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Mr. Smith says: quot;The media are very good ?

Mr. Smith says: quot;The media are very good at sensing a mood and then it.quot;

A) exaggerating B) overtaking C) widening D) enlarging

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Mr. Smith says The media are very good at ?//

Mr. Smith says The media are very good at sensing a mood and then ______ it.

A) overtaking B) enlarging C) widening D) exaggerating



Mr. Smith: I’d like a double room for tonight.Clerk: _________________________Mr. Smith

A.Do you have an appointment?

B.Have you made an order?

C.Do you have a reservation?

D.Have you paid beforehand?



Josh Smith says perhaps the most important thing they should learn is to ________ th

A.share in

B.live through

C.relate to

D.believe in



Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?()A. Don't ask me.B.

Welcome back, Mr. Smith! How about your business trip in Japan?()

A. Don't ask me.

B. Oh, fantastic! Mr. Mark is so satisfied with our project.

C. I don't like the Japanese food.



Mr. Smith was determined to _______ the experiment after so many years' interrup

A. carry on

B. carry out

C. carry away

D. carry forth



Policemen in New York have gone on strike. Their leader Mr. Paul Angeli says that they


Read the following invitation letter, and write a response to it based on the situatio
n given:

Dear Mr. Smith,

We are pleased to inform. you of our Medical Supplies Company’s 10th Anniversary. The ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 and a cocktail party and buffet will be held at Westin hotel at 12:00 at noon. We have pleasure in inviting you to attend.

Yours sincerely,

Hugh Simmons

Situation: You are the assistant of the general manager Mr. John Smith of Pacific Telecommunications. Mr. Smith received the invitation letter above, now you are asked to write a response of accepting the invitation for him.



Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.Story AI remember catching a

Mr. Smith is telling two funny stories of his police work.

Story A

I remember catching a "thief" in a clothes shop once. It was strange. The man was hiding a yellow sweater inside his coat. I thought he had stolen it, so I caught him. We found later that his wife gave him the sweater for his birthday, but he hated it. He just wanted to return it to the shop for money, but he didn’t want his wife to see him! We soon let him go.

Story B

Another day, a man called Bob went into a bank on Sixth Street. He wrote on the back of an envelope, "Give me the money! Or I’ll kill you. " and gave it to the bank clerk. She gave him $100,000 and the man ran away. Then we received a phone call from the bank clerk. She told us to go to the man’s house in Candy Town and get him. We caught him as soon as he got out of the elevator. He couldn’t believe that we found him so quickly. We told him that the front of the envelope he used had his name and address on it!

1.What does Mr. Smith do?()

A.A bank clerk.

B.A policeman.

C.A thief.

D.A taxi driver.

2.Mr. Smith caught the man in the clothes shop().

A.by exchange

B.by mistake

C.by accident

D.on purpose

3.Why did the man return the sweater to the shop?()

A.Because he didn' t want his wife to see it

B.Because he liked money more than the sweater.

C.Because he hated it and wanted to get the money back

D.Because he wanted to buy a new sweater.

4.Bob was caught so quickly because().

A.his address was found on the envelope he used

B.he received a phone call from the bank clerk

C.the police waited for him outside the elevator

D.he used the money to buy a lot of things

5.What do you think of Bob?()

A.He 15 brave.

B.He Is careful.

C.He Is shy.

D.He is stupid.



阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu


Mary JohnsonA、Good morning, Mr. Liu! How good to see you! Have you had a nice journey?

Liu Hua:_____

Mary:May I introduce an old friend of mine to you? Tony Smith is an architect and has a special interest in bridge design.


Liu Hua:How do you do? Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you.

Tony:Nice to see you, too. I know, you are the design leader of the Island & Tunnel Project of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. It’s my honor to meet you here.

Liu Hua: _____

Tony:It is said that the bridge is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. How long is it?

LiuHua:Sure. You know, this bridge connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. It has a total length of 49.968 km, of which 35.578 km will be built over the sea.


Mary:It sounds fantastic. I also want to see it when it’s finished.

LiuHua:No problem, you are welcome!

Mary:Now we’ll send you to the hotel and you can take a rest there. We’ll have a meeting on bridge design tomorrow morning.

Liu Hua:_____

Tony:You’re welcome.

A. How do you do? Mr. Liu.

B. That’s great! I hope someday I can witness such a miracle!

C. Thank you very much for your help.

D. Glad to see you, too, Mary. Indeed, it’s been a very nice journey.

E. Thank you very much.



For office innovators, the unrealized dream of the "paperless" office is a classic example
of high-tech hubris (傲慢). Today's office drone is drowning in more paper than ever before.

But after decades of hype, American offices may finally be losing their paper obsession. The demand for paper used to outstrip the growth of the US economy, but the past two or three years have seen a marked slowdown in sales—despite a healthy economic scene.

Analysts attribute the decline to such factors as advances in digital databases and communication systems. Escaping our craving for paper, however, will be anything but an easy affair.

"Old habits are hard to break," says Merilyn Dunn, a communications supplies director. "There are some functions that paper serves where a screen display doesn't work. Those functions are both its strength and its weakness. "

In the early to mid-90s, a booming economy and improved desktop printers helped boost paper sales by 6 to 7 percent each year. The convenience of desktop printing allowed office workers to indulge in printing anything and everything at very little effort or cost.

But now, the growth rate of paper sales in the United States is flattening by about half a percent each year. Between 2004 and 2005, Ms. Dunn says, plain white office paper will see less than a 4 percent growth rate, despite the strong overall economy. A primary reason for the change, says Dunn, is that for the first time ever, some 47 percent of the workforce entered the job market after computers had already been introduced to offices.

"We're finally seeing a reduction in the amount of paper being used per worker in the workplace," says John Maine, vice president of a pulp and paper economic consulting firm. "More information is being transmitted electronically, and more and more people are comfortable with the information residing only in electronic form. without printing multiple backups. "

In addition, Mr. Maine points to the lackluster employment market for white-collar workers—the primary driver of office paper consumption—for the shift in paper usage.

The real paradigm shift may be in the way paper is used. Since the advent of advanced and reliable office-network systems, data storage has moved away from paper archives. The secretarial art of "filing" is disappearing from job descriptions. Much of today's data may never leave its original digital format.

The changing attitudes toward paper have finally caught the attention of paper companies, says Richard Harper, a researcher at Microsoft. "All of a sudden, the paper industry has started thinking. 'We need to learn more about the behavioural aspects of paper use. '" he says. "They had never asked, they'd just assumed that 70 million sheets would be bought per year as a literal function of economic growth. "

To reduce paper use, some companies are working to combine digital and paper capabilities.

For example, Xerox Corp. is developing electronic paper: thin digital displays that respond to a stylus, like a pen on paper. Notations can be erased or saved digitally.

Another idea, intelligent paper, comes from Anoto Group. It would allow notations made with a stylus on a page printed with a special magnetic ink to simultaneously appear on a computer screen.

Even with such technological advances, the improved capabilities of digital storage continue to act against "paperlessness," argues Paul Saffo, a technology forecaster. In his prophetic and metaphorical 1989 essay, "The Electronic Pinata (彩罐)", he suggests that the increasing amounts of electronic data necessarily require more paper.

The information industry today is like a huge electronic pinata, composed of a thin paper crust surrounding an electronic core. " Mr. Saffo wrote. The growing paper crust "is most noticeab

A.It further explains high-tech hubris.

B.It confirms the effect of high-tech hubris.

C.It offers a cause for high-tech hubris.

D.It offers a contrast to high-tech hubris.


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