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英译汉:Can I pay my water and electri city bill shere()。

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短文翻译(英译汉)When I was nine years old living in a small town in North Carolina I fou
短文翻译(英译汉)When I was nine years old living in a small town in North Carolina I fou


When I was nine years old living in a small town in North Carolina I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children’s magazine. I thought to myself I can do this. I begged my mother to let me send for the kit. Two weeks later when the kit arrived, I ripped off the brown paper wrapper, grabbed the cards and dashed from the house. Three hours later, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money proclaiming “Mama, all the people couldn’t wait to buy my cards!” A salesperson was born.

When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Ziegler. I remember sitting in that dark auditorium listening to Mr. Ziegler raise everyone’s spirits up to the ceiling, I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to make people feel like that.” My father asked me what I meant, “I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Ziegler.” I replied. A dream was born.



I am going to ask for a pay rise.()

A.I thank you can't do it

B.l don't think you are worth

C.Let me pay for it

D.I think you may talk to your boss



______are you so sad? — Because I can't find my favourite book.







I have kept that portrait ____________ I can see

it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

A) which B) where

C) whether D) when



—Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long. My car broke down.—().

A.That’s all right

B.I don’t care

C.I can’t bear it any more

D.It’s my pleasure



—That's a beautiful cat. I wonder whom it belongs to.—().

A.It belongs to the Browns

B.The cat is my favourite too

C.Mind your own business

D.I can’t say anything more



--- Do you think he will come to my birthday party?---____________.--- That’s good.Everybody’s expecting him.

A.I don’t know for sure

B.You can count on it

C.You can believe him

D.It depends



---- Excuse me, will you please keep an eye on my suit case? ---__________.

A.Yes, indeed

B.Certainly, but will it take long

C.I’m afraid we don’t

D.No, I can’t help you



I'll break my neck to get this done by Friday, but I can't promise for sure.我






Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.My favorite beach is called Emers

Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.

My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach.It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees.It is very beautiful.I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by.Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water!

Every morning we look for shells in the sand.I found fifteen big shells last year.I put them in a special place in my room.This year I want to learn to surf.It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer.She says that she can teach me.I hope I can do it!

1.My favorite beach is...()

A.Surf Beach

B.Emerson Beach

C.Palm Beach

D. Long Beach

2.What animals do I see in the water?()




D. Dogs

3.How many shells did I find last year? ()




D. Fifteen

4.What do I want to learn this year?()




D. How to find shells

5.Where did I put my shells last year?()

A.In a box

B.In the garage

C.In my room

D. In Florida



Why I Came to College(1) Why have I chosen to attend college? I have put this question t

Why I Came to College

(1) Why have I chosen to attend college? I have put this question to myself at many times and in various forms during the past three and a half months which have constituted the first semester of my freshman year. Have I come because of parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not for one single reason, but for many, and that it is something that I truly want to do.

(2) Originally, my parents did influence my opinions about education in general. My mother, an elementary school teacher, was always proud of my academic successes, but she never really pushed me or demanded that I achieve excellent grades. However, from the beginning of my schooling, my parents seemed to assume that I would attend college, and by the time I reached high school, I had become accustomed to that idea as well.

(3) When I entered high school, I enrolled in the college preparatory program offered there, looking ahead four years to college attendance. However, as I proceeded further through high school into my junior and senior years, I became genuinely interested in many of the subjects which I was studying. Chemistry, physics, and calculus were the courses which held my interest most strongly and I felt that I wanted to continue to study those areas beyond the high school level. Up to that point in my life, I had always claimed that I wanted to attend college. but didn’t realize why until my high school career drew to a close.

(4) Finally, I began to recognize in myself a strong drive to obtain knowledge. I knew that I would not be content to simply end my educational career with high school and enter the working world. I truly felt a need to continue learning in order to gain a better understanding of the world around me. My final decision to attend college seemed a natural one, and my choice of engineering as a field of study came easily as well, since the profession fit well with my academic preferences.

(5) The fact that I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge was my main reason for choosing to enter college, but I must admit that it was not the sole reason. In today’s world, a college education has become almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market. In the next several years, this trend will surely continue, with a Bachelor’s degree becoming almost indispensable if one wishes to find a worthwhile position, and a Master’s degree becoming highly desirable for advanced positions. Although it may sound materialistic, I felt that attending college was a practical and necessary step which I took to ensure a secure future for myself and my family. I made my choice to study engineering primarily on the basis of my love of mathematics and the physical sciences; however, the fact that it is a well-paid and respected profession did have some influence on my final decision to study engineering, rather than a pure science curriculum. Either field would have allowed me to study those subjects which hold my interest, but the decision to pursue the one which would ultimately be more profitable was not a difficult choice to make.

(6) A third reason that I am attending college is that I have always hoped that I could make a contribution to the world. I knew that a career involving science and technology would give me the best opportunity to do this. I also knew that in order to pursue such a career, I would be required to go through college. Hopefully, this will enable me to someday make a contribution to the expansion of the frontiers of society’s knowledge, and to in some way benefit mankind.

(7) Finally, I chose to attend a diversified college, as opposed to a purely technical institute, because I feel that college should allow a person to grow in areas other than pure academics. It should also expose that student to a variety of social and political ideas, helping to expand his mental horizons. Attending Rutgers University has definitely allowed me to come into contact with a wide variety of lifestyles which could only be found together on a collegiate campus. Additionally, while I am able to major in a scientific field at Rutgers, I am able to simultaneously take courses which explore other fields of study and allow me to become a more diversified and well-rounded person. This overall gain of general knowledge which is available only to the college student is another reason that I was lured toward the pursuit of a higher education.

(8) Thus, I came to college not for one reason, but for several different ones. It was something that I had planned, even without fully knowing why, for several years. It was certainly the next logical step in my educational career after the completion of high school. However, only in my final two years of high school did I actually begin to recognize in myself the inherent desire to obtain information and learning which pursue the other goals which I had set for myself. I also knew that I wanted to become a more diversified person, and that a college education was the best means to attain that end.

(9) Why have I chosen to attend college? Sometimes I am unsure of the exact reason myself. I am sure, however, that it is what I should do and what I want to do with the next four years of my life.

91.According to the passage, the author came to college mainly __________.

A.out of his own will

B.because of social pressure

C.out of respect for his parents

D.because of financial attraction

92.The word “pondering” in Paragraph l can be best replaced by __________ .

A.answering appropriately

B.exploring thoroughly

C.dealing with efficiently

D.thinking carefully about

93.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true about the author’s parents________

A.They were demanding.

B.They were open-minded.

C.They were indifferent to his future.

D.They were anxious about his future.

94.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “genuinely” in Paragraph 3________





95.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that _________ .

A.few people study for Bachelor’s degrees

B.a college degree means more than ever before

C.college education is required for a good future

D.a Master’s degree can guarantee advanced positions

96.Which of the following can best explain the word “indispensable” in Paragraph 5? ()





97.The author chose engineering mainly because _________ .

A.it was more popular

B.he could make more money

C.he was more interested in it

D.he could be more successful

98.College education was expected to make the author _________ .


B.technically sophisticated


D.comprehensively developed

99.The author states in Paragraph 7 that _________ .

A.a diversified college can provide knowledge in various fields

B.a diversified college is the only place where a person can learn

C.higher education in a diversified college can ensure success in the future

D.a student can learn as many subjects as he likes in a diversified college

100.The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to _________ .

A.advertise educational institutions

B.persuade people to obtain college degrees

C.emphasize the importance of higher education

D.express his understanding of today’s education systems


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