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() a business.

A.take over



D.set up

更多“() a business.”相关的问题









It is the general manager who makes the _______decisions in business.







The board of the company has decided to /?

The board of the company has decided to its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business.

A) multiply B) stretch C) lengthen D) expand



The financial meltdown was compelling people to think about money and business.







The board of the company has decided to ______ i?

The board of the company has decided to ______ its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business.

A) multiply B) lengthen C) expand D)



Why Google can't claim victory?选择

Why Google can't claim victory?

[A] Google doesn't agree to certain conditions.

[B] The European Union needs to sign off on the merge.

[C] Google has raised concerns about consumer privacy.

[D] Google can't begin incorporating DoubleClick into it's business.



Dear Sir,We have read your advertisement in International Trade and are glad to know t
Dear Sir,

We have read your advertisement in International Trade and are glad to know that you are one of the leading exporters of silk blouses (短上衣,女衬衫)in China. We are interested in the goods and would like to be informed of the details of your various types, including sizes, colors and prices.

We are a large dealer in silk garments(服装), having over 15 years’ experience in this particular line of business. Silk blouses of good quality and moderate prices command a good sale in our market.

When replying, please state the terms of payment and the discounts you would allow on a regular purchase of over 100 dozen items.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

D. Johnson

Letter Two

April 20, 2019

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to receive you inquiry of April 10 , and thank you for your interest in our products.

We are glad to tell you that we are in a position to supply the items inquired. We are confident that the superior material and exquisite(精致的)craftsmanship of our silk blouses appeal to the most selective buyers.

On regular purchases of over 100 dozen items a discount of 3% is granted. If you place your order no later than the end of this week, we would guarantee a prompt delivery within 20 days, and demand you payment by sight L/C.

Enclosed is a quotation sheet and a copy of illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. As the market is showing an upward tendency, it is profitable for you to place an order immediately.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

D. Johnson

Letter Two

April 20, 2019

Dear Sir,

We are pleased to receive you inquiry of April 10 , and thank you for your interest in our products.

We are glad to tell you that we are in a position to supply the items inquired. We are confident that the superior material and exquisite(精致的)craftsmanship of our silk blouses appeal to the most selective buyers.

On regular purchases of over 100 dozen items a discount of 3% is granted. If you place your order no later than the end of this week, we would guarantee a prompt delivery within 20 days, and demand you payment by sight L/C.

Enclosed is a quotation sheet and a copy of illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. As the market is showing an upward tendency, it is profitable for you to place an order immediately.

We look forward to your first order.

Yours faithfully

Wang Fan

B-16. According to the passage, the buyer wants to purchase _____.

A、100 dozen silk blouses

B、less than 100 dozen silk blouses

C、over 100 dozen blouses

D、over 100 dozen items of silk blouses

B17. Which of the following statements is true?

A、It is the first time that the buyer contacts the seller.

B、The buyer has over 100 years’ experience in this line of business.

C、The seller has read the buyer’s advertisement in International Trade.

D、The buyer is one of the leading exporters of silk blouses in China.

B-18. When did the seller write the letter?

A、On April 10, 2019.

B、On April 20, 2019.

C、On April 19, 2019.


B-19. On what condition does the seller allow a discount of 3%?

A、To buy 100 dozen silk blouses.

B、To buy over 100 dozen silk blouses.

C、To buy regularly over 100 dozen blouses.

D、To buy regularly over 100 dozen items of silk blouses.

B-20. What is put into the envelope with Letter Two?

A、Not mentioned.

B、Some samples.

C、A quotation sheet and a copy of illustrated catalogue.

D、A guarantee letter.



Nowadays, more and more attention is being paid to“business ethics". But what doe
s it mean? What is the importance of ethics in business?

Business ethics is not about personality, though a good personality is valuable. Ethics is the primary element and prerequisite for successful business. No matter what you do, you should think of business as a matter of integrity. Nowadays, the slip in ethics and the absence of social responsibility, especially integrity, have led to a crisis in business, seriously influencing social development.

