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The destruction of these treasures was a loss for

mankind that no amount of money could _____.

(A) stand up to (C) come up with

(B) make up for (D) put up with

更多“The destruction of these treasures was a loss for”相关的问题


A prizefighter could suffer a serious ______ during a boxing match.







Which of the following instances of environmental destruction are local in nature?()

A.air pollution

B.acid rain

C.water pollution

D.large oil spill



Add Littleton,Colorado,to the list of cities dazed with grief after a school slaughter.Two students

shot and killed 12 other students and a teacher before taking their own lives.The massacre was the largest in the history of this nation.This type of crime didn't exist 10 years ago.

Americans should stop acting surprised that these shooting happen in "nicer" neighborhoods.That's the only place they happen.None of the recent school massacres took place at an inner-city campus; they all occurred in smaller towns or suburbs.These killers haven't been from impoverished or extremely violent families.They don't appear to have been picked on(挨骂受罚) any worse than kids have been for generations.They chose alienation and destruction,and they found the tools to carry out their hate-filled plan.

Do not blame schools for these massacres.Schools simply take what they are sent.Question the killers' parents.The parents are supposed to teach their children respect and empathy for others' lives.Parents should help their offspring learn to handle taunt or conflict without resorting to violence.

All concerned adults should take a youth's threat to shoot someone as seriously as airport security guards take jokes about bombs.Students must be encouraged to tell teachers if a classmate threatens or jokes about violence.Administrators at schools around the country need to emphasize they will take such reports seriously,and that they will not identify any student who comes forward with such a report.

More gun regulations probably won't stop these shootings,but gun owners and sellers must take more responsibility for keeping weapons away from young people.Gun owners should keep their guns unloaded,locked up and hidden away.Most car owners don't leave their keys in the car even when they park in their own garage; gun owners should be at least as careful with weapons.

The federal government can't solve this problem.Schools alone can't solve it.More guns won't solve it.Americans must consciously create a culture that makes violence unacceptable.Parents need to stop allowing their children's minds to be polluted with violence.News media need to show more restraint and thought about how and what they report.

The Colorado massacre is a national tragedy.More's the pity if Americans do not stop,reflect and vow to make it the last school massacre.

1.One common feature of all the recent school massacres is that ______.

A) they have all been carefully planned by hateful youngsters

B) the killers have all failed to passed their exams

C) they all occur in places that appear to be all right

D) the killers are all from disadvantaged families

2.Children are less likely to become killers if ______.

A) their parents succeed in teaching them respect and empathy for others' lives

B) they study hard in school and get high scores

C) teachers stop telling meaningless jokes in class

D) they follow the rules set by administrators at schools around the country

3.Who does the author think should take the main responsibility for campus shootings

A) School authorities.

B) The federal government.

C) News media.

D) The killers' parents.

4.What is the most effective way to prevent school massacre from happening again

A) Reinforcing stricter laws and regulations.

B) Introducing security guards onto campus.

C) Creating a culture that makes violence unacceptable.

D) Keeping weapons away from young people.

5.From the passage we can infer that ______.

A) there were a lot of school massacres in inner-cities 10 years ago

B) many people turn a blind eye to school massacre

C) a youth's joke about violence is often ignored by other people

D) most gun owners like to leave their guns in their cars



Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive forces known to man: si
nce records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in the millions, and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to collapse of buildings and the effects of rockslides, floods, fire, disease, tsunamis (gigantic sea waves), and other observable events resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quake themselves.

The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area covers the Pacific Ocean and its bordering landmasses. The other extends from the East Indians to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey, and the Alpine regions. It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place; they may, however, happen anywhere at any time.

This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake forecast may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns of movements in the earth‟s shell, variations in the earth‟s force of attraction, and the frequency with which minor earth shakes are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in expecting when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lessen) the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.

It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and get rid of their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better

understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their possible damage before they occur.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Earthquake destruction is declining

B. Earthquake forecast is improving

C. Man is no longer fearful of earthquakes.

D. Man is capable of conquering earthquakes

2.We can infer from the passage that quakes __________.

A. may happen anywhere at any time

B. mostly strike in oceans and mountains

C. are unobservable in masses of land

D. are hardly the direct cause of fatalities

3.The phrase “this element of the unknown” (Paragraph 3) refers to ___________.

A. the extension of earthquake zones

B. the percentage of earthquake occurrences

C. when and where earthquakes may occur

D. what big damage earthquakes may cause

4.Man‟s research on earthquake forecast at present is to ____________.

