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Why do the “little thieves” steal?A.They want some excitement.B.They want the things they

Why do the “little thieves” steal?

A.They want some excitement.

B.They want the things they can't afford.

C.They want to earn money in this way.

D.They do it for a living.

更多“Why do the “little thieves” steal?A.They want some excitement.B.They want the things they”相关的问题


Why Do People Shrink?Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It&39;s about a

Why Do People Shrink?

Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It&39;s about a wacky(古怪的)dad (who&39;s also a scientist) who accidentally(偶然的) shrink&39;s his kids with his homemade miniaturizing (使小型化) invention. Oops! The kids spend the rest of the movie as tiny people who are barely visible while trying to get back to their normal size.

(46) It takes place over years and may add up to only one inch or so off of their adult height (maybe a little more, maybe less), and this kind of shrinking can*t be magically reversed, although there are things that can be done to stop it or slow it down. But why does shrinking happen at all?

(47) As people get older, they generally lose some muscle and fat from their bodies as part of the natural aging process. Gravity (the force that keeps your feet on the ground) take hold, and the bones in the spine, called vertebrae(椎骨), may break down or degenerate, and start to collapse into one another. (48) . But perhaps the most common reason why some older people shrink is because of osteoporosis (骨质疏松症).

Osteoporosis occurs when too much spongy(海绵) bone tissue (which is found inside of most bones) is broken down and not enough new bone material is made. (49) . Bones become smaller and weaker and can easily break if someone with osteoporosis is injured. Older people—especially women, who generally have smaller and lighter bones to begin with—are more likely to develop osteoporosis. As years go by, a person with osteoporosis shrinks a little bit.

Did you know that every day you do a shrinking act? You aren&39;t as tall at the end of the day as you are at the beginning. (50) . Don&39;t worry, though. Once you get a good night&39;s rest, your body recovers, and the next morning, you&39;re standing tall again.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.


A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.B. That&39;s because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it&39;s not being replaced.D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.E. For older people, shrinking isn&39;t that dramatic or sudden at all.F. There are a few reasons.




Why Do People Shrink?Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It's about a wac

Why Do People Shrink?

Did you ever see the movie Honey, I shrunk the kids? It's about a wacky(古怪的)dad (who's also a scientist) who accidentally(偶然的) shrink's his kids with his homemade miniaturizing (使小型化) invention. Oops! The kids spend the rest of the movie as tiny people who are barely visible while trying to get back to their normal size.

(46) It takes place over years and may add up to only one inch or so off of their adult height (maybe a little more, maybe less), and this kind of shrinking can*t be magically reversed, although there are things that can be done to stop it or slow it down. But why does shrinking happen at all?

(47) As people get older, they generally lose some muscle and fat from their bodies as part of the natural aging process. Gravity (the force that keeps your feet on the ground) take hold, and the bones in the spine, called vertebrae(椎骨), may break down or degenerate, and start to collapse into one another. (48) . But perhaps the most common reason why some older people shrink is because of osteoporosis (骨质疏松症).

Osteoporosis occurs when too much spongy(海绵) bone tissue (which is found inside of most bones) is broken down and not enough new bone material is made. (49) . Bones become smaller and weaker and can easily break if someone with osteoporosis is injured. Older people—especially women, who generally have smaller and lighter bones to begin with—are more likely to develop osteoporosis. As years go by, a person with osteoporosis shrinks a little bit.

Did you know that every day you do a shrinking act? You aren't as tall at the end of the day as you are at the beginning. (50) . Don't worry, though. Once you get a good night's rest, your body recovers, and the next morning, you're standing tall again.

A. They end up pressing closer together, which makes a person lose a little height and become shorter.

B. That's because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.

C. Over time, bone is said to be lost because it's not being replaced.

D. Luckily, there are things that people can do to prevent shrinking.

E. For older people, shrinking isn't that dramatic or sudden at all.

F. There are a few reasons.




听力原文:M: The summer holiday is coming, but I really don't know what to do. There doesn'
t seem to beany jobs available.

W: Why don't you try house-sitting? Last summer Cindy was a house sitter for the Smiths when they went away on vacation. They hired Cindy to stay in their house because they didn't want it left empty.

M: You mean they paid Cindy just to live in their house?

W: It wasn't that easy. She had to water the house plants, mow the lawn, and even take care of the pets.

M: I guess it is a little like baby-sitting, except you're taking care of a house instead of children.

W: The student employment office still has a few jobs posted.