Events resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect the society in many unfortunate ways. Most people know the importance of business ethics, but still some people don't honor them. We often hear media reports on problems in business, such as adding harmful materials to products. These behaviors cause much damage to consumers, who spend money but do not get quality commodities, especially when these commodities do great harm to their health. It is difficult for people to forget the case in which some children consumed unsafe milk powder produced by a few immoral businesses, and their health suffered serious damage as a result. People can't bear this kind of behavior. and the businesses responsible must be closed down and the related personal be published.

1.What is the primary component for a prosperous business?

A.Good management

B.Business ethics

C.Reliable credit status

2.What is the influence of losing integrity?

A.Hinder social development

B.Worsen the company's reputation

C.Reduce people's trust between each other

3.What is people's attitude towards business ethics?

A.All people pay attention to business ethics

B.Most people attach importance to it and follow it

C.Lots of people know its importance but still some don't honor it

4.Which of the following items is NOT mentioned in this passage?

A.The absence of ethics has led to a crisis in business world

B.Manufacturers' immoral behaviors do little harm to consumers

C.Media is important for people to know more about commodities

5.What is the author's attitude toward immoral behaviors in business?






There comes a point with a technological process when the world wakes up to the possib
ilities of what can be achieved. A decade ago, the cellphone was a bulky item of limited range, high cost and minority interest. Now it is everywhere.

The personal computer (PC) has been around for decades. But it was only in the mid-1990s, with the explosive growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web, that it was first recognized that the technology can be used to do business. It is now fully recognized that shopping in cyberspace, the name given to this world wide electronic network, is the way of the future.

A recent study by the Department of Trade and Industry (the DTI) provides some impressive data. In the United States, the world' s largest consumer of goods, about 21% of the population is now online. Europe is still behind, with only 10% in Britain,for example. But, as we've seen before, when it comes to technology, nothing stays the same for long. The number of people online is rising dramatically throughout the world.

1.According to the passage, how was the cellphone like. a decade ago?

A.It interested few people

B.It cost a lot but was used everywhere

C.It had small size with bad connection

22.People realized that the technology can help do business when

A.the cellphone was everywhere

B.the Internet began to be widely used

C.the personal computer was more and more popular

2.According to the passage, what is the way of the future?

A.Use of personal computers throughout the world

B.Buying or selling via the Internet and the World Wide Web

C.The explosive growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.America consumes more goods than other countries

B.The population online in Britain is smaller than that in the Unites States

C.The number of people online is rising slowly throughout the world

4.The passage mainly talks about

A.the cellphone and its influence in some countries

B.development of the Internet technology and its influence

C.the data provided by the Department of Trade and Industry



The basic resources a business uses to produce goods and services are called factors o
f production. They include natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs.

Land, water, mineral deposits, and trees are good examples of natural resources. For example, Exxon Corporation, the world's largest oil company, makes use of a wide variety of natural resources. It must obviously have vast quantities of crude oil to process each year. But Exxon also needs the land where the oil is located, as well as land for its refineries and pipelines.

The people who work for a company represent the second factor of production, labor. Sometimes called human resources, labor is the mental and physical capabilities of people. Exxon employs over 150,000 people worldwide. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires labor force with a wide variety of skills ranging from managers to geologists to truck drivers.

Obtaining and using material resources and labor requires capital, the funds needed to operate an enterprise. Capital is needed to start any business. Capital is also needed to keep the business operating and growing. Exxon's annual drilling costs alone run into the billions of dollars.

Finally, many economic systems need entrepreneurs to function. Entrepreneurs are those people who accept the opportunities and risks involved in creating and operating businesses. They are the people who start new businesses and who make the decisions that allow small businesses to grow into larger ones. Exxon Corporation started as an

entrepreneurial venture. Although it did not acquire its current name until 1973, its roots can be traced to 1862 when John D. Rockefeller and Murice B. Clark decided to establish a petroleum-refining firm.

26. Factors of production refer to ().

A. natural resources and capital

B. labor and entrepreneurs

C. both A and B

27. The labor force needed in Exxon Corporation are ().

A. people who have a variety of skills

B. only geologists and truck drivers

C. managers to run the company

28. Exxon's annual drilling costs alone run into the billions of dollars. 'run into' here means ().

A. divide

B. reach

C. meet

29. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are referred to as ().

A. capital

B. resources

C. labor

30. They are the people () start new business and make the decisions.

A. which

B. whom

C. who


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