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You have nothing to __________怎选择

You have nothing to __________ by refusing to listen to our advice.

A) gain B) grasp C) seize D) earn

更多“You have nothing to __________怎选择”相关的问题


You have nothing to __________ by refusing to lis

ten to our advice.

A) gain B) grasp

C) seize D) earn



— Are you ready, folks?— ________________A、Yes, I'm ready. I'll have the vegetab

— Are you ready, folks?

— ________________

A、Yes, I'm ready. I'll have the vegetable salad.

B、There is nothing I like to eat.

C、No, I have no idea what to eat.



—What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery?


A.I would advise them not to have that surgery, because they are very well.

B.I would tell them that there are many risks and much cost of that surgery.

C.I have nothing to give to my friends.



"The language of a composer", Cardus wrote, "his harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and
texture, cannot be separated except by pedantic analysis from the mind and sensibility of the artist who happens to be expressing himself through them".

But that is precisely the trouble; for as far as I can see, Mozart's can. Mozart makes me begin to see ghosts, or at the very least ouija-boards. If you read Beethoven's letters, you feel that you are at the heart of a tempest, a whirlwind, a furnace; and so you should, because you are. If you read Wagner's, you feel that you have been run over by a tank, and that, too, is an appropriate response.

But if you read Mozart's—and he was a hugely prolific letter-writer—you have no clue at all to the power that drove him and the music it squeezed out of him in such profusion that death alone could stop it; they reveal nothing—nothing that explains it. Of course it is absurd(though the mistake is frequently made)to seek external causes for particular works of music; but with Mozart it is also absurd, or at any rate useless, to seek for internal ones either. Mozart was an instrument. But who was playing it?

That is what I mean by the Mozart Problem and the anxiety it causes me. In all art, in anything, there is nothing like the perfection of Mozart, nothing to compare with the range of feeling he explores, nothing to equal the contrast between the simplicity of the materials and the complexity and effect of his use of them. The piano concertos themselves exhibit these truths at their most intense; he was a greater master of this form. than of the symphony itself, and to hear every one of them, in the astounding abundance of genius they provide, played as I have so recently heard them played, is to be brought face to face with a mystery which, if we could solve it, would solve the mystery of life itself.

We can see Mozart, from infant prodigy to unmarked grave. We know what he did, what he wrote, what he felt, whom he loved, where he went, what he died of. We pile up such knowledge as a child does bricks; and then we hear the little tripping rondo tune of the last concerto—and the bricks collapse; all our knowledge is useless to explain a single bar of it. It is almost enough to make me believe in — but I have run out of space, and don't have to say it. Put K. 595 on the gramophone and say it for me.

According to Paragraph 1, Cardus observed that ______ .

A.a composer can separate his language and harmonies from his own mind and sensibility

B.a composer can separate his language and harmonies from the mind and sensibility of an artist

C.some people can separate the language and harmonies of a composer from his mind and sensibility

D.the language, harmonies, rhythms, melodies, colors and texture of a composer cannot be separated from each other



Passage 2There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas

Passage 2

There is nothing new about TV and fashion magazines giving girls unhealthy ideas about how thin they need to be in order to be considered beautiful. What is _1_ is the method psychologists at the University of Texas have come up with to keep girls from developing eating disorders. Their main weapon against superskinny (role) models: a brand of civil disobedience _2_ “body activism.” Since 2001,more than 1,000 high school and college students in the U.S. have participated in the Body Project, which works by getting girls to understand how they have been buying into the _3_ that you have to be thin to be happy or successful. After critiquing (评论)the so-called thin ideal by writing essays and role-playing with their peers, participants are _4_ to come up with and execute small,_5_acts. They include slipping notes saying “Love your body the way it is” into dieting books at stores like Borders and writing letters to Mattel, makers of the impossibly _6_ Barbie doll. According to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, the risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants. And they continued to exhibit _7_ body-image attitudes as long as three years after completing the program, which consists of four one-hour _8_. Such lasting effects may be due to girls’ realizing not only how they were being _9_ but also who was benefiting from the societal pressure to be thin.“These people who promote the perfect body really don’t care about you at all,” says Kelsey Hertel, a high school junior and Body Prqject veteran in Eugene, Oregon. “They _10_ make you feel like less of a person so you’ll buy their stuff and they’ll make money.”

A) nonviolent

B) notification

C) dubbed

D) sessions

E) purposefully

F) surprising

G) expired

H) directed

I) positive

J) casually

K) notion

L) proportioned

M) ambiguous

N) influenced

O) entities




Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not u
ntil in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. " Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home? " I said yes. "Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don't know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.

From the passage, we understand that______.

A.the author did not understand the importance of giving until he was in late thirties

B.the author was like most people who were mostly receivers rather than givers

C.the author received the same education as most people during his childhood

D.the author liked most people as they looked upon life as a process of getting



阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。 Meetings are very common nowadays. They can be weekly, monthly or annually. Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time. They seem pointless and bor


Meetings are very common nowadays. They can be weekly, monthly or annually. Some people think most meetings feel like a waste of time. They seem pointless and boring at times.

Then how do you run an effective meeting?

First, assign roles, such as greeter, timekeeper and note taker, so that you, the organizer, can be free to lead discussions and presentations.

Next, take charge from the start. Everyone will listen to you and join your discussion if you take charge in every aspect of the meeting. Show everyone that you really know what you are talking about, and everything that you talk about is useful.

Most important of all, follow the agenda. At the end of the meeting, spend a little extra time for the participants to discuss anything that needs to be immediately discussed but which may not have been on the agenda.

Always ask the participants questions to speak their minds and keep them interested. Remember that a good meeting is a two way communication. Be open to everyone's opinion, ideas, and suggestions. Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present.

