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Until then, his family () from him for six months.

A.didn’t hear

B.hasn’t been hearing

C.hasn’t heard

D.hadn’t heardv

更多“Until then, his family () from him for six months.”相关的问题


It was not until he arrived at the station() he realized he had forgotten his ticket.







Few people realized then, ________________________ until two years later.

A.how his mistake was serious

B.how serious was his mistake

C.what serious mistake it was

D.how serious his mistake was



Not until his father was out of prison () to school.

A.can John go

B.John can go

C.could John go

D.John could go



He ________to bed________he finished his homework last night.

A.don’t go; until

B.didn’t go; after

C.went; until

D.didn’t go; till



I’m sure he is up to the job __________ he would

give his mind to it.

A) if only B) in case

C) until D) unless



After having assured their return journey,the writer and his companion could concentrateon

After having assured their return journey,

the writer and his companion could concentrate

on collecting and film animals. Deciding to 【M1】______

enlist the help the local Indians, they made

their way to a nearby village, in which proved 【M2】______

to be a few dilapidated huts in a pleasant

valley. The Indians they found there worn 【M3】______

remnants of European clothes and had

obviously abandoned their traditional way

of life. They kept a few disease chickens 【M4】______

and skinny cattle instead of hunting for

their meat. The writer' s companion explained

that they were looking for birds and mammals,

particular armadillos, for which they would 【M5】______

pay well. Anyone who could show them inhabited

nests and holes, they have said, would be 【M6】______

well rewarded. The Indians were apathetic

and uncooperative. Noticing the absence of

biting insects, the writer asked whether

they had ever troubled by them, to which 【M7】______

the Indians replied by slowly shaking their

heads. The writer recognized that he 【M8】______

considered that having to live in such a hot,

humid atmosphere would no doubt have 【M9】______

made him lethargic too. The headman explained

the inconvenience of the villagers had, for

severe weeks previously, been contemplating 【M10】______

cutting down a particular tree and until a

decision on this matter was reached, no other

activity could possibly be considered.




There was a time when, if a lady got onto a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immedi
ately stand up and offer her his seat. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper. Either way, the lady will have to stand until someone gets off.

You can' t entirely blame men for this change in manners. The days are gone when women could be treated as the weaker sex. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding equality with men; not just equality in jobs or education, but in social attitudes. Hold a door open for some women and you're likely to get an angry lecture on treating women as inferiors, unable to open doors for themselves. Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying her share of the bill.

It' s no wonder, then, that men have given up some of the gestures of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women. On the other hand, man' s politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings.

What do gentlemen now do when a lady gets on a crowded bus or train?

A.They will stand up reluctantly.

B.They will offer her their seats after a while.

C.They will pretend not to see her.

D.They will get off the bus.



Proper street behavior. in the United States requires a nice balance of attention and inat
tention. You are supposed to look at a 【21】______ just enough to show that you're 【22】______ of his presence. If you look too little, you appear arrogant or furtive (鬼鬼祟祟的), too much, 【23】______ you're inquisitive. Usually what happens is that people 【24】______ each other until they are about eight feet 【25】______ , at which point both cast down their eyes. Sociologist Dr. Erving Goffman 【26】______ this as "a kind of dimming of lights."

Much of eye behavior. is so 【27】______ that we react to it only on the intuitive level. The next time you have a 【28】______ with someone who makes you feel liked, notice what he does with his eyes. 【29】______ are he looks at you more often than is usual with 【30】______ a little longer than the normal. You interpret this as a sign of a polite one 【31】______ he is interested in you as a person 【32】______ just in the topic of conversation. Probably you also feel that he is both 【33】______ and sincere.

All this has been demonstrated in elaborate 【34】______ . Subjects sit and talk in the psychologist's laboratory, 【35】______ of the fact that their eye behavior. is being 【36】______ from a one-way vision screen. In one fairly typical experiment, 【37】______ were induced to cheat while performing a task, then were 【38】______ and observed. It was found that those who had 【39】______ met the interviewer's eyes less often than was 【40】______ , an indication that "shifty eyes" to use the mystery writers' stock phrase can actually be a tip-off to an attempt to deceive or to feelings of guilt.








David: Good morning.I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Bond this morning, pleas

Nurse: I'm sorry.I don't have any appointments this morning.

David: Oh , dear.I'm feeling really ill.

Nurse: What's the matter?

David: I feel terrible.I've got a headache, backache and a sore throat.

Nurse: Have you got a temperature?

David: I think so.I was hot and cold all night and I was sick this morning.

Nurse: You feel awful , don't you? Do you think you've got a flu?

David: Yes, probably.Or an infection in my throat.

Nurse: OK.I can give you an emergency appointment.Can you come at the end of the morning? Come at eleven thirty and wait until a doctor is free.

David: OK.Thank you.

1、David has got a headache , earache and backache.()

2、David felt hot and cold during the night.()

3、The nurse thinks David has an infection in his throat.()

4、Mr Bond is free at 11 : 00.()

5、David gets an appointment finally.()



It is clear that human history will end; the only mystery is when. It is also clear that i
f the timing is left to nature (or, if you prefer, to God) and humans hang on until the bloody end, the race's final exit will be ignoble (不光彩的). If future generations escape the saurian (蜥蜴类) agony of extinction by a wandering chunk of rock or ice, the sun's unavoidable growth to giant hood will still burn their last successors to ashes: only cinders and gases and dust will remain.

Far future generations might prolong the process by posting colonies beyond the earth's orbit, but these would be sad outposts at the end of the solar system's long day, clutching memories of a lost planet and of billions of sacrificed souls. The difficulties—fantastic difficulties—of interstellar (星性际的) travel might be overcome, but the mightiest of starships could do no more than defer the end of the world. An ignoble existence hopping from planet to planet—clinging to each clod until it, in its turn, was vaporized or frozen—might still be bearable were it not for the knowledge of its final uselessness. In the end, there is only death by gravity or entropy, the fiery quantum (量子) pit or the heatless grey soup.

The great violinist Jascha Heifetz was great not least because he quit the concert stage at his peak, before the show became stale or the audience drifted away. To exit gracefully is sublime (美妙的), as Heifetz understood. And only one species is capable of choosing a similarly graceful exit; all others march on like robots. To call time on the human race by choice, not necessity, would be the final victory of the human spirit over animal nature, an absolute emancipation from the command of DNA. Precisely because no other known life-form. could do or even conceive such a thing, humanity must.

Science has revealed only one place in the universe that is hospitable to intelligent life, and humans are the only intelligence that, as far as is known, has ever enjoyed the opportunity to occupy it. If people left the stage after a reasonable run, in the fullness of time intelligence could evolve again (dolphin-people? Chimp--people? orchid(兰花)—people?). And then, in due course, when this new species deciphered (译解) human books or reached the marker that might be left for them on the windless moon, they would know that man ended his dominion so that theirs might begin. Imagine, then, how they will regard us. It is, far and away, the greatest act of goodness ever contemplated, the ennoblement of a whole species; an act, almost, of angels.

According to the passage, what might be human being's best choice for the final exit?

A.Leaving the timing to nature.

B.The saurian-like elimination.

C.Being burned by the sun's heat.

D.An exit driven by man's rationality.


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