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Eating too much fat can ___________ 怎么选择

Eating too much fat can ___________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A) attribute to B) attend to C) contribute to D) devote to

更多“Eating too much fat can ___________ 怎么选择”相关的问题


The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre (纤维) and
The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre (纤维) and

The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre (纤维) and for most people having a healthy diet is simple and easy to do. The move towards a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruit, vegetables, bread and potatoes.

There are 5 basic food groups and a healthy diet consists of eating a variety of foods from each of the groups.

1. Bread, potatoes, rice, noodles,and breakfast cereals.

These foods mostly contain starch (淀粉) and should be the main part of all your meals. If possible try to choose high fibre varieties. This group of foods is an excellent source (来源) fibre and is rich in vitamin (维生素)

2. Fruit and vegetables

This includes all frozen, fresh and canned fruit/vegetables as well as salad vegetables. These are all excellent sources of vitamins minerals and fibre and are naturally low in fat and calories.

3. Milk and dairy foods

Milk and dairy products include cheese, yoghurt and milk. They are rich in protein (蛋白质) calcium, vitamin and minerals.

4. Meat, fish and poultry (家禽)

Eating fish 1-2 times a week is good for you. All types of meats are included in the category and red meat is excellent source of iron and vitamin B12. Nuts, peas and beans are also in this food group.

5. Foods containing fats and sugars.

This last group contains butter, cream, ice cream, cooking oil, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sugary drinks, sweets and crisps. All of these foods tend to be high in fat and calories.Try not to eat these foods too often and when you do, only have them in small amounts.

(1)、What’s the problem with many people?

A、Not enough sleep

B、Staying up late

C、Eating too much fat and not enough fibre

D、Under stress

(2)、What does a healthy diet mean? It means ().

A、five different kinds of foods a meal

B、different kinds of foods from the 5 basic food groups

C、different kinds of fruits and vegetables

D、less fruit, vegetables, bread and potatoes

(3)、We should try not to eat foods from () too often.

A、Group 5

B、Group 4

C、Group 1

D、Both Group 4 and Group 5

(4)、Which of following sentence is NOT true?

A、Nuts and meat are in the same group.

B、Milk and dairy products are rich in protein.

C、Bread and milk are in the same group.

D、Cakes and chocolate tend to be high in fat and calories.

(5)、What’s the main idea of the passage?

A、What should a healthy diet consist of ?

B、How can we tell the differences from 5 basic food groups?

C、A healthy diet is simple and easy to do.

D、Vitamin is not a part of staying healthy.



Eating too much sugar can () health problems.


The unhealthy ingredients and low nutrition content of the food can make you less active a
nd lazy, new research shows. No surprises there.【C1】______, what is more shocking is that the energy-weakening effects of a junk food diet can persist,【C2】______after you switch to a healthy【C3】______. Two groups of female rats were fed different diets by researchers for a six-month period. One group ate unprocessed foods such as corn and fish meal【C4】______the other ate a diet【C5】______to imitate junk food; high in sugar, and lower in【C6】______. While understandably the group eating the junk food diet gained more weight than the other, they also【C7】______from fatigue and became less active and less【C8】______—ie: lazier. In fact, those rats fed junk food took twice as many, and longer breaks during tasks than the rats eating a healthy diet, even tasks which【C9】______rewards. What is even more【C10】______is that switching these rats back onto a nutritious diet at the end of six months for nine days didnt seem to reverse their weight gain or their learnt laziness. This could suggest that while an【C11】______case of bad food—say on holiday, will not have too much of a【C12】______effect if you generally eat a good diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. But those who eat a poor diet【C13】______the long term may actually become lazy and fatigued, as well as gaining weight and suffering the health consequences【C14】______being overweight. The research shows that switching【C15】______a healthy diet in the short term is unlikely to be【C16】______to reverse any of the side effects of a diet high in junk food. "Overweight people are often regarded as lazy and lacking【C17】______," says Blaisdell, a professor of psychology at UCLA "We【C18】______our results as suggesting that the idea commonly【C19】______in the media that people become fat because they are lazy is wrong. Our data suggest that diet-induced obesity is a cause,【C20】______an effect, of laziness. Either the highly processed diet causes fatigue or the diet causes obesity, which causes fatigue."








Imagine eating everything delicious you want -with none of the fat. That would be great, wouldn't it?

New "fake fat" products appeared on stone shelves in the United States recently, but not everyone is happy about it. Makers of the products, which contain a compound called olestra, say food manufacturers can now eliminate fat from certain foods. Critics, however, say the new compound can rob the body of essential vitamins and nutrients (营养物) and can also cause unpleasant side effects in some people. So it's up to consumers to decide whether the new fat-free products taste good enough to keep eating.