M: Do I just have to fill oat an application?

W: You have to have an interview with the homeowner and provide three references at least.

M: That seems like a lot of trouble for a summer job.

W: Well, the homeowner wants some guarantee that they can trust the house sitter. You know they want to make sure you're not the type who'll hold wild parties in their house, or bring a group of friends in with you.

M: I see. House sitters who do that sort of thing probably aren't paid then.

W: Usually they're paid anyway just because the homeowners don't want to make a fuss. But if the homeowner reports it, the house sitter won't be able to get another job easily. So why don't you apply?

M: I think I will. Thank you.


A.They left their pets with neighbors.

B.They rented their house to a student.

C.They hired someone to stay in their home.

D.They asked their gardener to watch their house.



It seems like Americans use credit cards for everything. It's a lot easier to spend money
that you don't see, isn't it? Many Americans spend money that isn't even there and get deeper and deeper in debt. Why do so many people spend more than they have? "Buy now, pay later" has become an American way of life. Recently, American households spent nearly 11 billion dollars more than they earned, creating a negative saving rate.

There are two ideas—one, living within your means, and the idea that living on debt is a great equalizer(平衡装置). They both have validity because it is important that someone live within their means over their lifetime. When people are young and they are earning money, but they have very little savings, they almost have to borrow in order to own a house or own a car. But as they grow older, they should develop the habit of saving, so that by the time they reach the end of their earning life, they have savings to live on in retirement, and live within their means.

"Buy now, pay later" worked very well for us in the 1990s, but one suspects it won't work forever. The only thing that concerns me is that Americans are so contented, so optimistic, so unconcerned about any bumps in the road that many American households, not all of them, but many American households are very heavily extended in personal credit, a lot of credit card debt. People are paying very high prices for houses and borrowing heavily against those prices; and if we do run into a bump in the road, a recession, there are going to be a lot of households, not all of them, but many households that Ml be severely squeezed. That means we're more vulnerable to serious financial distress than Japan is. Japan has been in financial distress for ten years, but one reason it's been able to weather that is that the households had been very conservative, had a lot of savings, were very liquid, and were able to weather difficult times. And many American households would now be less able to do that because they are so heavily in debt.

We know from the passage that credit cards

A.make Americans get deeper and deeper in debt

B.are likely to be abandoned by more Americans

C.will soon become a symbol of American life

D.will help solve potential financial problems



Harry Truman didn't think his successor had the right training to be president. "Poor Ike-
--it won't be a bit like the Army," he said. "He'll sit there all day saying 'do this, do that, ' and nothing will happen." Truman was wrong about Ike. Dwight Eisenhower had led a fractious alliance---you didn't tell Winston Churchill what to do--in a massive, chaotic war. He was used to politics. But Truman's insight could well be applied to another, even more venerated Washington figure: the CEO-turned cabinet secretary.

A 20-year bull market has convinced us all the CEOs are geniuses, so watch with Astonishment the troubles of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul O'Neill. Here are two highly regarded businessmen, obviously intelligent and well-informed, foundering in their jobs.

Actually, we shouldn't be surprised. Rumsfeld and O'Neill are not doing badly despite having been successful CEOs but because of it. The record of senior businessmen in government is one of almost unrelieved disappointment. In fact, with the exception of Robert Rubin, it is difficult to think of a CEO who had a successful career in government.

Why is this? Well, first the CEO has to recognize that he is no longer the CEO. He is at best an adviser to the CEO, the president. But even the president is not really the CEO. No one is. Power in a corporation is concentrated and vertically structured. Power in Washington is diffuse and horizontally spread out. The secretary might think he's in charge of his agency. But the chairman of the congressional committee funding that agency feels the same. In his famous study "Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents," Richard Neustadt explains how little power the president actually has and concludes that the only lasting presidential power is "the power to persuade."

Take Rumsfeld's attempt to transform. the cold-war military into one geared for the future. It's innovative but deeply threatening to almost everyone in Washington. The Defense Secretary did not try to sell it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, the budget office or the White House. As a result, the idea is collapsing.

Second, what power you have, you must use carefully. For example, O'Neill's position as Treasury Secretary is one with little formal authority. Unlike Finance Ministers around the world, Treasury does not control the budget. But it has symbolic power. The secretary is seen as the chief economic spokesman for the administration and, if he plays it right, the chief economic adviser for the president.

