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Who became known as “Father of the British Navy”?


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Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became
known as the______who appeared in America.

A.Ninth Muse

B.Tenth Muse

C.Best Muse

D.First Muse



Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much

of his collection _________ to the nation.

A) has left B) is to leave

C) leaves D) is to be left



Sir Williams, who is 80, has made it known that much of his collection() to the local.

A.is left

B.had been left

C.is being leftmuseum

D.is to be left



Anna Bradstreet was a Puritan poet and her poems made such a stir in England that she was
known as the "______" who appeared in America.

A.Ninth Muse

B.Best Muse

C.Tenth Muse

D.First Muse



It looked just like another aircraft from the outside. The pilot told his young passengers
that it was built in 1964.But appearances were deceptive, and the 13 students from Europe and the USA who boarded the aircraft were in for the flight of their lives.

Inside, the area that normally had seats had become a long white tunnel. Heavily padded (填塞) from floor to ceiling, it looked a bit strange. There were almost no windows, but lights along the padded walls illuminated it. Most of the seats had been taken out, apart from a few at the back, where the young scientists quickly took their places with a look of fear.

For 12 months, science students from across the continents had competed to win a place on the flight at the invitation of the European Space Agency. The challenge had been to suggest imaginative experiments to be conducted in weightless conditions.

For the next two hours, the flight resembled that of an enormous bird which had lost its reason, shooting upwards towards the heavens before rushing .towards Earth. The invention was to achieve weightlessness for a few seconds.

The aircraft took off smoothly enough, but any feelings that I and the young scientists had that we were on anything like a scheduled passenger service were quickly dismissed when the pilot put the plane into a 45-degree climb which lasted around 20 seconds. Then the engines cut out and we became weightless. Everything became confused and left or right, up or down no longer had any meaning. After ten seconds of free-fall descent(下降) the pilot pulled the aircraft out of its nosedive. The return of gravity was less immediate than its loss, but was still sudden enough to ensure that some students came down with a bump.

Each time the pilot cut the engines and we became weightless, a new team conducted its experiment. First it was the Dutch who wanted to discover how it is that eats always land on their feet. Then the German team who conducted a successful experiment on a traditional building method to see if it could be used for building a future space station. The Americans had an idea to create solar sails that could be used by satellites.

After two hours of going up and down in the lane doing their experiments, the predominant feeling was one of excitement rather than sickness. Most of the students thought it was an unforgettable experience and one they would be keen to repeat.

What did the writer say about the plane?

A.It had no seats.

B.It was painted white.

C.It had no windows.

D.The outside was misleading.



Why was Bastille important to the citizens of Paris? The building of the Bastille had been
started in 1370 under Charles V. By the seventeenth century it had stopped to be important for defense. Cardinal Richelieu turned it into a prison. It was not an ordinary prison to punish common crimes. Its huge doors closed only on enemies of the King. The Bastille’s workings were secret. Prisoners were taken to it in closed vehicles. Soldiers on guard duty had to stand with their faces to the wall. No talking was allowed. Worst of all, a prisoner never knew if he would be there a day, a week, a year, or forever. Only the King’s letter could set him free. Over the years the number of arrests by King’s letter had become fewer. By the time of its fall, most of the prisoners were writers who had written against the corruptions (贪污腐败) of the government. Voltaire, the famous French writer, spent a year there in 1717 ~ 1718, and another 12 days in 1726. For those who believed in free speech and free thinking, the Bastille stood for everything evil. The day it was captured, only seven prisoners were found inside. Still, the Bastille was hated by the people. It was a symbol of the King’s complete power. The Bastille had been a prison __________ . A. since the time of Charles V

B. since 1370

C. before the seventeenth century

D. since the time of Cardinal Richelieu

At the time of its fall, the Bastille housed __________ . `A.a large number of prisoners

B.a lot of writers who had been against the government

C.some dozens of people who believed in free speech and free thinking

D.only a few prisoners

According to the passage, which of the following statements is FALSE?A.Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille

B.The Bastille was only for those who were opposed to the King

C.Things done in the Bastille were hardly known to people outside

D.Voltaire was twice put in the Bastille

This passage mainly __________ .A.tells how the prisoners were controlled by the King

B.tells how little was known about the Bastille

C.shows the inner workings of the Bastille

D.gives a brief history of the Bastille

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.All prisoners in the Bastille had to stay there for life

B.Over the years the number of prisoners in the Bastille was getting more and more

C.The King could put people in, or let them go out, as he wanted

D.At the time it was captured, there were so few prisoners in it that it meant little to the people




In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bern
adina, California.They carefully chose a busy corner for their location'.They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue restaurant, and then another drive-in.But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas.To this small selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.

Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents.Cheese was another four cents.Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity, for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks'sticking to their routine.Their new drive-in became incredibly popular, particularly for lunch.People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime.The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened.They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc.

Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milkshake-mixing machines.He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brothers'fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise other copies of their restaurants.The agreement struck included the right to duplicate the menu.The equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches.

Today McDonald's is really a household name.Its names for its sandwiches have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers.In 1976, McDonald's had over $ 1 billion in total sales.Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American business history.

26.This passage mainly talks abort().

A.the development of fast food services

B.how McDonald's became a billion-dollar business

C.the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald

D.Ray Kroc's business talent

27.Mac and Dick managed all of the following businesses except().

A.a drive-in

B.a cinema

C.a theater

D.a barbecue restaurant

28.We may infer from this passage that ().

