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20. Among employees __________, the support for th

e change is zero.  A. at length      B. at last      C. at large     D. at best

更多“20. Among employees __________, the support for th”相关的问题


Sometimes, people simply do not realize they are being ill mannered. Take Ted, for example
. He prides himself on speaking his mind, and has something to say on everything. But his frankness is often extremely embarrassing.

He is incapable of saying, " I thought that last advertising campaign had a lot of good ideas in it, but perhaps next time we could give the copy more vitality(活力). " Instead, he would say, " That campaign was a disaster. A child of three could have done better !"

The fact that he is often right does not help. Other employees dislike his manner even more, but he is too insensitive to notice.

Another character among the list of ill-mannered employees is Sally, who seems to regard just being at work as a severe punishment. Everything is done unwillingly. Asking her to do a task beyond her basic job description is often not worth the trouble. It will be done, but only half-heartedly.

Fergus is just the opposite. He shows an over-familiarity to his boss. When an important visitor is shown into the manager's office, Fergus cannot take the hint and leave. Instead he will attempt to take part in the conversation, declaring, "You can talk in front of me. Henry and I don't have many secrets, do we?" Over the years Fergus has fallen behind his former equal. But he seeks to maintain the same close relationship that he imagines existed in their younger days.

Which of the following words describes Ted best?







?Read the article below about corporate culture on the opposite page. ?For each question 1

?Read the article below about corporate culture on the opposite page.

?For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The term corporate culture refers to an organization's value system. Managerial philosophies, workplace practices, and organizational network are included in the concept of corporate culture. Tyson Food's corporate culture is reflected in the fact that everyone—even CEO Don Tyson wears clothes of a yellowish brown color on the job.

The leaders who developed the company and the corporate culture typically shape the corporate culture.One generation of employees passes on a corporate culture to newer employees. Sometimes this is part of formal training. New managers who attend McDonald's Hamburger University may learn skills in management,but they also pick up the basics of the organization's corporate culture. Employees can absorb corporate culture through informal contacts as well, by talking with other workers and through their experiences on the job.

Corporate culture has a major impact on the success of an organization. In organizations with strong cultures,everyone knows and supports the organizations' objectives. In those with weak cultures, no clear sense of purpose exists. In fact, the authors of the classic book In Search of Excellence concluded the presence of a strong corporate culture was the single common thread among many diverse but highly successful companies such as General Electric and McDonald's.

As you can imagine, changing a company's corporate culture can be very difficult. But some managers try to do just that when they feel the current culture is weak, or when the organization's objectives change and the old culture no longer fits. Sometimes the competitive situation of a company changes.For instance, electric utilities, which once had their profits guaranteed by public regulation, now face more competition than ever. Firms that were comfortable competing against other American companies now find themselves fighting competitors from overseas, too.

Management expert Peter Duckers feels that, rather than trying to change culture, managers should focus on changing employees and corporate practices, as follows.

?Define what results are needed. Specify in measurable terms what the organization or department,or office) needs to achieve.

?Determine where these results are already being achieved within the current organization. Analyze the departments that are already effective and find out what they are doing differently from the rest.

?Determine what top management can do to encourage these good results. Duckers suggests that executives openly ask what they can do to help, and then do it.

?Change the reward system—or develop a new one—to recognize these effective practices. When employees realize that the organization really does reward the new approach, they will adopt it much more quickly. Whether one wants to change an organization culture or not, it is important to choose managers and employees whose personal styles fit the organization's goals.

According to the passage, corporate culture

A.means the cultural atmosphere in a company.

B.is established by top leaders and can't be changed.

C.involves the core values of a company.

D.has little influence on the performance of a company.



One of the more discernible trends in the financial-service industry in re cent times has
been the adoption of programs designed to encourage more personalized relationships between an institution's employees and its clients, particularly those clients who are major depositors. The expression most commonly used to describe this type of program is "relationship banking". A good definition is provided in the 1985 book "Marketing Financial Services":

In relationship banking the emphasis is on establishing a long-term multiple-service relationship; on satisfying the totality of the client's financial service needs; and on minimizing the need or desire of clients to splinter their financial business among various institutions.

