOT used to clas sify personality are ____.

A.one’s born features and needs of love and success

B.one’s height and weight

C.one’s hobbies and ideals

D.the environment and intelligence



Goal of American EducationEducation is an enormous and expensive part of American life. It

Goal of American Education

Education is an enormous and expensive part of American life. Its size is matched by its variety.

Differences in American schools compared with those found in the majority of other countries lie in the fact that education here has long been intended for everyone — not just for a privileged elite. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child, regardless of ability, and also the needs of society itself. This means that public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics, history, and languages. Students choose their curricula depending on their interests, future goals, and level of ability. The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own possibilities, and to give each one a sense of civic and community consciousness.

Schools have traditionally played an important role in creating national unity and "Americanizing" the millions of immigrants who have poured into this country from many different backgrounds and origins. Schools still play a large role in the community, especially in the small towns.

The approach to teaching may seem unfamiliar to many, not only because it is informal, but also because there is not much emphasis on learning facts. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities. Students spend much time, learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics and computers. Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. Knowing how to solve problems is considered more important than the accumulation of facts.

This is America's answer to the searching question that thoughtful parents all over the world are asking themselves in the fast-moving time: "How can one prepare today's child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?"

Which of the following best states the goal of American education?

A.To teach every learner some practical skills.

B.To provide every learner with rich knowledge.

C.To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability.

D.To train every student to be a responsible citizen.



Natural ResourcesThroughout history, people have often selected where they want to live
Natural ResourcesThroughout history, people have often selected where they want to live

Natural Resources

Throughout history, people have often selected where they want to live based on the natural resources that are available in the area.26 Some of these resources include water, food sources such as fruits and vegetables, and animals that can be caught or hunted.

A region’s natural resources determine the way of life of its people.27 |On the other hand,poor soil will either send people looking for better places, or attract people with other purposes for the land, such as setting up businesses or factories.

28 People who wish to make a living as fishermen can do so by the pcean, but cannot do so in the desert.Desert people have many traditional and |mique foods, which cannot be found in the forest.Each area attracts people based on their interests and purposes.

Areas that have rich water resources will naturally have more people, frraditionally, villages,towns and cities built near water have been the most luccessful.People there are able to use the water resources to meet their daily lieeds.29 Places that are hard to reach,such as high mountains or dry Beserts, will have fewer people living in them.

30 For too long, people have destroyed natural resources, using up those [resources that cannot be easily replaced.On the earth, we are lucky to have many resources that are renewable, such as sun, wind, water, and trees.As more and more focus is placed on the use of renewable resources, it will become easier to |>rotect our planet from further harm.

A.It is easy to find new resources in nature.

B .Renewable resources are those that can be replaced easily.

c.While you may not think of oceans as natural resources, they are.

D .for example, regions with rich soil can support fanning societies.

E .They can also use the water to help them move goods to other areas.

F.Natural resources are useful to people, and they come from the earth.



Is it accurate to predict the result _________ the basis of one secret vote?













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