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The government has promised to commit itself to __

______ peace.  A. keep      B. be kept    C. keeping       D. being kept

更多“The government has promised to commit itself to __”相关的问题


The Chinese government has made plans to develop the ______ area. (west)
The Chinese government has made plans to develop the ______ area. (west)



The government has promised to ________ more money on education.







It has been revealed that some government leaders

_________ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

A) employ B) take C) abuse D) overlook



According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A.America has outs

According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.America has outsourced manufacturing jobs for the past 50 years.

B.The Democrats are liberal on flee trade and international competition.

C.The government should reform. the policies on health care and pension.

D.American economy has developed fast owing to international competition.



Britain has announced that it is to cancel about 200 million pounds worth of debts【D1】____
__ it by poorer Commonwealth countries. The International Development Secretary says the【D2】______ was being【D3】______ to countries committed to eliminating【D4】______ and【D5】______ good government This would include taking action against corruption. At the same time, Common Market【D6】______ ministers are meeting in Mauritius. Britain is expected to【D7】______ a fresh【D8】______ on reducing the debts of the poorest countries. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has indicated that he plans to【D9】______ a scheme put forward last year by the International【D10】______ Fund, which has not yet provided any relief.




Suppose your firm invests $100,000 in a project in Italy. At the time the exchange rate is $1.25 = €1.00. One year later the exchange rate is the same, but the Italian government has expropriated()

A.Exchange rate risk

B.Political risk

C.Market imperfections

D.None of the above,since $100,000 = €80,000 ′ $1.25/1.00



Despite that the wave of industrial development that has 【M1】______swept much of East Asia

Despite that the wave of industrial development that has 【M1】______

swept much of East Asia in recent decades, the country of 80

million remains extremely poor, mismanaged and still' was 【M2】______

predominant agrarian. But the Philippines docs play a visible 【M3】______

role in the global economy, thanks largely to a single export

commodity—its people. According to the government, I mil

lion Philippines will go abroad as contract workers this year, 【M4】______

the biggest exodus ever. "The Philippines has already sur

passed Mexico as the largest source of migrant labor in the

word," says Manolo I. Abella, a migration specialist at the

International Labour Office in Geneva. In all, about 8 mil

lion Filipinos—an astounded one tenth of the country's 【M5】______

citizens—currently work overseas to support families back home.

They remit more than $ 7 billion annually, according to the

government, and that's only' official transfers. A recent Asian 【M6】______

Development Bank report put the real figure in the $ 14

billion to $ 21 billion range a sum that dwarfs both foreign direct

investment and aid flowing into the country, and amounts

3 2 percent of GNP. In the past, the Philippines 【M7】______

is shamed by its inability to create enough good jobs to keep 【M8】______

its people at home. But hard economic reality—a 14 percent

unemployment rate and one of the highest poverty indexes in

the world (nearly half the population subsists on less than $ 2

a day)—has shifted the sentiment. Today, in a move that

countries like Indonesia and Bangladesh are likely to emulate

itself, the government takes the position that, like it or not, 【M9】______

the overseas workers constitute nation's biggest comparative

advantage in an increasingly borderless world. And so Manila

makes it easy for its citizens to immigrate, and works hard, 【M10】______

through its embassies, to see that their rights as foreign workers

are protected.




The signs of the degeneration of American society and of Western civilization are all

too plain: declining educational standards, rising crime, disintegrating families and record rate of suicide among the young.Able-bodied beggars have become a common sight in cities from San Francisco to Washington, as well as in London and Paris.

Murders involving guns in New York City are now more than 30 times what they were half a century ago. Racial polarization has become far more common on college campuses than it was 20 years ago, and separate living arrangements have been created by college administrators who nevertheless proclaim their devotion to"diversity".

Official irresponsibility in Washington is symbolized by the soaring national debt-during a decade when government revenues doubled. And the new tax increases will not reduce this debt by one penny because spending has not been cut but simply renamed"investment."

Worst of all, much of the degeneracy of our times is not merely tolerated but celebrated. The crude words of“rap” music have beensanctified in editorial columns and by PhD.s at respected universities.Multiple murderers are mourned at their executions. An accused child molester (骚扰儿童者) on the Stanford University faculty has a medal struck in his honor after he commits suicide when confronted with the charges.

Despite a long history of struggle by blacks for better education, it has now become common in ghetto schools for those black youngsters who excel academically to be denounced for“acting white”--and to face social exclusion, or even physical violence, from their classmates.

