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The organization had broken no rules, but ________

__ had it acted responsibly.

A) neither B) so

C) either D) both

更多“The organization had broken no rules, but ________”相关的问题


?Read the article below about corporate culture on the opposite page. ?For each question 1

?Read the article below about corporate culture on the opposite page.

?For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The term corporate culture refers to an organization's value system. Managerial philosophies, workplace practices, and organizational network are included in the concept of corporate culture. Tyson Food's corporate culture is reflected in the fact that everyone—even CEO Don Tyson wears clothes of a yellowish brown color on the job.

The leaders who developed the company and the corporate culture typically shape the corporate culture.One generation of employees passes on a corporate culture to newer employees. Sometimes this is part of formal training. New managers who attend McDonald's Hamburger University may learn skills in management,but they also pick up the basics of the organization's corporate culture. Employees can absorb corporate culture through informal contacts as well, by talking with other workers and through their experiences on the job.

Corporate culture has a major impact on the success of an organization. In organizations with strong cultures,everyone knows and supports the organizations' objectives. In those with weak cultures, no clear sense of purpose exists. In fact, the authors of the classic book In Search of Excellence concluded the presence of a strong corporate culture was the single common thread among many diverse but highly successful companies such as General Electric and McDonald's.

As you can imagine, changing a company's corporate culture can be very difficult. But some managers try to do just that when they feel the current culture is weak, or when the organization's objectives change and the old culture no longer fits. Sometimes the competitive situation of a company changes.For instance, electric utilities, which once had their profits guaranteed by public regulation, now face more competition than ever. Firms that were comfortable competing against other American companies now find themselves fighting competitors from overseas, too.

Management expert Peter Duckers feels that, rather than trying to change culture, managers should focus on changing employees and corporate practices, as follows.

?Define what results are needed. Specify in measurable terms what the organization or department,or office) needs to achieve.

?Determine where these results are already being achieved within the current organization. Analyze the departments that are already effective and find out what they are doing differently from the rest.

?Determine what top management can do to encourage these good results. Duckers suggests that executives openly ask what they can do to help, and then do it.

?Change the reward system—or develop a new one—to recognize these effective practices. When employees realize that the organization really does reward the new approach, they will adopt it much more quickly. Whether one wants to change an organization culture or not, it is important to choose managers and employees whose personal styles fit the organization's goals.

According to the passage, corporate culture

A.means the cultural atmosphere in a company.

B.is established by top leaders and can't be changed.

C.involves the core values of a company.

D.has little influence on the performance of a company.



An Organization that Supports the Arts Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of

An Organization that Supports the Arts

Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music, and art. This it does by enthusiastically handing out money. Annual cash awards are given to deserving artists in various categories of creativity: architecture, musical composition, theater, novels, serious poetry, light verse, painting, sculpture. One award subsidizes a promising American writer' s visit to Rome. There is even an award for a very good work of fiction that failed commercially--once won by the young John Updike for The Poorhouse Fair and, more recently, by Alice Walker for In Love and Trouble.

The awards and prizes are total about 750,000 a year, but most of them range in size from 5,000 to 12,500, a welcome sum to many young practitioners whose work may not bring in that much money in a year. One of the advantages of the awards is that many go to the struggling artists, rather than to those who are already successful. Members of the Academy and Institute are not eligible for any cash prizes. Another advantage is that, unlike the National Endowment for the Arts or similar institutions throughout the world, there is no government money involved.

Awards are made by committee. Each of the three departments----Literature (120 members), Art (83), Music (47)-----has a committee dealing with its own field. Committee membership rotates every year, so that new voices and opinions are constantly heard. The most financially rewarding of all the Academy - Institute awards are the Mildred and Harold Strauss Livings. Harold Strauss, a devoted editor at Alfred A. Knopf, the New York publishing house, and Mildred Strauss, his wife, were wealthy and childless. They left the Academy -Institute a unique bequest: for five consecutive years, two distinguished (and financially needy) writers would receive enough money so they could devote themselves entirely to "prose literature" (no plays, no poetry, and no paying job that might distract). In 1983, the first Strauss Livings of 35,000 a year went to short -story writer Raymond Carver and novelist- essayist Cynthia Ozick. By 1988, the fund had grown enough so that two winners, novelists Diane Johnson and Robert Stone, each got 50,000 a year for five years.

Which of the following can be inferred about Alice Walker' s book In love and Trouble?

A.It sold more copies than The Poorhouse Fair.

B.It described the author' s visit to Rome.

C.It was a commercial success.

D.It was published after The Poorhouse Fair.



