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Energy can never be obtained from nothing, nor ().

A.can it ever be destroyed

B.it can ever be destroyed

C.can it be ever destroyed

D.it can be ever destroyed


A、can it ever be destroyed

更多“Energy can never be obtained from nothing, nor ().”相关的问题


This ideology is never stated explicitly, but can nevertheless be detected through the


One can never succeed without enough confidence in himself.(翻译)



__________ the calculation is right, scientists ?

__________ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

A) Even if B) As far as C) If only D) So long as



You can never ____ it ______ that what you read, see or hear from media is true.

A. take … for granted

B. keep … in mind

C. catch… up

D. work … out



Man is a land animal, but he is also closely tied to the sea.Throughout history the se
a has served the needs of man.The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world.Today, experts believe that nearly two-thirds of the world’s population live within eighty kilometers of the seacoast.

In the modern technology world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive.Resources on land are beginning to grow less.The sea, however, still offers hope to supply many of man’s needs in the future.

The riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology are impressive.Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty years.Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor.

Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy.For example, warm temperature of the ocean can be used as the steam in a steamship.Sea may also offer a source of energy as electricity for mankind.

Technology is enabling man to explore even deeper under the sea.It is obvious that the technology to harvest the sea continues to improve.By 2050, experts believe that the problems to explore the food,

minerals and energy resources of the sea will have been largely solved.

26.What is the proper title for the passage______

A.Needs of Man

B.Sea Harvest and Food

C.Sea and Sources of Energy

D.Sea Exploring Technology

27.It can be inferred from the passage that______

A.man hasn’t completely made use of the riches of the sea

B.technology for exploring the sea has been solved

C.harvesting rice in the sea will be made possible

D.in the near future man can live on the ocean floor

28.Why does the author mention a steamship______

A.To illustrate that man can make use of sources of energy from the sea

B.To show that a steamship is better than other kinds of ships

C.To argue that man should use steamships

D.To indicate that it is warmer in the ocean than on land

29.According to the author, technology is important because______

A.resources on land are running short in ten years

B.man can use it to explore the deeper sea

C.it is a lot of fun diving into the sea

D.ancient people used it to explore the sea

30.According to the author, when will the problems to explore the deeper sea largely be solved______

A.In the next generation

B.By the end of the 20th century

C.In the near future

D.By the middle of the 21st century



Text2 While fossil fuels- coal,oil,gas- still generate roughly 85 percent of the world&


While fossil fuels- coal,oil,gas- still generate roughly 85 percent of the world's energy

supply,it'sclearer than ever that the future belongs to renewablesources such as wind and solar.The

move to renewables is picking up momentumaround the world: They now account for more than half ofnew power sourcesgoing on line.

Some growth stems from a commitment bygovernments and farsighted Businssesto

fundcleanerenergy sources.But increasinglythestoryisabout theplummeting prices of

renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solarpanels has dropped by 80 percent and the

cost of wind turbines by close taone-third in the past eight years.

In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In

Scotland,for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes.

While the rest of the world takes the lead, notably China and Europe, the United States is also

seeing a remarkable shift. In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more

than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information


President Trump has underlined fossil fuels - especially coal - as thepathto economic growth.

In a recent speech in Iowa, he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source, But that

message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36

percent of the state's electricity generation - and where tech giants likeMicrosoftare being

attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.

The question “what happens when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn'tshine?" has provid

ed a quick put-down for skeptics. But a boost in the storage

apacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.

The advance is driven in par by vehicle manufacturers, who are placing big

bets on battery-powered electric vehicles. Although electric cars are still a rarity

on roads now. this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.

While there's a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking. The pace of

change in energy sources appears to be speeding up perhaps: just in time to have a

meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does-or

doesn't do- to promote alternative energy may mean less and less a time of

aglobal shift in thought.

26.The word "plummeting"(Line3,Para.2)is closest in meaning to ______





27. According to Paragraph 3,the use of renewable energy in America ______

A. is progressing notably

B. is as extensive as in Europe

C. faces many challenges

D. has proved to be impractical

28. It can be learned that in Iowa,


A. wind is a widely used energy source

B. wind energy has replaced fossil fuels

C. tech giants are investing in clean energy

D. there is a shortage of clean energy supply

29. Which of the following is true about clean energy according to Paragraphs 5&6?A. Its

application has boosted battery storage.B. It is commonly used in car manufacturing.C. Its

continuous supply is becoming a reality.D. Its sustainable exploitation will remain difficult. 30. It

can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy _____.

