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I didn’t answer the phone _________I didn’t hear it ring.







If you ask why I plan to study in the United State

s, the only answer is that it is a _______ for me .

A.chapter B.ceremony C.chamber D challenge



Directions: The following is a list of terms related to the human resources management
. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与﹍﹍等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered36 through.

1. A--Employee relations

B—Basic salary

C—Night shift

D—Attendance book

E—Human resources management

F—W0rk permit

G--Employment injury insurance

H--Housing fund

I—Annual salary

J—Year end bonus

K--Contract of service

L--Evaluation of employees

M—Sick leave

N—C0ffee break

O--Unemployment insurance

P--Minimum wage

Q—Quality management

Example: (L) 员工考核 - (E) 人力资源管理

①.()年薪 - ()最低工资

②.()服务合同 - ()员工关系

③.()工伤保险 - ()失业保险

④.()病假 - ()工作许可证

⑤.()住房基金 - ()基本工资



Americans who remember “the good old days” are not alone in complaining about the educ
ational system in this country.Immigrants(移民) complain,too.Lately a German friend was filled with anger when he learned that the mathematics test given to his son on his first day as a college freshman included multiplication and division.Japanese businessmen in Los Angeles send their children to private schools staffed by teachers imported from Japan to learn mathematics at Japanese levels,generally considered at least a year more advanced than the level here.

But I wonder:If American education is so poor,why is it that this is still the country of innovation. When I was 12 in Indonesia,I had to memorize the names of all the world's major cities,from Kabul to Karachi.At the same age,my son,who was brought up a Californian,thought that Buenos Aires was Spanish for good food.However,unlike children of his age in Asia and Europe,my son had studied creative geography.When he was only 6,he drew a map of the route that he traveled to get to school,including the streets,the traffic signs and the houses that he passed.

Dissatisfied American parents forget that in this country their children are able to experiment freely with ideas; without this they will not really be able to think or to believe in themselves.

Critics of American education cannot grasp one thing:freedom.America,I think,is the only country that extends even to children the license to freely speak,write and be creative.Our public education certainly is not perfect, but it is a great deal better than any other.I think I have found the answer to my question.

36.From the text we learn that ______.

A.both Americans and immigrants are dissatisfied with the quality of American education

B.the author shares the general idea that American education is worse than education in many othercountries

C.Japanese schools in America require their American teachers to teach mathematics at Japanese levels

D.the author's German friend was a little displeased because the mathematics test for his son was too easy

37.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The author most probably was an immigrant from Asia and received some school education there.

B.Buenos Aires must be the name of a city,as are Kabul and Karachi.

C.Children in other countries are not likely to learn creative geography.

D.The knowledge of geography of the author's son shows that American education is poor.

38.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A.If children are not allowed to experiment freely with ideas they won't grow up independent and creative.

B.Most Americans think the present American educational system is not as good as it used to be

C.Private schools run by Japanese businessmen maintain a higher level than American public schools.

D.Americans are more innovative than other people in the world.

39.In the last paragraph the author say,“I have found the answer to my question.”What is the question?

A.Is Japanese education better than American education?

B.Why do Japanese businessmen send their children to Japanese-staffed schools?

C.Why was my son not taught enough geographic knowledge?

D.Is American education really worse than education in other countries?

40.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.American education and education in foreign countries

B.Improvement needed for American education

C.Freedom to think-characteristic of American education

D.Education and innovation in America



Doreen Sykora is now a junior at McGill University. She had a difficult time when she fi

rst began college. She said, “I was always well-prepared for my examination. But I would go in to class to take the exam, and I would fall apart. I could not answer the questions correctly—even though I knew the answers! I would just blank out because of nervousness and fear.” Hitoshi Sakamoto, an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.

These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries and is stressed about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness.

Now there are special university courses to help students. In these courses, advisors and psychologists try to help students by teaching them to, manage test anxiety. Such a course helps students learn to live with stress and not fail because of it. First students take a practice test to measure their worry level. If the tests show that their stress level is high, the students can take a short course to manage the fear. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. They get training to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work more easily. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.

Doreen Sykora saw immediate results after taking such a course. She now has enthusiasm about the relaxation methods. “Mostly, what I do is imagine myself in a very calm place. Then I imagine myself picking up a pencil. I move slowly and carefully. I breathe easily and let all the tension out. With each breath, more worry leaves me. It really works too. My grades have improved great! I’m really doing well at McGill now. This relaxation method works not only on examinations, but it has improved the rest of my life as well.”

For Hitoshi in Tokyo, the results were the same. He is enjoying school a lot more and learning more.

11. What is the similarity between Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto?

A. Students from the same university. B. Failing in all the examinations.

C. Experiences of test anxiety. D. Having the same poor studying habits.

12. These are signs of test anxiety EXCEPT________.

A. worries about a test. B. stressed about a test.

C. low grades and poor study habits. D. nervousness during the test

13. What’s the purpose of some special university student-help courses?

A. To help students to reduce test anxiety.

B. To show a stress level experienced by students.

C. To learn more knowledge about test anxiety.

D. To have a better understanding of test anxiety.

14. What’s the meaning of “blank out” in paragraph 1?

A. To be like a blanket. B. To be sure of an answer.

C. To be relaxed. D. To be unable to think clearly.

15. What’s the organization of passage?

A. Examples — theories — ideas.

B. Problem — strategy — result.

C. General statement — examples — result.

D. Strategy — experiment — examples.



You must insist that students give a truthful answer ________ with the reality of the







Does the design_____the needs of our users?






Anyone that goes against the social order is()to answer for his action.







The shy girl felt ________ and uncomfortable

when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.

A) amazed B) awkward C) curious D) amused



---You have no difficulty finding the answer to the question?---_______.
---You have no difficulty finding the answer to the question?---_______.

A、Not a little

B、No problem

C、None at all




A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking

to each other.

1 was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his mobile phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and - poof! -1 was cut off as if I had become absent from the conversation.

The park was filled with people talking on their cell phones. They were passing people without looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pat their dogs. It seems that the limitless electronic voice is preferred to human contact.

The telephone is used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people feel absent.

Recently l was in a car with three friends. The driver hushed the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends driving down the highway, unable to talk to each other because of the small thing designed to make communication easier.

Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communication technology is a setback(退步) to the closeness of human interaction.

With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, Ijust leave the answer on her machine.

As almost every contact between human beings gets automatic, the emotional Distance index goes up. Pumping gas at the station? Why say good-morning to the assistant when you can swipe you credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?

Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to the clerk who lives in the neighborhood when you Ctin put your Ctird into the ATM l More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation orbeing relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn’t really have time to talk.

The technology devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier. I own a mobile phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail telephone, and an e-mail account.

Giving them up isn’t a choice. They are great for what they are intended to do. It’s their unintended results that make me upset. What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there isno one in the room to hear you crying out Gee whiz ?

26.The author’s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made him feel ().




27.According to the author, human contact in a park means ().

A.Iookmg at each other and saying hello when passing

B.noticing their babies and stopping to pat their dogs

C.both A and B

28.According to the author, the more connected we get in communication technology, the () we are.

A.more automatic


C.more disconnected

29.What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communication technology is a setback to the closeness of human interaction?()

A.With e-mail and instant message over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another

B.With voice mail, you can make entire conversations without ever reaching anyone

C.Both A and B

30.What is the unintended result of communication technology, according to the author?()

A.It makes communication easier and conversation possible everywhere

B.It actually creates a distance between people instead of bringing them together

C.It makes every contact between human beings automatic and makes people Feel connected


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