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More sleep in old age, however, is 50.____with better health, and most older people would feel better and more 51.____if they slept for longer periods, he said.



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While elderly people 47.to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a 48.effect on their brain's performance and they would benefit from getting more, according to research.




"It's 53.____a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were 54.____. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from 55 to get as much sleep as they did in their 30s. That's 56.____from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount we need at 75."



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"The ability to sleep in one chunk overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to 52.____well does not change," Dr Drummond told the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego.









Sleep is a funny thing. We're taught that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but
a lot of us get by just fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the University of Buffalo reported that people who routinely sleep more than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to die of stroke--probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them from sleeping soundly.

Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents are famously short of sleep. It is not unusual for. them to work 40 hours in a row without rest. They are not in the least worried about it, confident they can still deliver the highest quality of medical care. But an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association points out that in the morning after 24 hours of sleeplessness, a person' s motor performance is comparable to that of someone who is drunk. Curiously, surgeons who believe that operating under the influence of alcohol is grounds for sacking often don' t think twice about operating without enough sleep.

"I could tell you horror stories," says Jaya Agrawal, president of the American Medical Student Association, which runs a website for residents. Some are terrifying." I was operating after being up for over 36 hours," one writes. "I literally fell asleep standing up and nearly planted my face into the wound."

"Practically every surgical resident I know has fallen asleep at the wheel driving home from work," writes another. "I know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a 'Jersey gate' on the New Jersey Expressway, going 105kin/h."

"Your own patients have become the enemy," writes a third, because they are "the one thing that stands between you and a few hours of sleep."

The U.S. controls the hours of pilots and truck drivers. But until such a system is in place for doctors, patients are on their own. If you're worded about the people treating you or a loved one, you should feel free to ask how many hours of sleep they have had and if more rested staffers are available.

Sleep is a funny thing because ______.

A.the longer one sleeps, the less sound sleep he gets

B.the more sleep one gets, the more likely a stroke occurs

C.many people stick to about eight hours of sleep to stay fine

D.many people who sleep six hours a night still feel energetic in the day



There must be few questions on which responsible opinion is so utterly divided as on that
of how much sleep we ought to have. There are some who think we can leave the body to regulate these matters for itself. "The answer is easy," says Dr. A. Burton. "With the tight amount of sleep you should wake up fresh and alert five minutes before the alarm tings." If he is right many people must be under sleeping, including myself. But we must remember that some people have a greater inertia than others. This is not meant rudely. They switch on Slowly, and they are reluctant to switch off. They are alert at bedtime and sleepy when it is time to get up, and this may have nothing to do with how fatigued their bodies are, or how much sleep they must take to lose their fatigue.

Other people feel sure that the present trend is towards too little sleep. To quote one medical opinion, "Thousands of people drift through life suffering from the effects of too little sleep; the reason is not that they can't sleep. Like advancing colonists, we do seem to be grasping ever more of the land of sleep for our waking needs, pushing the boundary back and reaching, apparently, for a point in our evolution where we will sleep no more. This in itself, of course, need not be a bad thing. What could be disastrous, however, is that we should press too quickly towards this goal, sacrificing sleep only to gain more time in which to jeopardize our civilization by actions and decisions made weak by fatigue.

Then, to complete the picture, there are those who believe that most people are persuaded to sleep too much. Dr. H. Roberts, writing in Every Man in Health, asserts it may safely be stated also. It would be a pity to retard our development by holding back those people who are gifted enough to work and play well with less than the average amount of sleep, if indeed it does them no harm. If one of the trends of evolution is that more of the life span is to be spent in gainful waking activity, then surely these people are in the van of this advance.

The author seems to indicate that ______.

A.there are many controversial issues like the right amount of sleep

B.among many issues the right amount of sleep is the least controversial

C.people are now moving towards solving many controversial issues

D.the right amount of sleep is a topic of much controversy among doctors



Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sl
eep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop, your muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit, too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves predominating for the first few minutes. This is called stage I sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep, the slower your brain waves will be. Then, about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose consciousness, you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.

You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night along, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep that most dreams seem to occur.

Provided that you do not wake up during the first REM sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow and regular once more, and you will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep — only to rise once again to the surface of near consciousness some 80 minutes later.

Which of the following does the passage mainly discuss?

A.Scientific methods of studying sleep.

B.Why humans require sleep.

C.The phases of sleep.

D.Why dreams occur during REM sleep.



根据材料请回答 36~40 题 SleepSleep is part of your daily activity cycle, but there are

根据材料请回答 36~40 题


Sleep is part of your daily activity cycle, but there are several differenttypes or stages of sleep and they too occur in cycles.If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle will go something like this: When you first drift off into sleep your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, your muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular.Your brain waves slow down a bit too.This is called Stage 1 sleep.

For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through Stage 2 and Stage 3 sleep.The lower your stage of sleep, the slower your brain waves will be.Then, about 40-60 minutes after you lose consciousness, you will have reached the deepest sleep of all.Your brain waves will show the delta rhythm.This is Stage 4 sleep.

You may think that you stay at this deep fourth stage all the rest of the night, but that turns out not to be the case.Instead, about 80 minutes after you fall into sleep your activity cycle wilt increase slightly.The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves.Your eyes will begin to move around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you.This period of Rapid Eye Movements lasts for some 8-15 minutes and is called REM sleep.During both light and deep sleep, the muscles in your body are relaxed but capable of movement.However, as you slip into REM sleep, a very odd thing occurs.Most of the voluntary muscles(随意肌)in your body become paralyzed(麻痹).Although your brain shows very rapid bursts of neural activity during REM sleep, your body is incapable of moving.

第 36 题 The lower the stage of sleep

A.the greater the alpha waves will be

B.the slower the brain waves will appear

C.the slower the activity pattern of the brain

D.the deeper the sleeper gets to unconsciousness









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