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Only in the small town _______________(他才感到安全和放松)。

更多“Only in the small town _______________(他才感到安全和放松)。”相关的问题


Only on unusual occasions do the police carry small arms to()public order.







At present,nuclear power ______ only a small fraction of the energy we consume.当前,核能只构成了我们


The socks were too small and it was only by ________ them that he managed to get th
em on.

A) spreading

B) extending

C) lengthening

D) stretching



(a) Kayte operates in the shipping industry and owns vessels for transportation. In June 2

(a) Kayte operates in the shipping industry and owns vessels for transportation. In June 2014, Kayte acquired Ceemone whose assets were entirely investments in small companies. The small companies each owned and operated one or two shipping vessels. There were no employees in Ceemone or the small companies. At the acquisition date, there were only limited activities related to managing the small companies as most activities were outsourced. All the personnel in Ceemone were employed by a separate management company. The companies owning the vessels had an agreement with the management company concerning assistance with chartering, purchase and sale of vessels and any technical management. The management company used a shipbroker to assist with some of these tasks.

Kayte accounted for the investment in Ceemone as an asset acquisition. The consideration paid and related transaction costs were recognised as the acquisition price of the vessels. Kayte argued that the vessels were only passive investments and that Ceemone did not own a business consisting of processes, since all activities regarding commercial and technical management were outsourced to the management company. As a result, the acquisition was accounted for as if the vessels were acquired on a stand-alone basis.

Additionally, Kayte had borrowed heavily to purchase some vessels and was struggling to meet its debt obligations. Kayte had sold some of these vessels but in some cases, the bank did not wish Kayte to sell the vessel. In these cases, the vessel was transferred to a new entity, in which the bank retained a variable interest based upon the level of the indebtedness. Kayte’s directors felt that the entity was a subsidiary of the bank and are uncertain as to whether they have complied with the requirements of IFRS 3 Business Combinations and IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements as regards the above transactions. (12 marks)

(b) Kayte’s vessels constitute a material part of its total assets. The economic life of the vessels is estimated to be 30 years, but the useful life of some of the vessels is only 10 years because Kayte’s policy is to sell these vessels when they are 10 years old. Kayte estimated the residual value of these vessels at sale to be half of acquisition cost and this value was assumed to be constant during their useful life. Kayte argued that the estimates of residual value used were conservative in view of an immature market with a high degree of uncertainty and presented documentation which indicated some vessels were being sold for a price considerably above carrying value. Broker valuations of the residual value were considerably higher than those used by Kayte. Kayte argued against broker valuations on the grounds that it would result in greater volatility in reporting.

Kayte keeps some of the vessels for the whole 30 years and these vessels are required to undergo an engine overhaul in dry dock every 10 years to restore their service potential, hence the reason why some of the vessels are sold. The residual value of the vessels kept for 30 years is based upon the steel value of the vessel at the end of its economic life. At the time of purchase, the service potential which will be required to be restored by the engine overhaul is measured based on the cost as if it had been performed at the time of the purchase of the vessel. In the current period, one of the vessels had to have its engine totally replaced after only eight years. Normally, engines last for the 30-year economic life if overhauled every 10 years. Additionally, one type of vessel was having its funnels replaced after 15 years but the funnels had not been depreciated separately. (11 marks)


Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions in the financial statements of Kayte.

Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the elements above.

Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)




Directions: You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.

听力原文:  Most summer school courses in Britain last for two to four weeks. During that time the students live either with a British family or at the school or in a hotel. They have about fifteen hours of lessons every Monday to Friday--usually in the morning. Each school has a lot of different courses. Some are for beginners and others are for intermediate or advanced students~ The lessons are fun, the classes are small and the teachers are all from English-speaking countries.

  But summer school students don' t just speak English in the classroom. They are in Britain, so they speak and read and hear it outside, too. That' s why they learn so quickly and why a summer school course is really a holiday. Only one third of each course is taught in the classroom--the rest takes place during a busy afternoon and evening timetable of visits, sports and games. These activities help everyone to make new friends, have fun and improve their English.

What kind of courses do summer schools offer?

A.Courses in British history.

B.Language courses.

C.Courses in sports.

D.Teacher training courses.



阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写“T”错误写“F”。How often should filing


How often should filing be done? It depends on how busy the office is. In very busy organizations, filing is done at least every day. In a small or less busy office, filing can be done once or twice a week.

Filing Equipment. Tools that people use in sorting out documents range from small instruments such as paper clips, office pins and staplers to big machines such as photocopiers, printers and paper shredders.

Kinds of Files. Documents taken out very often are usually kept in clip foldersB、otherwise they are often kept in lever arch files. Besides, suspension files and box files are also used for different purposes.

What should be filed? People need to file documents that are sent to or received from by other people or organizations. These documents can be letters, reports, financial records, policy documents, etc.

