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It was a very long day _____Tom. He didn't get hom

A.for, until

B.for, by

C.to, since

D.to, at

更多“It was a very long day _____Tom. He didn't get hom”相关的问题


This machine works very well so long as no one()with it.







— ____ is it from your home to your school? — It's very near, only five minutes' bike ride.

A.How far

B.How long

C.How many

D.How soon



At the end of the passage, Kevin Mitchell implies that______.A.the biological system is ve

At the end of the passage, Kevin Mitchell implies that______.

A.the biological system is very delicate and its balance is easily broken

B.after a long and hard process, human genes come to what they are today

C.genetic mutations in the human body are developed in a casual manner

D.some people may have a higher risk of brain cancer than others



We got up early this morning and【56】a long walk after breakfast. We walked【57】the business
section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city【58】larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's【59】Washington is a special kind of city.【60】of the people in Washington work for the government.

About 9:30 we went to the White House. It's【61】the public from ten【62】twelve, and there was a long line of people【63】to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved pretty quickly.

The White House is really white. It【64】every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns【65】around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds【66】about four square blocks. I mean, they' re about two blocks long【67】each side.

Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part【68】the president lives and works can not be visited by the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of【69】was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named【70】the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk【71】There are【72】old furniture, from the time【73】the White House was【74】built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and【75】famous people from history.








Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.My favorite beach is called Emers

Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.

My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach.It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees.It is very beautiful.I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by.Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water!

Every morning we look for shells in the sand.I found fifteen big shells last year.I put them in a special place in my room.This year I want to learn to surf.It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer.She says that she can teach me.I hope I can do it!

1.My favorite beach is...()

A.Surf Beach

B.Emerson Beach

C.Palm Beach

D. Long Beach

2.What animals do I see in the water?()




D. Dogs

3.How many shells did I find last year? ()




D. Fifteen

4.What do I want to learn this year?()




D. How to find shells

5.Where did I put my shells last year?()

A.In a box

B.In the garage

C.In my room

D. In Florida



The AIDS virus has been around for a very long time , but the spread of the disease within the last twenty years or so on such a scale has caused real concern. It seems that in the 1980s the principal

31. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? ()

A. AIDS is a disease for which a cure has been found.

B. AIDS is a disease which has just been found.

c. AIDS is a disease which has existed for a long time.

D. AIDS is a disease which spreads very slowly.

32. Who is easily infected with AIDS? ()

A. People who use drugs.

B. People who visit prostitutes.

C. Patients who stay in hospital.

D. All of the above.

33. In WHO' s opinion, what will help most effectively in fighting against the spread of AIDS? ()

A. More education.

B. More medicines.

C. More doctors.

D. More equipment.

34. From the passage , we can see that the writer is not happy about ().

A. the education the general public get on AIDS

B. the education the medical staff get on AIDS

C. the TV programmes on AIDS

D. the newspaper articles on AIDS

35. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ()

A. It is not enough only to educate the general pubic.

B. There are some hospitals in some parts of the world which do not accept AIDS patients.

C. Great care has been taken to prevent the spread of AIDS everywhere in the world now.

D. More money and resources are needed to control the spread of AIDS



段落翻译: Before you make up your mind about which...

段落翻译: Before you make up your mind about which way to go, take a hard, honest look at your motivation for starting a company. Too many people are looking to get rich, escape the corporate grind, and work shorter hours with more free time. None of those reasons is likely to lead to success. If you are focused on solving a customer problem or need, believe you can do what you do better than anyone else, dying to work long hours, wear many hates, and juggle endless responsibilities, then you have the right startup mindset. You also need certain personality traits. One of them is a willingness to work very hard all by yourself, at least for the first year or so (and possibly longer).



根据内容回答下列各题.Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed ab


Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed about a house of their own. Anyone then could read in the newspapers about the building companies who offered to put people into a new house 51 only a $1,000 deposit. Of course, the remainder had to be paid off with interest over a period of twenty years or so.