Chemists discovered olestra in the late 1960s, when they were searching for a fat that could be digested by infants more easily. Instead of finding the desired fat, the researchers created a fat that can't be digested at all.

Normally, special chemicals in the intestines (肠) "grab" molecules of regular fat and break them down so they can be used by the body. A molecule of regular fat is made up of three molecules of substances called fatty acids.

The fatty acids are absorbed by the intestines and bring with them the essential vitamins A, D, E and K. When fat molecules are present in the intestines with any of those vitamins, the vitamins attach to the molecules and are carried into the bloodstream.

OIestra, which is made from six to eight molecules of fatty acids, is too large for the intestines to absorb. It just slides through the intestines without being broken down. Manufacturers say it's that ability to slide unchanged through the intestines that makes olestea so valuable as a fat substitute. It provides consumers with the taste of regular fat without any bad effects on the body. But critics say olestras can prevent vitamins A, D, E and K from being absorbed. It can also prevent the absorption of carotenoids (类胡萝卜素), compounds that may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, etc.

Manufacturers are adding vitamins A, D, E and K as well as carotenoids to their products now. Even so, some nutritionists are still concerned that people might eat unlimited amounts of food made with the fat substitute without worrying about how many calories they are consuming.

we learn from the passage that olestra is a substance that().

A.contains plenty of nutrients

B.renders foods calorie -free while retaining their vitamins

C.makes foods easily digestible

D.makes foods fat -free while keeping them delicious



Imagine eating everything delicious you want—with none of the fat. That would be great, wo
uldn't it?

New "fake fat" products appeared on store shelves in the United States recently, but not everyone is happy about it. Makers of the products, which contain a compound called olestra, say food manufacturers can now eliminate. Critics, however, say the new compound can rob the body of essential vitamins and nutrients (营养物) and can also cause unpleasant side effects in some people. So it's up to consumers to decide whether the new fat-free products taste good enough to keep eating.

Chemists discovered olestra in the late 1960s, when they were searching for a fat that could be digested by infants more easily. Instead of finding the desired fat, the researchers created a fat that can't be digested at all.

Normally, special chemicals in the intestines(肠)"grab" molecules of regular fat and break them down so they can be used by the body. A molecule of regular fat is made up of three molecules of substances called fatting acids.

The fatty acids are absorbed by the intestines and bring with them the essential vitamins A, D, E and K. When fat molecules are present in the intestines with any of those vitamins, the vitamins attach to the molecules and are carried into the bloodstream.

Olestra, which is made from six to eight molecules of fatty acids, is too large for the intestines to absorb. It just slides through the intestines without being broke down. Manufacturers say it's the ability to slide unchanged through the intestines that makes olestra so valuable as a fat substitute. It provides consumers with the taste of regular at without any bad effects on the body. But critics say olestra can prevent vitamins A, D, E and K from being absorbed. It can also prevent the absorption of carotenoids(类胡萝卜素), compounds that may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, etc.

Manufacturers are adding vitamins A, D, E and K as well as carotenoids to their products now. even so, some nutritionists are still concerned that people might eat unlimited amounts of food made with the fat substitute without worrying about how many calories they are consuming.

We learn from the passage that olestra is a substance that______.

A.contains plenty of nutrients

B.renders foods calorie-free while retaining their vitamins

C.makes foods easily digestible

D.makes foods fat-free while keeping them delicious



Have you wished for a magic pill or magic formula that would let you live happily fore
ver? If you have, don’t feel alone! It’s a very common, natural wish that has a long history.Spanish explorers of the sixteenth century even tried to find a fountain of youth in what is now the state of Florida.The water the this legendary fountain, which no one has yet found, was believed to restore youth and good health to those who drank it.

Biologists today don’t expect that anyone will find a magical fountain of youth.Growing older is a natural part of the life cycle that can’t be reversed.As human beings grow older, organs such as the heart and lungs may stop functioning properly.Sight and hearing may become weak.And the human body becomes more likely to come down with serious illnesses from which it cannot recover.

Considered together, changes that bring about the decline of an organism are called aging.Because of aging, many biologists believe that there may be a maximum age limit to which even the healthiest organisms can live.For human beings, this maximum age limit is about 110 years.