A.Mac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy for they sold their idea to Kroc

B.The location the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in

C.Forty years ago there were numerous fast-food restaurants

D.Ray Kroc was a good businessman

29.The passage suggests that().

A.creativity is an important element of business success

B.Ray Kroc was the close partner of the McDonald brothers

C.Mac and Dick McDonald became broken after they sold their ideas to Ray Kroc

D.California is the best place to go into business

30.As used in the second sentence of the third paragraph, the word “unique” means ().







Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative person w
ho is (1)_____ only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous, even (2)_____. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to (3)_____ the truth of this.

Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a comer; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite (4)_____.

(5)_____, there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior. which, once broken, makes the offender immediately the object of (6)_____.

It has been known as a fact that a British has a (7)_____ for the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it (8)_____.

Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom (9)_____ forecast add hence becomes a source of interest and (10)_____ to everyone.

This may be so. (11)_____ a British cannot have much (12)_____ in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong (13)_____ a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate—or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his (14)_____.

Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references (15)_____ weather that the British (16)_____ to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are (17)_____ by comments on the weather. "Nice day, isn't it?" "Beautiful!" may well be heard, instead of "Good morning, how are you?" Although the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is (18)_____ pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. If he wants to start a conversation with a British but is at a loss to know (19)_____ to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will (20)_____ an answer from even the most reserved of the British.







When John Milton writer of“Paradise Lost” entered Cambridge University in 1625 he was
already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it as his second language at St.Paul’s School London.Like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar schools he had learned not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it smoothly and correctly.His pronunciation of Latin was English however and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.

Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin in a bitter way.They kept in mind the rules to make learning by heart easier.They first made a word-for-word translation and then an idiomatic translation into English.As they increased their skill they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book and then compared their translation with the original.The schoolmaster was always at hand to encourage them.All schoolmasters believed Latin should be beaten in .

After several years of study the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read.And as they began to read Latin poems they began to write poems in Latin.Because Milton was already a poet at ten his poems were much better than those painfully put together by the other boys.During the seven years Milton spent at university he made regular use of his command of Latin.He wrote some excellent Latin poems which he published among his works in 1645.

1.What does the passage mainly tell about?[]

A.How John Milton wrote“Paradise Lost”

B.How John Milton studied Latin

C.How John Milton became famous

D.How John Milton became a poet

2.Which of the following is true of John Milton’s pronunciation of Latin?[]

A.It has a strong Italian accent

B.It has an uncommon accent

C.It was natural and easy to understand

D.It was bad and difficult to understand

3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.Milton’s training in Latin was similar to that of the other boys

B.Milton hadn’t learned any foreign language except Latin before going to college

C.Milton’s Italian friends helped him with Latin when talking

D.Milton's classmates learned Latin harder but worse than Milton

4.Which of the following is suggested in the passage?[]

A.The schoolmaster mainly helped those who were bad at Latin

B.The schoolmaster usually stood beside the schoolboys with a stick in his hand

C.The schoolboys could repeat Latin grammar rules from memory

D.Some of the schoolboys were quick at writing compositions in Latin

5.What is the meaning of the underlined part“Latin should be beaten in”that the writer wishes you to understand?[]

A.Schoolboys should be punished if they were lazy to learn Latin

B.Schoolboys should be encouraged if they had difficulty in learning Latin

C.Schoolboys were expected to master Latin in a short time

D.Schoolboys had to study Latin in a hard way



It is clear that human history will end; the only mystery is when. It is also clear that i
f the timing is left to nature (or, if you prefer, to God) and humans hang on until the bloody end, the race's final exit will be ignoble (不光彩的). If future generations escape the saurian (蜥蜴类) agony of extinction by a wandering chunk of rock or ice, the sun's unavoidable growth to giant hood will still burn their last successors to ashes: only cinders and gases and dust will remain.

Far future generations might prolong the process by posting colonies beyond the earth's orbit, but these would be sad outposts at the end of the solar system's long day, clutching memories of a lost planet and of billions of sacrificed souls. The difficulties—fantastic difficulties—of interstellar (星性际的) travel might be overcome, but the mightiest of starships could do no more than defer the end of the world. An ignoble existence hopping from planet to planet—clinging to each clod until it, in its turn, was vaporized or frozen—might still be bearable were it not for the knowledge of its final uselessness. In the end, there is only death by gravity or entropy, the fiery quantum (量子) pit or the heatless grey soup.

The great violinist Jascha Heifetz was great not least because he quit the concert stage at his peak, before the show became stale or the audience drifted away. To exit gracefully is sublime (美妙的), as Heifetz understood. And only one species is capable of choosing a similarly graceful exit; all others march on like robots. To call time on the human race by choice, not necessity, would be the final victory of the human spirit over animal nature, an absolute emancipation from the command of DNA. Precisely because no other known life-form. could do or even conceive such a thing, humanity must.

Science has revealed only one place in the universe that is hospitable to intelligent life, and humans are the only intelligence that, as far as is known, has ever enjoyed the opportunity to occupy it. If people left the stage after a reasonable run, in the fullness of time intelligence could evolve again (dolphin-people? Chimp--people? orchid(兰花)—people?). And then, in due course, when this new species deciphered (译解) human books or reached the marker that might be left for them on the windless moon, they would know that man ended his dominion so that theirs might begin. Imagine, then, how they will regard us. It is, far and away, the greatest act of goodness ever contemplated, the ennoblement of a whole species; an act, almost, of angels.

According to the passage, what might be human being's best choice for the final exit?

A.Leaving the timing to nature.

B.The saurian-like elimination.

C.Being burned by the sun's heat.

D.An exit driven by man's rationality.


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