The worker and his wife hopefully went to one of these companies 52 this wonderful offer. And the man in the office said.“Yes, sure. You bring along $1,000 and we can 53 you with a new house.” So the worker and his wife had to work hard and in twelve months’ time they returned to the building man with $1,000. But the man in the office said, “Look, I’m sorry, 54 we’ll need $1,500 now. Costs have gone up since we saw you last, you know.”

The couple thought it over and decided it would not take very long to save the extra $500 if they worked hard. In six moths they worked 55 overtime and saved the $500 in spite of the high rent they had to pay for their flat. Back to the building man they 56 with their $1,500. But to their surprise he 57 the deposit was now $3,000. Now somewhat wiser, the worker said, “And the next time, I dare say we’ll find the deposit rising once more. How have we 58 save the extra $1,500?” “Well”, said the man, “I think we can stabilize the situation for about twelve months. By the time you come with $3,000, we will have had the house 59 for you.

The couple left, sad at heart as they saw their dream house 60 . By the time they had saved the extra $1.500, no doubt the deposit would have become still higher, maybe $5,000, then $10,000 and then…!








Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling a
nyone, tried to continue my studies in literature (文学) at evening classes. It was a tiresome walk from one end of the city to another and to sit among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the class, so the friendship I knew at school was absent, I put up with it for a short period. It was too long a walk on cold winter's nights and it was hard to put my heart into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued reading books and started writing poetry at home. By chance, I won some prizes and award (奖励) for literature. A young woman from a TV com-pany came to the college one day. She told me that I had won a national poetry award. I stared at her in astonishment and disbelieved her. She wanted to make a short film about me, to which I said: "No, I couldn't do that. "Not that I had any real excuse, I was just frightened. In the end she persuaded me that I should do it the following.

1.The writer did not feel comfortable at the evening school because__________ .

A. he found it difficult to make friends with his classmates

B. he had to walk a long distance to the evening school

C. he could not put his heart into reading books after he was caught in the rain

D. all of the above

2. Which of the following has more probably been discussed in the paragraph above this passage?_______

A. The writer's unhappy childhood.

B. The poor teaching quality of the writer's school.

C. The writer's leaving school against his teachers' advice.

D. Whether it was worth leaving school for job training.

3.After he won some prizes and awards for literature, a young woman from a TV company().

A、wanted to make his success known to the public

B、came to make friends with him

C、invited him to make a speech

D、came to tell him that he had become a very important person

4.Which of the following is NOT true? ________

A. His parents worried that he would have no future if he returned to school.

B. His parents worried that he would leave school again.

C. It was difficult for one who studied literature to get a job.

D. His parents did not want him to continue his education.

5.After his success, the writer______________

A. decided to get a good job

B. decided to continue his studies in literature at the evening school

C. decided to return to the school he had left

D. began to feel very important and proud



It is a curious paradox that we think of the physical sciences as "hard", the social sciences as "soft", and the biological sciences as somewhere in between. This is interpreted to mean that our knowledge of physical systems is more certain than our knowledge of biological systems, and these in turn are more certain than our knowledge of social systems. In terms of bur capacity to sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least approximately correct, one suspects that a reverse order is more reasonable. We are able to sample earth's social systems with some degree of confidence that we have a reasonable sample of the total universe being investigated. Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries. Even the folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinary life is based in earning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities, fighting and so on, is not very 'dissimilar from the more sophisticated images of the social system derived from the social sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples of personal experience.

In contrast, our image of the astronomical universe, of even of earth's geological history, can easily be subject to revolutionary changes as new data comes in and new theories are worked out. If we define the "security" of our image of various parts of the total system as the probability of their suffering significant changes, then we would reverse the order of hardness and see the social sciences as the most secure, the physical sciences as the least secure, and again the biological sciences as somewhere in between. Our image of the astronomical universe is the least secure of all simply because we observe such a fantastically small sample of it and its record-keeping is trivial as compared with the rich records of the social systems, or even the limited records of biological systems. Records of the astronomical universe, despite the fact that we see distant things as they were long ago, are limited in the extreme.

Even in regard to such a close neighbor as the moon, which we have actually visited, theories about its origin and history are extremely different, contradictory, and hard to choose among. Our knowledge of physical evolution is incomplete and highly insecure.

The word "paradox"(Para. 1) means "()".






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