A. reduce the loss from earthquake disasters

B. lower the frequency of earthquakes

C. release the energy that causes earthquakes

D. analyze the relationship between different earthquakes

5. Which of the following describes the author‟s purpose in writing the passage?

A. Inform. the reader

B. Entertain the reader

C. Disprove a concept

D. Question a concept



Creative Destruction of Higher EducationA.Higher education is one of the great successes o

Creative Destruction of Higher Education

A.Higher education is one of the great successes of the welfare country.What was once the privilege of a few has become a middle-class entitlement, thanks mainly to government support.Some 3.5 million Americans and 5 million Europeans will graduate this summer.In the modem world universities are developing rapidly: China has added nearly 30 million places in 20 years.Yet the business has changed little since Aristotle taught at the Athenian Lyceum (雅典学园): young students still gather at a specific time and place to listen to the wisdom of scholars.

B.At present, a revolution has begun, thanks to three forces: rising costs, changing demand and new technology.The result will be the complete change of the university.While the prices of cars, computers and much else have greatly fallen, tmiversities have been able to charge ever more for the same service because they are protected by public funding and the high value employers place on degrees.For two decades the cost of going to college in America has risen by 1.6 percentage points more than inflation every year.

C.For most students, the university remains a great deal.The total lifetime income from obtaining a college degree, in net-present-value (净现值) terms, can increase as much as $ 590,000.But an increasing number of students have gone deep into debt, especially the 47% in America and 28% in Britain who do not complete their course.As for them, the degree by no means values for that sum of money.And the government becomes more and more unwilling to fund the university.In America government funding per student fell by 27% between 2007 and 2012, while average tuition fees, adjusted for inflation, rose by 20%.In Britain, tuition fees close to zero two decades ago can reach $15,000 a year.

D.The second factor resulting in change is the labor market.In the standard model of higher education, people go to university in their 20s.A degree is an entry ticket to the professional classes.But automation is beginning to have the same effect on white-collar jobs as it has on blue- collar ones.According to a study from Oxford University,47% of occupations are at risk of being automated in the next few decades.As innovation wipes out some jobs and changes others, people will need to top up their human capital all through their lives.

E.By themselves, these two forces would be pushing change.A third——technology——ensures it.The internet, which has turned businesses from newspapers through music to book sale upside down, will turn over higher education.Now the MOOC, or "Massive Open Online Course", is offering students the chance to listen to star lecturers and get a degree for a fraction of the cost of attending

a university.MOOCs started in 2008 ; however, they have so far failed to live up to their promise.Largely because there is no formal system of accreditation (认证), drop-out rates have been high.But this is changing as private investors and existing universities are drawn in.One provider,Coursera, claims over 8 million registered users.Though its courses are free, it received its first $1 million in incomes last year after introducing the option to pay a fee of between $ 30 and $100 to have course results certified.Another, Udacity, has teamed up with AT&T and Georgia Tech to offer an online master"s degree in computing, at less than a third of the cost of the traditional version.Harvard Business School will soon offer an online "pre-MBA" for $1,500.Starbucks has offered to help pay for its staff to take online degrees with Arizona State University.

F.MOOCs will destroy different universities in different ways.Not all will suffer.Oxford and Harvard could benefit.People of great ambition will always want to go to the best universities to meet each other, and the digital economy tends to favor a few large institutions in charge of its operation.The big names will be able to sell their Moocs around the world.But ordinary universities may suffer the fate of many newspapers.Were the market for higher education to perform. in future as that for newspapers has done over the past decade or two, universities" incomes would fall by more than haft, employment in the industry would drop by nearly 30% and more than 700 institutions would shut their doors.The rest would need to adjust themselves to survive.

G.Like all revolutions, the one taking place in higher education will have victims.Many towns and cities rely on universities.In some ways MOOCs will further make the difference both among students and among teachers.The talented students will be much more comfortable than the weaker outside the structured university environment.Superstar lecturers will earn a fortune, to the anger of their less charming colleagues.

H.Politicians will come under pressure to halt this revolution.They should remember that state spending should benefit society as a whole, not protect professors from competition.The change of universities will benefit many more people than it hurts.Students in the rich world will have access to higher education at lower cost and greater convenience.The flexible nature of MOOCs appeals to older people who need training.EdX, another provider, says that the average age of its online students in America is 31.In the modern world online courses also offer a way for countries like Brazil to go ahead Western ones and supply higher education"much more cheaply.And education has now become a global market: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered Battushig Myanganbayar, a remarkably talented Mongolian teenager, through an online electronics course.

I.Rather than maintaining the old model, governments should make the new one work better.They can do so by supporting common standards for accreditation.In Brazil, for instance, students completing courses take a governmentrun exam.In most Western countries it would likewise make sense to have a single, independent organization that certifies exams.Changing an ancient institution will not be easy.But it does promise better education for many more people.Rarely have need and opportunity so neatly come together.

The introduction of automation affects the labor demand and then brings about the revolution of higher education. 查看材料



He()like cornflakes















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