A. will bring the US closer to other countries

B. will accelerate global environmental change

C. is not really encouraged by the US government

D. is not competitive enough with regard to its cost

30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy _____.



If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health ...

If you feel a shortage of energy, join our Health Club. Fatigue is common for people to 1)_________ of to their doctors. In such cases, you should take a look at the causes for your tiredness and learn how you can get rid of it. Firstly, if you have to work hard 24 hours a day, seven days a week with high 2)_________, you will feel tired and bored. The 24/7 push to be productive can wear you out both physically and 3)__________. Your can have mini-breaks that will cheer you up and make your routine a little less routine. Secondly, if you sit staring at a screen for long periods of time you tend to blink less frequently and 4)_______your eyes. Your eyes need a break. Stand up once in a while to 5)_________ your legs and arms. Frequent breaks with long 6)__________ to your nearby parks will keep your body active and reduce eyestrain. Finally, gaining as little as five pounds of weight can cause 7)________. Extra weight also puts extra burden on your heart, which makes you tired. You can 8)_________ the habit of eating junk food and 9)___________ yourself to the basics of healthy eating. Try to eat smaller 10)_________ of food. With each pound of weight you lose, you'll feel a rise in energy. A) reverse B) strip C) strain D) empty E) portions F) fatigue G) rides H) emotionally I) reserve J) stretch K) dump L) complain M) collections N) efficiency O) strides



Lucinda is the site administrator of a very large e-commerce site.She notices that man
y of the web designers are not removing hypertext references to the pages that were deleted from the site.What can Lucinda do to minimize the impact of this oversight for her site customers?()

A.Restrict access to pages that have broken links.

B.Design a custom 404-error message page with hyperlink that sends users back to the site.

C.Set http so it never re-decides to error pages.

D.Design a multi purpose Internet mail extensions to solve the problem.



In a telephone survey of more than 2,000 adults, 21% said they believed the sun revolved a
round the earth. An 【C1】______ 7% did not know which revolved around【C2】______ I have no doubt that【C3】______ all of these people were【C4】______ in school that the earth revolves around the sun 【C5】______ may even have written it【C6】______ a test. But they never【C7】______ eir incorrect mental models of planetary 【C8】______ because their everyday observations didn' t support【C9】______ their teachers told them: People see the sun "moving" 【C10】______ the sky as morning tums to night, and the earth seems stationary 【C11】______ that is happening.

Students can learn the fight answers【C12】______ heart in class, and yet never combined them【C13】______ their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the【C14】______ personal understanding of the world can【C15】______ side by side, each unaffected by the other.

Outside of class, the student continues to use the【C16】______ model because it has always worked well【C17】______ that circumstance. Unless professors address【C18】______ errors in students' personal models of the world, students are not【C19】______ to replace them with the【C20】______ one.








In a telephone survey of more than 2, 000 adults, 21% said they believed the sun revolved(

In a telephone survey of more than 2, 000 adults, 21% said they believed the sun revolved(旋转)around the earth. An【C1】______7% did not know which revolved around【C2】______. I have no doubt that【C3】______all of these people were【C4】______in school that the earth revolves around the sun.【C5】______may even have written it【C6】______a test. But they never【C7】______their incorrect mental models of planetary(行星的)motion【C8】______their everyday observations didn't support【C9】______they know. Their teachers told them people see the sun "moving【C10】______the sky as morning turns to night, and the earth seems stationary(静止的)【C11】______that is happening. Students can learn the right answers【C12】______heart in class, and yet never combined them【C13】______their working models of the world. The objectively correct answer the professor accepts and the【C14】______personal understanding of the world can exist side by side, each【C15】______by the other.

Outside of class, the student continues to use the【C16】______model because it has always worked well【C17】______that circumstance. Unless professors address【C18】______errors in students' personal models of the world, students are not【C19】______to replace them with the【C20】______one.







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