Job or money? Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by t

Job or money?

Would you quit your job if you didn’t need the money?In a 1990 poll by the Gallop Organization,many people said quitting work was an imprtant reason to be rich.Yet researchers find that work is one of life’s chief satisfactions for people.

Consider W.Berry Fowler.In 1979,Fowler started a tutoring company that became so successful he was able to sell out and retire in 1978一a multimillionaire at 40. He bought a 50-foot cabin cruiser(可住宿的游艇)and a house in Hawaii,and busied himself vacationing.

But after five years of perpetual vacation,nower began to miss the challenges of work.So in 1992,he bought a fitness chain for children and now spends 75 hours a week immersed in balance sheets and staff meetings.“My best days on the golf course weren’t half as much fun as a good day at the office.”he says.

A job,studies show,is more than a paycheck.Doing something Well can increase confidence and self—worth.When sociologist H.Ray Kaplan surveyed 139 lottery(彩票)millionaires,he discovered 60 percent continued working at least a year after they’d won.

If jobs are so important,wouldn’t salary size be a gauge(标准尺)of job satisfaction?Americans think so.A survey conducted last year by Roper Starch Worldwide,Inc.,found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.work that doesn’t engage a person will never seem rewarding,no matter how lucative(有理可图的)it becomes.

第 8 题 The Gallop poll shows many people want to be rich in order not to work.



C.Not mentioned



Kids often ask Scout Bassett, of Palm Desert, California, if she wishes she had two no
rmal legs.Scout, 18, answers, “No.I have never known anything different, and it would seem weird to me.Besides, if it weren’t for the missing leg, I wouldn’t have the opportunities I have today!”

Scout has faced big challenges.When she was only months old, she suffered from terrible burns.Her right leg was especially damaged, and doctors cut it off above the knee.When she was 14, she got a high-tech leg made for sports and put it to the test right away in a race for disabled athletes.“I remember being terrified because this was my first time,” she says.“But my doctor said,You have to start somewhere.”

Scout was waiting nervously for the race to start when athlete Sarah Reinestsen came up and said, “I’ve been doing this for a while.Let me give you some tips.”Reinertsen, who lost her leg when she was seven, is the first disabled women to have finished the Ironman Triathlon(铁人三项) in Hawaii.She works with an organization to help support people like Scout.

Reinertsen’s encouragement changed the teenager’s life.She lost that first race, but gained the confidence that she needed to compete.If Sarah could do it, she could too.Training hard, she now runs competitively and also finds time to share her story with school groups.

“Sometimes people look at me or at Sarah and think they have nothing in common with us.I tell them that even if you aren’t physically challenged, everybody has challenges of some kind — maybe with family, or homework, or friends.No matter what it is, you can overcome that obstacle,” she says.“Everything you need is inside your heart.Take small steps.As time goes by, the steps will get bigger and you will reach your dream.”

11.Why does Scout answer “No” when asked if she wants two normal legs?()

A.She’s scared of changing her current situation

B.She couldn’t have them even if she wanted to

C.She has never thought about it before

D.She’s satisfied with what she has achieved as a disabled

12.What dose the doctor mean by saying “You have to start somewhere”(Para.2)?()

A.She has to do it sooner or later

B.She has to find the right place to start

C.That will be a memorable first time

D.That is a perfect time to start

13.Scout’s childhood experiences ______.

A.were the cause of her shyness

B.were a nightmare until she reached 14

C.didn’t stop her from fulfilling herself

D.didn’t have much influence on her later life

14.Which of the following statements in true?()

A.Sarah shared her story with school students

B.Sarah started to compete at the age of seven

C.Scout has been inspired by Sarah’s success

D.Scout joined Sarah’s organization to help others

15.Through Scout’s story, the author wants to tell us that ______.

A.the disabled are mentally stronger than others

B.inner strength can help one overcome difficulties

C.good things will come no matter what

D.everybody has to challenge himself



The organization has __________ a campaign to raise money for the election.A、takeB、lau

The organization has __________ a campaign to raise money for the election.






世界知识产权组织,英文即World Intellectual Property Organization,简称为()。



An organization’s internal environment is composed of the elements within the organiza
tion, including current employees, management, and especially corporate culture.()



The World Tourism Organization is the leading international organization in the field
of travelling and tourism.(英译中)



What types of skills would a manager need to defectively work in a project stricture? In a boundless organization? In a learning organization?
What types of skills would a manager need to defectively work in a project stricture? In a boundless organization? In a learning organization?



Organization charts are used to().
Organization charts are used to().

A.show relationships

B.illustrate trends

C.indicate proportions


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