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Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of hi

s intention to ___.

A) resign B) reject C) retreat D)replace

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Ten days ago the young man informed his boss?

Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ___.

A) resign B) reject C) retreat D)replace



Ten days ago the young man informed his ?

Ten days ago the young man informed his boss of his intention to ___.

A) resign B) reject C) retreat D)replace



The conditions that existed ten years ago()(reproduce)today.
The conditions that existed ten years ago()(reproduce)today.



Ten years ago, everybody in the village _______to church every weekend()


B.has gone


D.will go



Before the summer of 2000, the 54 year old John Haughom could accomplish just about any th
ing at work. "I could move mountains if I put my mind to it."he says of those days. But that summer Haughom found he couldn't move them any more. On the phone with his wife one morn ing, Haughom broke down. A couple of days later Haughom checked himself in for a three-week stay at the Professional Renewal Center, an in-patient clinic 30 miles outside Kansas City that helps him deal with stress.

Haughom is far from alone. A host of new studies and plenty of anecdotal evidence show that stress in the workplace is skyrocketing. Whatever the cause, stress levels are at record highs. The statistics are startling. According to a new study by the federal government's Nation al Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, more than half the working people in the U.S. view job stress as a major problem in their lives. This year the European Community officially dubbed stress the second-biggest occupational-health problem facing the continent.

Ten years ago experts warned that stress was out of control, in part because of a shaky economy. What's notable about today's wave of stressed-out workers is that it rises all the way to the top. Lack of control is generally considered one of the biggest job stressors, so it used to be thought that middle managers carried the brunt: sandwiched between the top and the bottom, they end up with little authority. Powerful chief executive officers (CEOs) were seen as the least threatened by stress. But in today's tough economy, top executives don't have as much control as they used to. "Stress is just part of the job, fortunately or unfortunately, stress'is part of our character building," Lebenthal says. "But I think I don't need any more character building. What I need is a vacation."

But if you think that going on vacation is hard—and studies show that 85%of corporate executives don't use all the time off they're entitled to. Being able to handle stress is perhaps the most basic of job expectations. So among the corporate elite, succumbing to it is considered a shameful weakness. Stress has become the last affliction that people won't dare admit to. Most senior executives who are undergoing treatment for stress—and even many who aren't—refused to talk on the record about the topic."Nothing good can come out of having your name in a story like this," one CEO said through his therapist.

What is this passage mainly about?

A.Increasingly serious lack of work places.

B.The second biggest disease in the world.

C.The most serious problem people have to face.

D.Increasingly serious stress faced by working people.




A.I was a student ten years ago

B.We didn’t teachers in 1990

C.He studied not English yesterday

D.He didn’t studied English last week



Passage 1Back in the carefree days of the Noughties boom, Britain’s youngsters were swept

Passage 1

Back in the carefree days of the Noughties boom, Britain’s youngsters were swept along by the buy-now-pay-later culture embraced by consumers up and down the country. During a decade of near?full employment, many _1_ quickly from one job—and one credit card—to another, and rainy days were such a distant memory that they _2_ seemed worth saving for. But with the supply of cheap credit _3_ up and a generation of school and university leavers about to _4_ the recession-hit job market, thousands of young people with no memory of the early 1990s recession are shocked into the _5_ that the world of 2009 is very different. Katie Orme, 19,who lives in Birmingham, says she has decided never to get a credit card after seeing the problems that her parents and 22year-old sister have had with debt—just one of the _6_ lessons that she has had to learn. Orme finished her A-levels a year ago, and has been searching for a job—and living at home with her parents—ever since. She has had to _7_ on to support herself and is now on a 12-week internship (实习期)at the Prince’s Trust to improve her _8_ . The Trust says that the number of calls from _9_ people such as Orme has shot up by 50% over six months. “It’s so hard to get a job at the moment,” she says, “it’s better to go and get more qualifications so when more jobs are _10_ you will be better suited.”

A) sign

B) skipped

C) available

D) mostly

E) anxious

F) mug

G) hardly

H) remedy

I) realization

J) dynamic

K) resume

L) tough

M) neglected

N) drying

O) flood




Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet than people do now, since they ate
species of plant and several hundreds thousands types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated. Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of the rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets. But the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in the world of carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of weighting tomatoes to a kilo. Siri von Reis asks: "Only the three major cereals (谷物类食物) and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the world's human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: Are we missing something?" After all, there are 800 000 species of plant on earth.

1、In prehistoric times people____.

A、ate much more than we do today

B、lived mainly on plant food

C、had a wide-ranging diet

D、were more fussy about what they ate

2、Most of us have come to expect____.

A、no variation in our diet

B、a reduction in food supplies

C、a specialist diet

D、food conforming to a set standard

3、The specialization of food was started by____.

A、the emergence of supermarkets

B、the rise of agriculture

C、the rich countries

D、the modern shops

4、According to the passage, people in the West today survive on____.

A、carrots and tomatoes

B、several thousand types of plants and cereals

C、a very small number of cultivated foods

D、special species planted one thousand years ago

5、The conclusion seems to be that we____.

A、could make use of more natural species

B、don't cultivate the right kind of food

C、produce more food than we need

D、cultivate too many different species



You will want two trees about ten feet apart, 选择

You will want two trees about ten feet apart, from _____ to suspend your tent.

(A) there (C) which

(B) them (D) where


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