Perhaps the most important thing that you can learn from your study of human biology is that you have a lot of control over the aging process in your own life.In fact, within our control are many physical and mental factors that have much to do with aging.For example, each of us, as recent research indicates, can do many things to help prevent heart and vessel disease, which causes half the death each year in the United States.We can avoid eating a lot of fatty meat.Eating too much of these types of animal fats can lead to the clogging and hardening of blood vessels.We can cut back on smoking and hopefully quit entirely.We can limit the amount of alcohol we drink and the amount of sugar we eat.We can exercise regularly and strengthen the heart and other organs.And we can remember to take time out each day for ourselves, time just relax.Exercise, recreation and relaxation all reduce stress – inner tension that is hard on all body organs.

One final thing we can do is to try to keep aware of advances made in health education.Information is often available free of charge from health clinics or schools.

1.Which of the following is the leading cause of death in the United States?

A.Heart disease.




2.What happens as people grow older?

A.They dream of a magic pill to help them live a happy and long life

B.They come down with serious illnesses

C.Their organs become weak and may stop working properly

D.Their blood vessels become clogged

3.In the opinion of biologists, _________.

A.the aging process can be reversed

B.the aging process can be controlled and slowed down

C.the aging process can be got rid of

D.the aging process can go beyond its limit

4.We can slow down the weakening of all our body organs by ______.

A.not eating animal fat

B.limiting drinking and smoking

C.exercise, recreation and relaxation to reduce stress

D.preventing the clogging and hardening of blood vessels

5.Besides physical and mental factors, which of the following also contributes to living a long and healthy life according tot the passage?

A.Health education

B.Traditional medicine

C.artificial organs

D.The invention of magic pills



阅读选择Talk to Your Kids about Their Eating Habits CarefullyWeight is never an easy sub


Talk to Your Kids about Their Eating Habits Carefully

Weight is never an easy subject. It can be risky for parents to raise the issue of eating habits and weight with their kids.

“No kid ever lost weight because his mother told him he was fat,” a friend told me when I was worried about my son’s weight.

It turns out she was right, according to a new study. The study was directed by Dr. Berge at University of Minnesota. She found that kids whose parents discussed eating in a healthy way were less likely to have eating problems. But 64% of the kids whose parents focused on their weight turned to unhealthy eating behaviors. Some kids went on extreme diets, and others even ate no food. So eating disorders were caused. Things were worse when fathers joined in the discussions with their daughters and focused on weight. “Fathers should never comment on their daughters'weight,” says Berge Instead, she suggests, fathers should focus on their daughters'interests. That can help them feel loved and confident enough to work on their weight issues.

How should parents talk to kids about. eating behaviors? According to Berge, they should avoid focusing on how much their kids weigh. They should talk to them about being healthy. Don't compare them with others. Ideally, both parents should share the responsibility. If that' s not possible, choose the parent whose words cause the least amount of stress and who demonstrates healthy eating.

1. The writer' s friend advised her not to().

A. worry about her son's weight

B. take the risk of gaining weight

C. change her own eating habits

D. talk to her son about his weight

2. The study found that some kids had fewer eating problems because they ().

A. learned to eat healthily

B. took part in the study

C. focused on their weight

D. believed the scientists

3. When told about their fatness, some kids ().

A. felt helpless

B. became angry

C. began to eat no food

D. refused to take any advice

4. If a father focuses on his daughter' s interests, she will feel().

A. amused

B. encouraged

C. surprised

D. challenged

5. When taking to their kids about eating behaviors, parents should ().

A. focus on being healthy

B. use short and simple words

C. respect their kids' views

D. compare their kids with others



Sports and games make our bodies strong, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us heal
thy. But these are not their only use. They give us valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction and pass this information on to the brain~ The brain then has to decide what to do, and to send its orders to the muscles of the arms, legs, and so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it ought to go. All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at tennis can carry out this complicated chain of events successfully. For those who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful.

Sports and games are also very useful for character-training. In their lessons at school, boys and girls may learn about such virtues as unselfishness, courage, discipline and love of one's country; but what is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned by experience~ The ordinary day-school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the pupils' time is spent in classrooms, studying lessons. So it is what the pupils do in their spare time that really prepares them to take their place in society as citizens when they grow up. (16) If each of them learns to work for his team and not for himself on the football field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of his country instead of only for his own benefit.

When we play tennis we have to______.

A.use, first, our eyes, then the brain and finally the muscles

B.make our eyes, brain and muscles work almost at the same time

C.use mainly the arms and legs to hit

D.use mainly the muscles so that the ball is met and hit back



He ate ____food this morning, and it’s ______ hard for him to walk fast.

A.much too; much too

B.too much; too much

C.much too; too much

D.too much; much too



—How about taking a walk?—Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walkA.very muchB.too muchC.

A.very much

B.too much

C.much too

D.so much


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