And finally, close the meeting with everyone knowing what is expected of them and what they should do for the following weeks. Then, send out meeting minutes within a few days, while everyone still remembers the points.

()21. A successful meeting should have different people to play different roles.

()22. Generally people only discuss the items listed on the agenda in a successful meeting.

()23. An unsuccessful meeting might be full of single-way communication.

()24. When the meeting is closed, it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks.

()25. Minutes should be sent out to the participants within a month after the end of the meeting.



Directions: Read the following passage and the statements that follow. Choose the best

answer for each statement from the four choices marked A, B,C and D.

“It hurts me more than you”, and “This is for your own good.” These are the statements my mother used to make years ago when I had to learn Latin, clean my room, stay home and do homework.

That was before we entered the permissive period in education in which we decided it was all right not to push our children to achieve their best in school. The schools and the educators made it easy on us. They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone policy. We stopped making our children do homework. We gave them calculators, turned on the television, left the teaching to the teachers and went on vacation.

Now teachers, faced with children who have been developing at their own pace for the past 15 years, are realizing we’ve made a terrible mistake. One such teacher is Sharon·Klompus who says of her students—“so passive”—and wonders what happened. Nothing was demanded of them, she believes. Television, says Klompus, contributes to children’s passivity. “We’re not training kids to work any more,” says Klompus. “We’re talking about a generation of kids who’ve never been hurt or hungry. They have learned somebody will always do it for them. Instead of saying ‘go look it up’, you tell them the answer. It takes greater energy to say no to a kid.”

Yes, it does. It takes energy and it takes work. It’s time for parents to end their vacation and come back to work. It’s time to take the car away, to turn the TV off, to tell them it hurts you more than them but it’s for their own good. It’s time to start telling them no again.

1.Children are becoming more inactive in study because__________.

A.they watch TV too often

B.they have done too much homework

C.they have to fulfil too many duties

D.teachers are too strict with them

2.According to historic books, women in the Song Dynasty used paper cut as headdress.()



C.Doesn’t say



There is no way to learn the material for college course without spending time and effort
in studying. There is no magic formula that will result in getting that knowledge. You must spend time and effort in the process. A certain number of hours of hard work are required. But you can make better use of the time through some common-sense tips.

A Time-Budgeting Plan

Consider some practical suggestions for the arrangement of your study schedule. In other words, you need a plan to budget your time. It will pay big dividends if you will set aside a few minutes or an hour as soon as possible after classes each day. Use this time to review the materials covered in the class periods of the day. Remember that you will forget a large portion within twenty-four hours after you hear or read it for the first time. Try to find a time at the end of your regular school day-or in the middle of it, if you have vacant period. You can review what was covered in each of the day's classes before it has had time to slip out of your mind. As a result, your memory will be stepped up greatly.

A Regular Time for Study

Set aside a regular time for your study of tomorrow's lessons. If you can possibly arrange it, it is a good policy to study at the same time each day. Doing this will help avoid :the problem of needing to study and letting the time slip by so that it doesn't get done. All of us have done this. We had the best of intentions, but we did not get started until it was too late. So have a routine of studying at a certain time each day, and never schedule anything else for that time. Then you will have the best possible chance to avoid missing your study due to poor use of time.

A Place for Study

Have one particular place where you can go to study. This does not mean, of course, that you can never, under any circumstance, study anywhere else. It does mean that when you have serious study to do, you try to go to this place to do it. Pick a place that has few distractions. It must be a place where there are no conversations, no activities of friends, or no interesting noises. There must be no reminders of things more pleasant than studying to compete for your attention. A table facing a wall with nothing but your actual work materials is best. And while your chair may have a soft cushion, it should not be so comfortable that it encourages you to relax completely. Habit Can Help You Study

Get into the habit of going to a place at a certain time to study. Then you will find that it becomes easier for you to concentrate. You lose less time in warming up to your subject. Right away you will get into the proper frame. of mind at your special study place and time. When doing this becomes a habit, you have made good progress. It has become easier to make yourself go through your study routine. In other words, going to one place at a regular time for study not only helps you to get started more easily, but also replaces willpower with the habit of studying.

Which of the following statements best covers the suggestions given for study?

A.You need a regular plan, place, and time for study.

B.You must be willing to spend time and effort studying.

C.You should pick a place where you can study and won't be distracted.

D.You need to get into the habit of study.



In my long life I have seen many changes in our habits and customs and conditions in gener
al. I think that you might be interested if I told you some of them.

The world I entered at the age of eighteen when I became a medical student was a world that knew nothing of such advanced things as planes, films, radios or telephones. It was a very cheap world. Prices were stable. When I entered St. Thomas' hospital I rent a set of rooms in Vincent Square for which I paid 18 shillings a week. My landlady provided me with a very good breakfast before I went to the hospital and a dinner when I came back at half past six. I only had to pay for the breakfasts and dinners twelve shillings a week. For four-pence I lunched at St. Thomas' on bread and butter and a glass of milk. I could be able to live very well, pay my fees, buy my necessary instruments, clothe myself, and have a lot of fun on fourteen pounds a month. And I could always pawn (当掉) my microscope for three pounds.

I spent five years at St. Thomas' hospital. I was a bad student, for my heart, as you might have guessed, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted to be a writer, and in the evenings, after my dinner, I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel called "Liza of Lambeth" , which I sent to a publisher and was accepted. It came out during my last year at the hospital and it was successful. It was of course an accident, but I didn't know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I left for Spain to write another book. I did not realize, at that time, that I was taking a great risk.

The text is a talk given by the author when______.

A.he was 18

B.his first novel was published

C.he graduated from the school of medicine

D.he was at an advanced age


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