O'Neill has been publicly critical of the IMF’s bailout packages for developing countries while at the same time approving such packages for Turkey, Argentina and Brazil. As a result, he has gotten the worst of both worlds. The bailouts continue, but their effect in holstering investor confidence is limited because the markets are rattled by his skepticism.

Perhaps the government doesn't do bailouts well. But that leads to a third rule: you can't just quit. Jack Welch's famous law for re-engineering General Electric was to be first or second in any given product category, or else get out of that business. But if the government isn't doing a particular job at peak level, it doesn't always have the option of relieving itself of that function. The Pentagon probably wastes a lot of money. But it can't get out of the national-security business.

The key to former Treasury secretary Rubin's success may have been that he fully understood that business and government are, in his words, "necessarily and properly very different.' In a recent speech he explained, "Business functions around one predominate organizing principle, profitability…Government, on the other hand, deals with a vast number of equally legitimate and often potentially competing objectives---for example, energy production versus environmental protection, or safety regulations versus productivity.”

Rubin's example shows that talented people can do well in g

A.regard the president as the CEO

B.take absolute control of his department

C.exercise more power than the congressional committee

D.become acquainted with its power structure



Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First, some p
eople are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.

If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can't wait to get back to work." If you didn't feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no Work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form. of order in our lives.

The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you've been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren't turning out as you'd planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest manacle of all. People resent having to do something because they have no other choice.

If you find yourself resenting your job because you can't afford to quit, it may be time to prepare what one career counselor humorously calls a "cyanide capsule." He recalls spy movies in which the secret agent has such a capsule hidden somewhere on his body. If he's captured and tortured unbearably, he has an option. And having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in the hope that the situation may change.

Rather than cyanide, your option takes the form. of an up-to-date resume. You might also take a weekly glance through the help-wanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where low-key networking can take place. You're not giving up on your current job. Rather, you are providing yourself with an option. If things get unbearable at work, you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attitude. It allows you to enjoy your work since, in reality, you are there only because you want to be.

At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is, above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment, but they really aren't. They have to learn to manage that environment so they can get from it what they need.

The first main reason for many people's unhappiness in their jobs rises from their conviction that ______.

A.working is like killing their true talents

B.working at a job is just wasting their time

C.working is not the enjoyment they are after

D.working is the least enjoyable way of spending time



Over the summer. my family took a trip to Iceland to see the natural beauty of it. Little
did I ___21___ I would wake up one morning to have my eyes swelled up(肿胀)like balloons! I was frigbtened, So many questions were ___22___ through my head. Am I allergic(过敏的)to something? Was there some Icelandic discase that I ___23___ ?The only help I received was some allergy medicine ___24___ a clinic nearby.

Nothing Was working. When the trip was over,I went to see my doctor, She gave me eye drops, but clearly they weren&39;t worth the time or ___25___ and the swelling got worse and worse.

I finally decided that it would be best for me to ___26___ being so sad and take it easy and havefun. It was summer after all.I had a fun night with my friends as if nothing was ___27___ .The next morning I woke up and went to ___28___ how swollen my eyes were,only to find myself ___29___ at my normal face, It was a miracle(奇迹).I ___30___ asking myself why I hadn&39;t done that earlier. Was being with my friends and having fun really the ___31___ to my problem?

To this day I still do not know what I had,and ___32___ do any of the many doctors that I ___33___ during the summer, I would really like to go back to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, ___34___ I am very much frightened that I am just allergic to the country. I hope I never ___35___ having such terrible swelling in my eyes ever again.

21. ___________
































































概括段落大意和补全句子。Our Muscles(1)When we think of muscles, we might often picture a
概括段落大意和补全句子。Our Muscles(1)When we think of muscles, we might often picture a


Our Muscles

(1)When we think of muscles, we might often picture a bodybuilder with big arm and leg muscles. But our muscles do not have to look like that to work well.

(2)As a matter of fact, every time we write our name, we use the 20 different muscles in our hand. Every time our heart beats, we use our cardiac muscle(心肌) . When we eat our food, we use our tongue muscles. We even use muscles when we open and close our eyes. In fact, every time we move, we use some of the muscles in our body.

(3)A muscle is made of tiny fibers. Fiber is a type of tissue that feels a little like a rubber band. Thousands of these fibers are packed together to make a single muscle. We all have the same number of muscles----about 700 or so. Men and women with big muscles simply have thicker bundles of fibers.