The barbarians are not at the gates. They are inside.

1.According to the author, college administrators().

A.should not be blamed for racial discrimination

B.have successfully implemented satisfactory living arrangements for the students

C.approve of the various living styles among the student

D.have contributed to racial discrimination against their promise

2.The author believes that the national debt is soaring because().

A.government revenues have doubled

B.the officials in the government are not responsible

C.the government has invested heavily in the defense fields

D.people have failed to pay their taxes

3.It can be inferred from the passage that the most serious social degeneration of American society is the fact that().

A.People’s moral values are confused

B.people are generally irresponsible

C.young people are no longer ambitious

D.legal system is too lenient for criminals

4.The word"sanctified" in the fourth paragraph most likely means().





5.From the fifth paragraph we can see that().

A.black children now receive better education

B.black children do better academically than white children

C.black children who do well at school are persecuted

D.black children pay more attention to education than ever before



Officially almost 60,000 Nepalese women are now working in the Middle East

but the unofficial estimate is closer to 200,000. Many of them are under 30 years old and will be directly affected by the new ban.

The government's been under growing pressure to do more to protect its workers. Women employed in the informal sector as part of a household are very vulnerable. Nepal's Embassies in the region say they deal with numerous cases of alleged physical or sexual abuse, as well as complaints about unpaid wages and terrible conditions.

Many run safe houses to support women who flee their employer's homes. It's only 18 months since the government ended a 12-year ban on all women workers to the Gulf. That wasimposed after a young woman working in Kuwait committed suicide. Now they're adopting this partial ban in the hope that older women might be less at risk. Nepal has a high unemployment rate and the government is trying to strike a balance between protection and allowing women to pursue opportunities.

Other countries face the same dilemma. Two months ago, Kenya banned its citizens from working in the Middle East because, it said, increasing numbers were being mistreated. Last year, Indonesia introduced a ban on women working as maids in the region. That followed numerous cases of abuse and the execution of an Indonesian maid who was accused of killing her former employer.

26. Who will be most probably be affected by the new ban?_________

A. Young Nepalese women working in the Middle East.

B. Nepalese women just back from the Middle East.

C. Nepalese women working at home.

D. Nepalese women who wants to work for rich families.

27. Why does the Nepalese government decide to adopt the ban?___________

A. Because they wanted women to work at home.

B. Because they wanted Nepalese women to have equal opportunities.

C. Because they wanted to protect the Nepalese women.

D. Because they had a bad relationship with the gulf countries.

28. How are the Nepalese women treated when working in the Middle East?_________

A. They are well treated.

B. They are offered many opportunities.

C. They have much freedom.

D. Many of them are mistreated and abused.

29. Which of the following is correct about the ban?_________

A. It is historical and has never been imposed before.

B. A year and a half ago, another ban existed.

C. It has lasted twelve years.

D. It solves the unemployment problem at home.

30. Which of the following is correct?_________

A. Middle East women work outside their countries.

B. Women working in the Middle East all come from Asia.

C. Women working in the Middle East need protection.

D. Embassies cannot do anything to protect women from their country.



Inflation is an economic condition in【C1】______prices for consumer goods【C2】______, and th
e【C3】______of money or purchasing power decreases. There arc three important causes of inflation. The first and most important cause may be excessive government spending. For example, in order to【C4】______a war or carry【C5】______social programs, the government may spend more money than it has received through taxes and other revenue, thus creating a deficit. In order to【C6】______this deficit, the Treasury Department can simply【C7】______the money supply by issuing more paper money to【C8】______the debts of government. This increase in the money supply will cause the value of the dollar to【C9】______decrease. The second cause of inflation occurs when the money supply increases faster than the supply of goods.【C10】______people have more money, they will run out to buy popular goods【C11】______televisions and computers, for example, and a shortage will result. Industry will then produce more, at higher prices, to【C12】______demand.【C13】______, if people think that the prices of popular goods are going up, they will buy and even borrow money at high【C14】______rates to pay for them. Finally, if labor unions demand that workers, wages【C15】______to【C16】______the high cost of living, industry will meet this demand and add other costs of production on to the【C17】______.【C18】______summary, all of these causes can【C19】______inflationary problems that can affect the welfare of a nation. However, of these three causes,【C20】______government spending may be the most important.







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