* Filing should be done every day in each office.{T、F}

* It is necessary to do filing no less than once every week in a small office.{T、F}

* Only big instruments are useful in sorting out files.{T、F}

* If you need always read the documents, you can put them into lever arch files.{T、F}

* The company's annual reports usually need to be filed.{T、F}



(阅读理解题)Advertisements make us want too much, so we get the idea that the only pu

(阅读理解题)Advertisements make us want too much, so we get the idea that the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods.But it is not completely right.Advertisement has another equally important function—to inform.A great deal of the knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read.Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of ones we already know about.Supposing you wanted to buy a washer, it is more than likely you would obtain details regarding performance, price, etc., from an advertisement.Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted.It is hardly possible not to read advertisements these days.And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements.Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway byelaws while waiting for a train? Would you like to read only closely printed columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of bad news.We must not forget that advertising makes a positive contribution to our pockets.Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without this source of revenue.The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price! Another thing we mustn’t forget is the ‘small ads.’ in virtually every newspaper and magazine.What a tremendously useful service they perform. for the community! Just about anything can be accomplished through these columns.For instance, you can find a job; buy or sell a house; announce a birth, marriage, or death in these small ads.

(1).What will you possibly want to know from a washer advertisement?

A、some details

B、how much it will cost

C、its functions

D、all of the above.

(2).What is the author’s attitude towards most people’s claim that they never read advertisements?




D、in favor of

(3).According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A、only TV commercials are useful in daily life

B、advertisements help to change our life

C、advertisements should be serious

D、advertisements make us spend more money on newspaper, magazines and broadcast programs

(4).In the passage, the author is focusing on ____________.

A、how people buy things through advertisements

B、the useful service of advertisements to the community

C、how advertisers spend their money

D、the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements

(5).According to the passage, advertisements will NOT make us ____________.

A、buy something

B、know the functions of some new goods

C、learn some knowledge

D、forget the old things that are already known by people



Cindy Hess began her automotive career as a Design and Development Engineer with Chrysler,
in the fall of 1977. Today, she is Vice-President of Daimler Chrysler, and head of the Small Car Platform. Engineering Department which is directly responsible for the design and development of the Neon, Doge Viper, and all future small cars.

"Many different departments are involved, in bringing a product to market," said Hess, referring to the 2000 Neon. "A company looks into renewing a particular vehicle when its marketplace demand is good, and the profits increase our shareholder's value," explained Hess. "We look to our market research in determining which options we'll keep the same or delete, and which ones we want to add to improve our appeal."

Now that the Neon 2000 is on the market, her team will use survey and research results to determine which option packages work best for the consumer, and what improvements, if any, need to be made. And the best goes on.

Hess supervises 1 200 engineers while managing a successful life as wife and mother. Her secret, she said, is to "always try to give 150 percent in everything I do. The only way I can really balance my work and family is 'by cheating at both ends'. " "For example," Hess said, "I always take my boys to school on the first day of the year--so I come in a little late. A few times a year I leave work for a couple of hours to see my son in a play or to attend his swim meet."

Like most other successful women in the auto industry, Hess's day begins early and ends late. In her case, coaching her son's basketball game ends some of Hess's days. "Occasionally," she adds," I come in to work on the weekends to catch up on paperwork and mail and have also been known to be called to work while I am on vacation."

What is Cindy's chief responsibility now?

A.Renewing promising car models.

B.Supervising production.

C.Doing market research.

D.Developing small cars.



填空:The typical pre-industrial family not only had a good many children

, but numerous other dependents as well---grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousions. Such "extended" families were suited for survival in slow paced __1__ societies. But such families are hard to __2__. They are immobile.Industrialism demanded masses of workers ready and able to move off the land in pursuit of jobs, and to move again whenever necessary. Thus the extended family __3__ shed its excess weight and the so-called "nuclear" family emerged-a stripped-down, portable family unit __4__ only of parents and a small set of children. This new style. family, far more __5__ than the traditional extended family, became the standard model in all the industrial counties. Super-industrialism, however, the next stage of eco-technological development, __6__ even higher mobility. Thus we may expect many among the people of the future to carry the streamlinling process, a stePfurther by remaining children, cutting the family down to its more __7__ components, aman and a woman. Two people, perhaps with matched careers, will prove more efficient at navigating through education and social status, through job changes and geographic relocations, than teh ordinarily child-cluttered family.A __8__ may be the postponement of children, rather than childlessness. Men and women today are often torn in __9__ between a commitment to career and a commitment to children. In the future, many __10__ will sidestePthis problem by deferring the entire task of raising children until after retirement.


















阅读文章,回答下列各题: When people print a stamp, any error made on a stamp raises its val
ue to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times its original value. More than one hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean, the mistake was made. In 1847 an order for stamps .was sent to a London printer -- Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps. Before the order was filled and delivered, a bail was planned at Mauritius' s Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A locai printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words "Post Office" instead of "Post Paid" on the severai hundred stamps that he printed. Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left-fourteen One Penny Orange - Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blues' rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16,800 for it. Over a century ago, Mauritius__________

A. was an independent country

B. was a smail island in the Pacific Ocean

C. belonged to India

D. was one of the British colonies


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