(4)There are three different types of muscles in our body. Smooth muscles are the ones that we cannot control. They work quietly to keep our body running. Also, they are the ones that help us to absorb our food. The cardiac muscle makes the heart pump blood in and out. Skeletal muscles are the ones that we can control. These are the muscles that we use to raise our hands, or ride our bicycles.

(5)Even our face often uses muscles. But if we want to save our energy, try smiling instead of frowning. Remember that it takes 17 muscles in our face to smile, but 43 muscles to frown!

Task 1

1. Paragraph (1)

2. Paragraph (2)

3. Paragraph (3)

4. Paragraph (4)

5. Paragraph (5)

A. What a muscle consists of

B. When we use our muscles

C. How people think of muscles

D. What kind of muscles we have

E. Why we have different muscles

F. Why we should smile rather than frown

Task 2

6. Muscles don’t have to be very big____________.

7. Our muscles are working _______________.

8. A single muscle contains __________________.

9. Smooth muscle help us _________________.

10. Smiling uses less energy than ___________________.

A. frowning

B. a lot of fibers

C. to digest food

D. to function properly

E. whenever we are happy

F. whenever we do something



听力原文:M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?W: Well, let's look at this city guide her

听力原文:M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow?

W: Well, let's look at this city guide here. Uh, here's something interesting. Oh! Why don't we first visit the art museum in the morning.

M: Okay. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?

W: How about going to an Indian restaurant? Humm. The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.

M: Now that sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Umm, well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.

W: Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really interested in going there. Why don't we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.

M: Nail, I don't think that's a good idea. We only have few traveler's checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.

W: No problem. We can use your credit card to pay for MY new clothes.

M: Oh, no. I remember the last time you used my credit card for your purchases.

W: oh well. Let's take the Subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach,

M: Now that sounds like a wonderful plan.








听力原文:W: So what are the two main times of the day that you watch TV? M: Well, a little

听力原文:W: So what are the two main times of the day that you watch TV?

M: Well, a little around breakfast time and then it tends to be really late— eleven or even midnight—when I've finished work.

W: And what sort of programs do you go for?

M: Some news bulletins but I also really like to put my feet up with some of the old comedy shows.

W: Fine. And turning to the new channel...which type of programs would you like to see more of?

M: Well, I certainly don't think we need any more factual programs like news and documentaries. I think we need more about things like local in formation...you know, providing a service for the community. And in the same vein, perhaps more for younger viewers...you know, good quality stuff.

W: Ah ha. And if you had to give the new directors some specific advice when they set up the channel, what advice would you give theme

M: I think I'd advice them to pay more attention to the quality of the actual broadcast, you know, the sound system. They ought to do lots more of these kinds of interview, you know, talking with their potential customers.

W: Oh, I'm glad you think it's valuable!

M: Certainly...yeah.

W: Good. Ok, this will be a commercial channel of course, but how often do you think it is tolerable to have adverts?

M: Well out of that list I'd say every quarter of an hour. I don't think we can complain about that, as long as they don't last for ten minutes each time!

W: Quite. And…would you be willing to attend any of our special promotions for the new channel?

M: Yes, I'd be very happy to, as long as they're held here in my area.

W: Thank you very much for your time.


A.Local news and children's programs.

B.Children's programs and local service programs.

C.Documentaries and news.

D.Documentaries and movies.



Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice.

College is a place to explore many possibilities; you really can't do it all—unless you manage your time wisely. Here are some tips I have found very helpful for managing my time and maximizing my study efforts:

1. Determine your goals. What do you want to get out of a college education? Academic (学术的)knowledge? Leadership experiences within a club? Decide what is most important to you.Then devote proportionate (成比例的) amounts of time to those efforts.

2. Plan ahead.You may think you can keep everything in your head,but as the activities on your schedule start piling up, making a schedule can really help organize even little tasks.

3. Study at strategic (关键的) times.Don't wait until you're falling asleep to study.Study first.Save those e-mails to check later, because tasks that don't require much energy and attention can still be done when you're tired.

4. Motivate (激励) yourself! You know that TV show you've been dying to see, or that game of chess you've been waiting all week to challenge your friend to. These and many other special activities can be used for motivation. Promise yourself that you'll finish your biology assignment before you go off and "play". That way, you'll force yourself to work efficiently.(Don't rush through the assignment, though.)

5. Take a nap. Sometimes even a 20-minute nap in the afternoon will give you the extra energy you need to get through the day.

We need to plan ahead in order to________.

A.keep a record of all the events

B.better organize our activities

C.store everything in our head

D.pile up little tasks neatly


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