Implicit within any definition of relationship banking is recognition that the financial-service requirements of one individual or relatively homogeneous group. A successful relationship banking program is, therefore, dependent in a large part on the development of a series of "financial-serviced packages": each designed to meet the needs of identifiable homogeneous groups.

Another dimension of relationship banking is the development of highly personalized relationships between employee and client. In most financial institutions today the client is serviced by any employee who happens to be free at the time, regardless of the nature of the transaction. Personalized relation ships are therefore difficult to establish. In a full relationship banking pro gram, however, the client knows there is one individual within the institution who has intimate knowledge of the client's requirements and preferences regarding complex transactions. Over time, the client develops a high level of confidence in this employee. In short, a personalized relationship evolves between client and employee.

With what subject is the passage mainly concerned?

A.The decline of the financial-service industry.

B.Variety within financial services.

C.A way of making banking more personal.

D.Increasing everyday banking transactions.



Project managers are change agents: they make project goals their own and use their skil
ls and expertise to inspire a sense of shared purpose within the project team. They enjoy new challenges and the responsibility of driving business results. They work well under pressure and are comfortable with change and complexity in dynamic environments. They can shift readily between the "big picture" and the small-but-crucial details, knowing when to concentrate on each. Project managers cultivate the people skills needed to develop trust and communication among all of a project' s stakeholders: its sponsors, those who will make use of the project' s results, those who command the resources needed, and the project team members.

They have a broad and flexible toolkit of techniques, resolving complex,interdependent activities into tasks and sub-tasks that are documented, monitored and controlled. They adapt their approach to the context and constraints of each project, knowing that no "one size" can fit all the variety of projects. And they are always improving their own and their teams' skills through lessons-learned reviews at project

completion. Project managers are found in every kind of organization -- as employees, managers, contractors and independent consultants. With experience, they may become program managers (responsible for multiple related projects) or portfolio managers (responsiblefor selection, prioritization and alignment of projects and programs with an organization' s strategy) . And they are in increasing demand worldwide. For decades, as the pace of economic and technological change has quickened, organizations have been directing more and more

of their energy into projects rather than routine operations.

(1) .Which of the following is NOT enjoyed by projectmanagers?



C、Status quo

(2) .Which of the following is NOT concerned by project managers?

A、Theoverall situation

B、The non-crucial details

C、The crucial details

(3) .Which of the following is a TRUE statement about projectmanagers?

A、They do not need to keep contact with all of a project’ sstakeholders

B、They use one model to solve problems in various projects

C、Theyimprove their skills after completion of each project

(4) .Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a career possibility for experienced project manager?

A、Becoming general manager of anorganization

B、Running several projects at the same time

C、Allocating projects to other project managers

(5) .Which of the following can be an alternative title for thepassage?

A、Requirements of project managers

B、Future development of projectmanagers

C、Career development of project managers



回答下列各题 ·Read this Letter to the editor of The Economist. ·Choose the best sentence
from the opposite page to fill each of the blanks. ·For each blank(8-12),mark one letter(A-G)on your Answer Sheet. ·Do not mark any leder twice. ·There is an example at the beginning(0). Sir, You stated on February l3th that New Mexico has“few natural resources” D. In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas,seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals(8)______ Non-fuel minerals contributed about$l billion and coal $509 million. Taxes from production of fuels and minerals,and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about$5.65 billion.(9)______In addition,during fiscal year 1991,payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were$108 million,all earmarked for public education。 (10)______About$566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production.(11)______Tourism is an important industry in New Mexic0,yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production. New Mexico canle through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states.It does not have a deficit.(12)______States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns.Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6.1/00 in the year to October l992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United STATES Charles Chapin A.This is in large due to its broadly based tax structure. B. New Mexic0’S extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state’S $1.9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year l 991. C.However.the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state’S strongest economic forces. D.During fiscal year l 992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about$6.1billion. E.The combined value of oil and gas production was$2.8 billion. F.Some 16,000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry. G.The$39 million earned by these funds in l 991 was used to finance education and other public services. (8)__________























For a workplace culture to be positive,the direction and actions of the business must().

A.be in agreement with the core values of the employees

B.be dfferent from the core values of the employees

C.exclude the core values of the employees and their families


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